25. I don't deserve you

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Summary:you've had a long day at work but Harry knows how to make you feel better

I was beat. I climbed into my car and sat down in the driver seat, closing the door behind me and letting a sigh of relief leave my mouth. It was a Friday night and I'd worked every day this week. I worked in a doctor surgery and I worked 7-6, Monday to Friday. This week had been particularly busy due to lack of staff and we had many emergencies, creating more stress within the workplace. I was so ready to get home for the weekend. I pulled my phone out my bag and texted Harry.

18:23: hey hun, just leaving work x

18:24: okay gorgeous, how was work today ? x

18:24:super busy again, had 3 emergencies come in and we were two staff members short x

18:26: oh baby, well your home for the weekend now, I'll see you in a bit, driver safe ! xx

18:26: I will, see you in a bit xx

I placed my phone back into my bag and started the car. As I drove home, the exhaustion became worse, I'd not slept great this week either due to my mind whirling with thoughts about work.

I finally got home and got out the car, locking it behind me, and making my way to the front door. As I opened the door I was hit with a strong smell of food. I kicked my shoes off and hung my coat up before wondering into the kitchen. "Hey baby !" Harry says. He turned around and his face softened and looked a little concerned at the exhausted expression which was spread across my face. "Oh honey, you look exhausted" he walks over and pulls me into his embrace. His arms wrap around me and he rests his face on my head, kissing it a few times. I snuggled myself into him, a strong smell of his cologne lingering on his shirt. Harry's hugs were like a big bear hug, they were warm and cosy and always made me feels relaxed. "I'm so tired" I murmur into his chest as he kisses my forehead. "I know baby girl, you're home now and you can sleep all weekend if you really want to". I look up at him and smile a little. His hands come round and move the pieces of hair out my face before placing his hands on my cheeks and placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I cooked your favourite for dinner" he grins as he walks back over to the stove where two saucepans are sizzling away. "My favourite pasta!" I beamed as Harry smiles at me. "Go get out your work clothes honey and it should be ready when you come down".

I drag my feet up the stairs and walk into our room. I strip myself of my clammy scrubs and throw them in the wash basket. I wondered over to our wardrobe before retrieving a pair of joggers, one of Harry's hoodies, and I pulled a pair of fluffy socks out my sock drawer. I then walked into the bathroom, used the toilet, washed my hands, and grabbed my hairbrush so I could take out my ponytail which caused me to have a headache with how tight I'd dont it his morning. I brushed through the knots and threw it up in a messy bun. I wondered back down stairs to see Harry had set the dining table up for us. Our meals placed on the place mats, accompanied by a class of wine and he'd lit my favourite candle in the middle. "Oh baby you didn't have to do this" I say walking up to him and kissing his lips before sitting down in my seat. "You've had a long week, and I know it's just pasta but it's your favourite and I made the sauce homemade just how you you like it" he grinned before we both tucked into our dinner.

After dinner harry cleared up as he refused to let me help in any way. I sat on the bar stool as I watched him clean the worktops. Once he finished he wondered over to me, as I turned around on the stool so I was facing him. He stood in between my legs and placed his hands on my arms and began caressing them. "How does a nice bath sound hmm?". My eyes widened slightly in excitement as we hadn't had a bath together in what felt like forever. "Oh my god can we really". Suddenly I was swooped off of the chair by Harry and he began carrying me up the stairs. As we got up the stairs he pretended to drop me by loosening his grip and making me fall down slightly "shit Harry don't do that !" I exclaimed as he laughed. We reached the bathroom and he put me down and began running the bath. What bath bomb do you wanna use he asks grabbing the box we have under the sink. "Hmmm the pink one with the rose petals" he picked it up and dropped it in and it began to fizz and pink petals began swirling around the bath. Harry and I began getting undressed, throwing our clothes on the floor in a pile. Once the bath was filled Harry turned it off and stepped in, holding his hand out for me to follow. We both sat down and sunk into the dusky pink water as I lay my back against Harry's chest and his hands begin rubbing my stomach under the water. "Thank you baby" I mutter as Harry kisses the side of my head. "Of course darling, just wanna make you feel better after a long week at work".

Around 5 minutes later, I turn myself over so me and Harry are chest to chest. "Feeling any better baby?" He asks as I stare into his emerald green eyes. "Mmm yeah, I could fall asleep" I hum as I lay my head onto Harry's chest. My ear is pressed up against him and I can hear the beating of his heart. "We can snuggle up in bed after this so you can have a good night sleep" he says, as one of his hands continue to lay on my lower back and his fingers of his other hand begin gently tracing up and down my spine. "I don't deserve you" I mutter as Harry smiles and kisses the top of my head once again.

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