31:the airport nightmare

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Summary: you and Harry are travelling home but a lot of things end up going wrong

Harry's POV:
It was the morning y/n and I were travelling back from America to London after being here for just over a week. It had been a lovely week off for the two of us and gave us a chance to have a proper break and spend some quality time together as work had been keeping us from spending such time together due to us both being so busy.

Very fortunately our flight today was at 1pm so we were able to lie in a little bit. I decided to wake up and go for a run before we headed to the airport as the weather was lovely and I anticipated what weather we would be going home to. When I got in from my run, I expected to find my girlfriend curled up in bed. But the bed was deserted and the bathroom door was shut. I knocked gently on the door "baby you okay in there" I asked concerned at the fact I didn't hear a single noise. "Harry ?" She replied with a confused tone, but her voice sounded different. Almost deeper. The bathroom door opened and y/n stood there in her oversized top and her underwear, with a few tears falling down her pale cheeks. "hey hey what's the matter" I asked concerned. She walked straight into my arms and sniffed into my top. "I was sick in the toilet" she mumbled as she loosed her grip from me and coughed. The cough sounded croaky, and when she sniffed it sounded awfully stuffy. "Oh honey" I softly spoke as my hands met her tear wet cheeks which felt slightly warm. "You got a tummy ache ?" I asked. She nodded her head and walked back into my embrace as I held her tightly. It was so strange to me how just over around 7 or 8 hours her body would cause her to be so sick.

I helped y/n get ready, as well as helped her with the rest of her stuff as most of it was spread across the hotel room. Y/n lay on our bed while I finished up as her body seemed to have just given up on her. She hadn't thrown up again thankfully so it made the morning a bit easy otherwise she would have been stuck infront of the toilet. We carried our luggage downstairs and we loaded it into the car which was waiting for us. We both climbed into the back, and y/n let her body fall into mine as I cuddled her for the whole journey there.

We finally arrived at the airport and got the car unloaded before heading to security to get our bags sorted out. After we finished up there and got rid of our suitcases I began to feel quite hungry so I suggested we find somewhere to eat before our flight. "What are we feeling for lunch ?" I ask, as I scan the various food stops. "I'm not really hungry" y/n mumbled as she held tightly into my arm. "Why don't you have something plain baby, might make you feel a bit better". I understand that feeling sick can make you loose your appetite but maybe eating would help her feel a little better. We settled for Starbucks in the end and I ended up with a sandwich and some crisps while y/n had a plain croissant. She sat very quietly taking small bites or her food, while her hand lay on the table which I took into my own with my thumb softly caressing it.

After we finished eating I threw out rubbish away and we headed out of Starbucks. "How about we try and get you some medicine before our flight, get you feeling a bit better" I suggested as we made our way to the small supermarket shop they had to see what medicine was in stock. We reached the aisle and it ended up being almost empty. Not a single cough or nausea medicine or soother in sight. "Christ where'd all the medicine go !" I exclaimed as I scanned the shelf. "Looks like it's gonna have to be ibuprofen or nothing baby". We paid for the medication and then began making our way to the gate for our flight. But this is where another problem arose. I looked up at the big board to find our flight and it stated the flight had been delayed by 2 hours. My eyes widened in shock and I looked down at y/n who was copying my facial expression. "You've gotta be joking" I exclaimed as I noticed crowd of people by one of the desks, seemed to be all people complaining at the delay. "Let's go sit down somewhere" I suggested as walked over to the seating area. However, the seating area which was FULL. My anger was building at this point, we ended up sitting on the floor by our gate against a wall. "Here baby take this, will hopefully make you feel a bit better" I said as I handed her the box of ibuprofen and a bottle of water so she could take them.

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