47. Filling in (REQUEST)

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REQUESTED by - _delusional_AF who suggested I do a part where Sarah (Harry's drummer) is sick and y/n steps in for her. Tysm for this suggestion 💗

Mentions of throwing up ⚠️

Harry and I always arrive at the venue a little after the band so when we arrived we expected to find them all prepping for the show backstage. But something was wrong as we entered. We heard the sound of muffled coughs and a bit of commotion from outside one of the toilets. Harry and I walked over hand in hand, expressing confusion upon our faces at the crew and band all stood outside the bathroom door muttering to each other. "Hey what's going on, is everything okay ?" Harry asked. "Sarah isn't feeling great, she showed up sounding awful" Pauli replied. "Shit is she okay?". Suddenly we heard the sound of her throwing up from inside the toilet and Mitch's voice trying to comfort her.

After 10 minutes the door opened and a very pale looking Sarah appeared. "Sarah honey are you okay ?" you asked her as she walked out the door. "I feel awful" she mumbled as she cling onto Mitch's arm. "Come sit down love" Mitch said to her as we all made our way to the dressing room where Sarah sat herself down on the sofa. She took small sips of water. "Look Sarah I hate to bring this up and I know your health is the priority right now but are you gonna be okay performing cause I don't think it's best for you going on stage when your feeling like this" Harry said as we all sat around the coffee table. "Sarah you really shouldn't perform, you need to rest" Mitch suggested as his arm wrapped around her. "I don't wanna let everyone down" she mumbled . "Sarah you are not letting anyone down okay, your health is the number one priority not the show okay" Harry assured her knowing that she probably wouldn't be able to sing and may even risk throwing up on stage if she were to go up. "Are we gonna have to postpone the show" Sarah asked. "Probably because no one else here knows the drums ". There was a little chattering before you shocked everyone by saying "I can do it". The room went silent and everyone turned their heads over to you. "I can fill in for Sarah" you repeated as everyone, especially Harry, looking at you as if you were completely mad. "Why are you all looking at me like that" you chuckled. "You know how to play the drums and sing ?". "I used to play drums, stopped maybe a 2 years ago because of my job and when Harry and I properly moved in together. I have a set at my parents house which I played all the time, with a little practice I reckon I can do it". Everyone still looked shocked, Harry was in disbelief at the fact you had never told him this even though you had been together for 4 years and married for 1. "Look guys I know this is new information to you all but we still have time for soundcheck so if you wanna do this, we gotta start it now". Everyone looked at eachother and nodded in agreement. "Let's see what you've got then sweetheart"

Within 10 minutes you were up on the drums and the music began to play. You'd seen this show many times and watched Sarah closely at her drum work. It took you a little while to figure out what you were doing but quickly picked up the swing of it and was managing almost every song. Once you finished soundcheck Harry walked over and wrapped his arms around you smiling. "I cannot believe you never told me this you're so good darling". You gave him a quick peck on the lips "thanks, guess it's just a little secret talent I never told ya. Now come on we need to get ready".

You all began getting ready for the show. Fortunately, you and Sarah wore the same size clothes so we're able to wear her outfit and began getting hair and makeup done. Soon you were ready to go onto stage. You stood picking at your fingers a little nervous as it hit you that you were gonna be performing infront of thousands of people. You were looking at the ground when you saw Harry's feet appear infront of you and his hands cup yours, kissing them. "You're gonna do amazing darling" he whispers as he kissed you. "Thanks baby" you whispered. Suddenly the music began and you walked onto stage. The atmosphere was incredible from on the stage. You sat at the drums and prepped yourself as daydreaming began. You began playing as Harry ran out onto stage.

After daydreaming ended, Harry began his beginning speech to the fans. "Now as I'm sure many of you have clocked, Sarah isn't the one sat the the drums tonight. She's unfortunately sick so my beautiful wife has stepped in for her. For the record I didn't know she could do this so I'm as shocked as you all are, so if she's a little rusty, try not to notice" he laughed as he looked over at you. You laughed back at him. "Right let's get this going shall we" Harry said as the golden intro began and soon the show was in full swing. You shocked yourself at how much you knew already and that your drumming skills were still with you.

The show went amazing and you pretty much hit every beat. As you left the stage you turned around as Harry lifted you off the ground and swung you around as you both giggled. "My god you were incredible baby" he exclaimed as he began planting many kisses upon your face before placing you back on the ground. " I'm in shock you were so good I'm just-" he cut his sentence short and kissed your lips. The band came over to congratulate you on your performance. "Y/n you were amazing thank you so much for filling in for me, you saved the show" Sarah suddenly appeared. "Thank you Sarah, although it wasn't the same without you".

After packing up, everyone left the venue and got into the cars waiting for them. You and Harry slumped into the backseat of the car. Your body laid against Harry's as his arm wrapped around you. You drifted off the sleep in Harry's arms on the journey back due to you being so exhausted from the evening. Harry gently kissed the top of your head as he whispered "So proud of you my sweet girl"

I hope you enjoyed this requested piece and it is what you were hoping for _delusional_AF 🤍

Always feel free to leave suggestions for me to write for you xx

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