3. Baby im worried, answer your phone

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Summery: you have a bad week at work and it results in you going back to your old drinking habits

WARNING ⚠️ : mentions of drinking, emetaphobia (throwing up), anxiety and depression

Today had been a very shitty day. You worked in a
hotel as an assistant manager and you absolutely hated it. Your manager was an extremely stuck up, snobby woman who would overwork the staff. And as the assistant manager, you practically ran the hotel yourself while your manager would sit with her feet up in her office.

The last two weeks you had been overworked massively. Your manager was asking you to start work early and you finished later than you are contracted to do, your weren't having breaks, and she was making you do work for which she was meant to do. You got screamed at multiple times by guests and when they asked to see the manager, your manager would immediately dismiss you because she didn't want to have to deal with them. When it reached Friday you were on the edge of loosing it. You got screamed at by a guest who was demanding a refund in which you couldn't give to them. After being yelled at for half an hour and finally having this man and his wife removed from the premises. You walked back into the office where your manager sat getting ready to go home.

"Right Lisa, I got the couple sorted out front, and Mia just arrived for the evening shift"

"Ok Y/N, well I'm leaving now, did you finish that paperwork I asked you to do ?"

"Sorry I didn't know I had to do any paperwork"

"Yes Y/N, all this paperwork on my desk needs to be filed by today and all of this needs to be finished and sent off to the head of the company"

"I'm so sorry Lisa, I have wasn't aware I had to do that"

"For goodness saw Y/N !!!, I asked you this morning, it should have been done. I'm very disappointed in you, your not leaving until it is all finished"

"Please Lisa, I've gone home later everyday this week and started early today and yesterday"

"Absolutely not Y/N, you need to start being careful because you are very easy to be replaced, there are many other individuals who want this job so I should think wisely about your actions" she yelled and left the office slamming the door behind her.

You were so angry, there was so much paperwork to file and send it would take you hours. You sat back down in the chair and put your hands to your face, closing your eyes trying to hold back your tears. You looked at your phone to see it was 5:30pm and your shift was meant to finish half an hour ago. You began working through all the paperwork, feeling your anger build up more considering this is actually meant to be her job not yours.

When you finally finished it was almost 7:30pm. You walked out the doors and approached your car in which you threw your bag into the front seat and sat down letting a huge sigh leave you mouth. Before you could ever start your car your phone rang and it was your mum. You answered the phone which resulted in an extremely long argument. You didn't get on well with your parents which is why anytime they tried to reach out it always ended in an argument. Once you finally hung up on her, your eyes filled with tears, you phoned Harry, exited to get home and see him.

"Hi baby girl, are you ok ?"

"Yeah I've just left work so can you put dinner on ?"

"Oh baby I'm so sorry I'm still at the studio and I will be for a few more hours, I'll be home at maybe 10, there's some pasta sauce in the cupboard for you if you want that"

"Oh ok, that's fine, text me when your on your at home"

"i will baby, I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you, see you later, love you bye"

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