43. The secret daughter pt2

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Summary: Harry meets your daughter

"Sophie honey come on let's get your shoes on" I said to my daughter who was sitting on the living room floor with one of her dolls. "Okay mama" she replied, getting herself off the floor and toddling over to me. "Good girl come on right foot first" I say slipping her shoe on. After I slipped her other shoe on the door bell rang. "Wait there Soph". I got up off the floor and went to open the door where I was greeted with my boyfriend Harry who held a bouquet of flowers. Today was the day Harry was meeting my daughter for the first time. To be completely honest I was a nervous wreck but I tried not to show it to Harry when I saw him. We planned on going to the zoo because I knew Sophie loved it there. "Hey babe" I beamed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips. "Hi darling, you okay ?" He asked as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Yeah, are those for me ?" I asked as I looked down at the flowers. "They sure are, I know they are your favourites" he smiled as he handed them to me and I took in the fresh smell of them. "Thank you so much Harry I love them". "Mummyyy" a small voice appeared from behind me which came from Sophie who stood behind my leg and peaking round to see who was standing at the door. "Come on baby let's let him come inside" I say as he steps in and shuts the door behind him. Sophie runs back into the living room in which we follow after her and picks up her doll and walks back over to me where she holds my hand and hides behind me. I crouch down to her level. "Soph, this is Harry" I say as Harry also crouches down to her height. She looks over at Harry still acting a little shy. Harry smiles at her. "Come on Sophie say hello" I chuckle as I bring her round to stand in front of me. "Hi Sophie" Harry smiles. "Hi Harry" she mumbles as she giggles and runs back into my arms. Harry and I both laugh. "Harry's gonna come out with us today Sophie, you can show him the way round the zoo" I told her as she turns back around and looks at Harry again "h-have you never been to zoo before ?" She asks. Harry shakes his head "no I haven't but I'd love for you to show me, you can show me all your favourite animals" he says which causes a small smile to appear on her face. "Right shall we get going" I say as we stand up and I go to grab my bag from the kitchen which was packed with various snacks, toys and bits for Sophie. "Do you need me to grab anything love" Harry asks "nope this is all I need, the push chairs already in the car cause she is most likely gonna get tired later and want to sit down" I say as I grab my keys. "Soph come on, are you bringing a teddy with you ?" . She runs back to grab her pink rabbit and then runs out the front door. "Careful down the stairs baby" I say as she climbs down them and towards the car. We load up the car and I get Sophie strapped in and we are finally head off.

When we finally arrived, we unloaded the car with our bags and the push chair. "Soph do you wanna go in the push chair or do you wanna walk ?" I asked as I set it up and placed the bag onto the seat. "I wanna walk mama" she replied "you gonna hold mummy's hand as we walk through the car park" I say. "I'll take the push chair honey" Harry said as he grabbed the handles and we then made our way in. Once we got through reception we made headed into the main area and decided where to go. "Soph where do you wanna go" I say as I pointed at the map "look there's zebras and giraffes we could go to them" . "Zebraaaa" she squealed as she ran infront of us. When we made it to the enclosure she ran over to grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him towards the fence "Harry look zebras!" she said as she pointed towards one. "Look Soph look how big they are !" He said. We spend a few hours looking round all the enclosures before we found the park which was situated in the middle of the zoo. We found a spot on the grass and placed down the picnic basket and our bags. "Can I go play in park mama ?" Sophie asked as she pointed towards it. "Oh course baby, I'll come with you" I say as stand up. "I'll be back in a sec Harry" I say as he smiles at me before we wonder off to the slide. After going on the slide a few times I was dragged towards the swings in which I placed Sophie onto the seat and began to push her. "Harry look !" She squealed as she began to get higher and higher. "Wow Sophie look at you go !" He exclaimed as she giggled. We then wondered back over to Harry to eat some lunch. "Here Soph put some hand gel on cause your hands are all yucky from the park" I say as I rub it into her small hands. I unpacked her lunch and passed Harry his which I made for him. "Oh darling this all looks amazing" he said a so unpacked all the cut up fruit and the snacks onto the blanket. I smiled "I made you your favourite sandwich to". "Thank you love" he smiled and kissed my cheek before we tucked into our lunch.

