19. Invested

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Summary: Harry's gets invested in your tv programme.

Imagine you sat at home on the sofa watching one of your shows. It's around 8 o'clock, and your sat under a blanket in your pjs with a bowl of popcorn. You hear the key in the front door which eventually opens and then closes again. "Honey I'm home !" Harry calls out to you in which you reply "hii" with a mouthful of popcorn. Harry appears into the living room, a grin planted on his face as he walks over and leans over you, placing a soft kiss on your lips. "How was work" you say looking at up him as he towers over you. "Yeah it was good, you alright though baby" he says tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm alright" you smile before he kisses you again and stands up straight and looks over at the tv. "What on earth is this rubbish" he chuckles " it's married at first sight, it's so good there's loads of drama in it" you stuff another piece of popcorn on your mouth. He wonders into the kitchen and returns with a glass of water, and sits down next to you, his arm wrapping around you as you cuddle into him, your eyes not leaving the tv. "What's this about then" he asks, taking a piece of popcorn from your bowl. "Basically these people are partnered up by relationship professionals and they get married, but they meet eachother for the first time at the alter, meaning they were married at first sight, and then they live together and it's like the whole journey of their relationship, and there's loads of drama and like they have these big meals with all the couples and loads of shit goes down it's great" you look at up Harry who's got a very unimpressed expression on his face. "Sounds like a shit programme to be honest baby" he chuckles. "So what's going on now then" he says "so that guy there, he's keeps sayings shit to his wife and she keeps forgiving him and the girls are trying to help her out cause what he's saying is horrible" Harry chuckles "Woww sounds great" he says sarcastically, getting his phone out to look at.

Well Harry's opinion soon changed. It was near to the end of the episode, Harry's phone now off and his eyes glued to the tv along with yours, "he did not just say that to her" his voice in shock at the comment made. As the episode ended Harry put his hand to his forehead "for fuck sake" you looked over at him "what's wrong ?" You say confused "now I need to know what happens next" you giggle "and you said it was a load of rubbish" Harry laughs and nudges you playfully in which you do the same.

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