11. Shaving

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Summary: you help Harry shave

"Baby what are you doing" you say confused as you walked into the bathroom to find Harry stood with only a towel around his waist, getting his razer and shaving cream out the cupboard.

"I'm shaving this off, I've had it for ages"

"But I love your stubbly beard and moustache" you pout walking to stand next to him, your hands meeting his lower cheeks where the stubbly beard lay.

"It will grow back in a few weeks baby" he laughs "do you wanna shave it for me ?"

Your eyes light up and you nod. He lifts you up onto the counter, you giggle as he stands between your legs. He smiles and hands you the shaving cream which you apply a dollop onto your fingers and start rubbing it into his face. You both giggle as you begin to rub it in all over his cheeks, his chin and above his lip.

"Alright now gently darling, I don't want any razer cuts on my face today" he hands you the razer in which you begin to shave the bottom of his cheeks just above his jaw, watching the stubble vanish. Harry's hands, which are lying on your thighs, begin to travel up to where the bottom of your pyjama shorts rest and he begins to rub your inner thighs with the pad of his thumb. A smile creeps on your face and you begin to blush.

"Baby stopp, otherwise I will cut you by accident" you giggle, beginning to work on his chin. Once you finish his chin you rinse the razer off in the sink. Before you continue Harry kisses you suddenly, causing shaving cream to be smeared into your nose and upper lip. He chuckles as he watches your mouth open in shock.

"You did not just do that" you wipe the cream off your upper lip and smear it onto Harry's nose. He laugh and begins to kiss you again.

"Stoppppp" your laughing and trying to squirm away from his lips. "Harry do you want me to do this or not"

"Alright alright I'm done now" he smiles again, his big dimples appearing on his face as you finish. You wash the razer in the sink and look back at him.

"There done" you smile as he washes his face off with hot water. He grabs a towel to dry his face and looks at himself in the mirror. His hands gently brushing across his rosy cheeks to see how well you've done.

"Good job baby, not a single cut and you didn't leave any marks" he stands in between your legs again letting his hands meet your thighs.

You grin at him and run your fingers through his wet hair, moving the few pieces stuck to his forehead out the way. "I should do this every time"

"Hey you've got a little something" he laughs and wipes his finger over your nose, retrieving the rest of the shaving cream he smothered onto you. Your hands meet his cheeks which are now perfectly smooth.

"Feels like ages since I've seen you with no beard" you kiss his lips as one of his hands reaches to hold your jaw as his thumb strokes your cheek.

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