After we'd eaten, we headed off to continue our way through the zoo. Sophie was fascinated by all the animals and was very eager to show Harry all her favourites. During our look at the indoor butterfly inclosure, I noticed Sophie walk next to Harry and reach up to grab his hand in which he took it into his and walked along with her. My heart melted at the two of them walking together, I was so pleased they had gotten on so well and how good Harry was with her. He crouched down to her height as they looked at a butterfly on one of the plants in which he put his arm around her and placed his hand on her shoulder to keep her close as one of the butterflies landed on Harry's other hand. "Look Soph it's a pink butterfly" he smiled as he showed it to her. "Pink my favourite colour Harry" she told him.

A little while later I noticed Sophie beginning to look tired as she sat herself down on a bench and pouted. "What's wrong Soph, you sleepy" I asked as she nodded and rubbed her eyes. "Do you wanna go in the push chair" I asked as she climbed off the bench and sat herself in the seat. I strapped her in and she very quickly closed her eyes and nodded off to sleep. "Oh bless her she's all worn out" Harry said as he looked round to see her sound asleep. We continued to walk back through the zoo so we could find our way back to the start. Harry put his arm around me and kissed the side of my head. You slightly lean into him as you walk along "you okay love ?" he said "mhm, just tired" you replied as you poked your head round to see if Sophie was okay. "She tires me out that girl" you chuckle. "You're such a good mum to her y/n, she's one lucky girl" Harry says. I look up at him and smile, kissing his lips.

After we finally make our way back to the entrance, I noticed Soph has woken up. "Mama" she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. We stopped and I went round to see her "you wanna get out baby" I say. She nods as I unbuckle the straps and she climbs out. "Harryyyy" she squeals as she runs over and makes grabby hands for him "you want me to carry you ?" He asks as he picks her up and puts her on his hip. We walked into the gift shop where Sophie immediately became fidgeting in Harry's indicating she wanted to get down. She made a bee line for the array of teddies which I knew was gonna happen as that girl loves her stuffed animals. She picked up a pink flamingo "look mama, it's pink" she exclaimed as she held it up for me. I took it front her hands "oh my goodness Soph it's pink just like your bunny you have" I say. "Please mama" she gives me those puppy eyes I just can't resist and I look over at Harry and roll my eyes chuckling. "Okay then sweetie, let's go to the check out". After paying we head back to the car and load everything in. Harry loads up the bags and push chair while I buckle Sophie in. He walks round and stands behind me. I turn my head slightly as I hear his footsteps "do you wanna stay round tonight honey ?" I ask him as I close the car door "you sure, if you need to sort Sophie out and get her ready for bed I don't mind" he tells me as his hand meets my waist. "No it's honestly okay, I want you to stay" I smirk as I kiss his lips. "Cant say no to that pretty face can I" he whispers as he kisses me back.

After a long car journey home we finally made it. We pulled into the drive way and parked up before Harry and I both got out the car. I went round to get Sophie out the car while Harry unpacked the bags "is Harry staying" Sophie asked as I unbuckled her seatbelt "he is baby, he's staying over tonight" I replied as I lifted her out the car "yayyyy" she cheered as she ran round to the stairs which led up to the front door "careful up those stairs Soph !" I exclaim as she climbs up them. "honestly she's a nightmare with these stairs she's tripped up them twice" I say as I open the front door and she runs inside.

After we ate dinner and I got Sophie bathed and in her pjs, I wondered downstairs with her in my arms to see Harry before she went to bed. "Soph wanted to say goodnight before we went to bed" I smiled at Harry who's sat on the sofa. "Night night Harry" Sophie yawned "night night Sophie, sleep well" he replied. "I'm gonna shower quick by the way after I've put her to bed" I say to Harry in which he nods in response as I wonder upstairs. Once she's asleep I get myself showered and begin getting ready for bed. As I finished, Harry walked into my room and held his arms out for me to cuddle into. My arms wrapped around his neck while his arms were around my waist. I kissed his lips and smiled "I really enjoyed today" he said "me to, Sophie likes you a lot" I replied. "She's a sweet kid, you've raised her well darling" he smiled. "You so sweet Harry stop it" I giggled as I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. "Shall we get in bed" he whispered in which in nodded and Harry began to undress himself for bed. We brushed our teeth and then both climbed into my bed. I felt Harry's arms snake around my waist and pull me into his embrace. "Sleep well angel" he whispers as he kissed my shoulder. "You to honey".

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