24. Hugs from behind

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Summary: you and Harry love your hugs

One thing you always loved about Harry is that he loved hugs. His hugs were warm and always brought you great comfort.

Harry was stood in the kitchen stirring some pasta for dinner. His back faced you as you walked into the kitchen. You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his stomach, resting your face on his back. "You alright baby" he asks, turning his head slightly to see his girlfriend clinging onto him. "Mmm yeah just needed a hug" you reply as Harry turns his body around and his arms wrap around you as you wrap around his neck. "Im always up for a hug" he says nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, whilst yours lays on his shoulder. He places a few soft kisses on your neck. "That better baby" he whispers into your ear. "Mmm yeah" you lift your head and kiss his lips. "I love you" he whispers, smiling at you. "I love you more baby"

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