16. Shes not a morning person

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Summary: your not a morning person but Harry is

Harry's POV:
It's safe to say that my girlfriend isn't a morning person. She's more a night owl than an early bird. She tends to stay up till around 1-2am and then wake up around midday. So when she has to get up early, she isn't a happy girl at all. This particular morning Y/N had a dentist appointment in which they could only fit her in for 10am, meaning she had to wake up a lot earlier than usual. It was 8:43am and I had already been up for over an hour. Y/N was still sound asleep, the duvet up to her waist, and the hood of my hoodie she was wearing over her hair. Both her arms were by her face, meaning you could hardly see her beautiful facial features. Y/N didn't wake up to alarms either, she would snooze as many times as possible or stop the alarm and immediately fall back to sleep so it was my duty to wake her up. I sat on the edge of the bed, my hand meeting the back of her head, stroking it "baby come on you need to wake up now". Nothing. I leaned it closer "come on baby" my hand rubbing up and down her arm. She begin moving around and I see her eyes flutter open which she begins rubbing. "There she is, come on you've got less than an hour to get ready" she stretches and turns back over "don't wanna go" she groaned, pulling the duvet back over herself. "No Y/N you have to go" I say. "Leave me alone Harry I'm tired" she replies. I move to the other side of the bed so I can see her face. I sit next to her and stroke the side of her cheek. She moans softly at my touch against her warm cheeks "you cant miss the appointment baby" I whisper moving closer to her face and kissing her forehead. Her eyes open again and look into mine. "I'm tired thoughhh" she whines "I just wanna stay in bed" she closes her eyes again. "Baby you can't be late okay, do you want me to drag you out of bed myself" I joke, chuckling. She opens her eyes and sends me a death stare. "Fineee" she whines lying on her back and rubbing her eyes before placing her hands on her chest. She sighs and looks over at me "I'm never booking a dentist appointment this early again" she groaned sitting herself up moving her legs up so they are in her chest, still covered with the duvet. "Come on, getting up early means you have more of the day to enjoy". She stares at me with a very moody expression "you are being way to happy at this time of morning" she says "I've been up for an hour baby, I've even gone for a quick run I feel refreshed" she roles her eyes "well good for you" I get up from the bed and head downstairs to grab her a drink and a slice of toast. I return 5 minutes later to find she hasn't moved a muscle, her head resting against her knees with her arms wrapped around them, her eyes drooping indicating her exhaustion. "Here baby" her head slowly lifts up and she takes the toast of the plate "thank you" she mumbled with a mouthful of toast. I laugh "your welcome darling" I place her drink down on the nightstand sit next to her as her head falls onto my shoulder. "Baby if you're still tired you can take a nap this afternoon" I place my hand under the duvet, caressing her thigh. She scoffs "you bet I am". She rubs her eyes again as she finishes her toast and finally gets out of bed.

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