38. Ultrasound

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Summary: you and Harry go and see your baby for the first time

It had been around a week since I found out I was pregnant. Harry and I were so overwhelmed with exitement when we saw that positive on the pregnant test in our bathroom. We'd always wanted to start a family, I could just picture a little Harry running around the house. It's a weird feeling knowing I have an actual human growing inside my stomach. And it's been a little bit of an up and down week as I was suddenly realising that my body was going to change a lot and at the end I'd have to push a baby out of me and then look after it. For the moments I was doubting whether or not this was a good idea, Harry always picked me up and fed me with the positives and how we were going to start the family we had always wanted. I was so fortunate to have him, and I know he is going to be the best dad ever.

We were currently on our way to the doctors for the first ultrasound. Harry's hand rested on my thigh the whole car ride there until we came to a stop and he walked around the car to open the door for me. He held his hand which I took into mine and we headed into the building. After checking in we nervously sat ourselves down in the waiting room. A few minutes later a nurse called us in and we followed her into a room. We both sat down infront of her, in which Harry held my hand tightly. "So y/n, this is the first baby correct ?" The nurse asked "yeah, first one" I smiled as I looked over and Harry who was already smiling back at me. "Aw Congratulations. And how have you been feeling the last few weeks ?" . "Um a lot more tired, I don't really have as much energy as I usually do. And I've had some morning sickness as well" I explained as she began taking notes on her computer. "Right, shall we get you up on the bed and we can have a look at baby and how it's doing" she smiled as I nodded, standing up and lying myself down on the bed. Harry's got up and stood next to me, holding my hand tightly and rubbing small circles with his thumb. The nurse lifted my shirt up "this is going to be a little cold alright lovely" she said as the probe began rubbing over my stomach as I flinched slightly at the cold gel. "Right so you see that small white dot just there in middle of your womb ?" She asks "yeah I see it" I say "that is your baby" she smiles as I look up at Harry who has a tear in his eye. "It looks like it's coming along lovely. I say you're around 6 or 7 weeks" she smiles as she looks back over at the screen. "T-that's our baby" harry whispers, squeezing my hand slightly. "I'll get the sonogram printed off for you" the nurse says. A few minutes later she hands us the sonogram in which Harry and I both lean ur heads in to look at our little baby. "It's so tiny" I say as I look over at Harry. He smiles and places a soft kiss on my lips. "I can't believe that's our little baby" he whispers.

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