15. Sunday afternoon

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Summary: a sunday afternoon for y/n and Harry

"Baby we need to go now !" Harry's voice echoed the house as he called up to you. You were sat at your vanity putting on some lipgloss and fixing your hair. Once you were finished you grabbed your phone and ran down the stairs where Harry was sitting in the living room putting on his shoes. "There you are" he says looking over at you as he pulled his shoelace tight. You wondered into the hallway to retrieve your converse and went to sit next to Harry and put them on. Once they were both on your feet you began tying the laces. Harry bent down in front of you and tied the other one for you. You smiled as he began to tie your lace. He pats his hand on the side of you leg "right let's get going, what coat do you want baby" he says walking into the hallway. "Can I wear your black north face one pleasee" you reply look up at Harry as he smiles down at you, chuckling a little before retrieving his coat from the hook. You put it on and then you headed out the door and into the car.

Around 15 minutes later you arrived at Harry's mum, Annes, house in which she beamed as she opened the front door. ""Hello you two" she smiled hugging Harry and proceeded to hug you. "Hi Anna how are you" you say "I'm good sweetheart thank you" Gemma and Michael appeared out of the hallway door in which you all exchanged hugs and they began getting shoes and coats on before heading out the door. It was a cloudy autumn day, and the five of you were going on a Sunday afternoon walk. You walked through the village and into the woods around 15 minutes from her house, your shoes stepping on the fallen leaves, crunching with every step you took. The air was fresh, and the breeze was cool. Harry held onto your hand tightly as the five of you wondered through the woods.

An hour and a half later you all scrambled through Anne's front door and began talking off your shoes and coats and meeting the warmth of the house. Anne made her way to the fire and began placing logs into it to warm up the house. "Mmmm it's so warm in here" you say as you walk into the living room and sit yourself down on the sofa. "Get everyone warmed up" she smiled and stood up heading to the kitchen, stopping before she leaves "can I get anyone a hot drink, tea, coffee, hot chocolate?" She suggested. Gemma and Michael both asked for teas, Harry a coffee, and you a hot chocolate. Harry sat down next to you, his arm around you, caressing the top of your arm with his thumb, kissing your forehead every now and then. You cuddled into his warm embrace, trying to warm yourself up as quick as possible as the cold had gotten to you while on your walk. Anne wondered back into the living room with two cups of tea which she hands to Gemma and Michael before going back in to retrieve yours and Harry's drink. "Thanks mum" Harry says taking the hot drink out her hand. "Thank you so much Anne" you smile, holding the hot chocolate with both your hands, warming them up. You took a sip of the hot chocolate and looked over at Harry who began giggling at you. "What are you laughing at" you say with a confused look on your face. "You've got hot chocolate on the top of your lip darling" he chuckled again, using his finger to wipe it away. Anne walked back into the living room with her own drink and the biscuit tin for everyone to help themselves to. Within an hour, the sun began setting, and the fire had shrunk half its size, the house now surrounded in warmth. It was the ideal Sunday afternoon.

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