51. Sunset

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Imagine it was a Friday evening in the summer and you and Harry had eaten dinner and were currently in the car on the way to the beach. The car stopped and you both climbed out before also letting your golden retriever Oakley out the back who was eager to explore the sandy beach. You held onto Harry's hand as you made your way from the car park and down to the beach. Oakley ran ahead of you both, the exitement overtaking him as he sprinted down making you and Harry laugh. The beach was quiet, only having a few people around with their families or on a dog walk. You pulled a tennis ball out your hoodie pocket which you had brought with you "Oakley boy look what I've got !" You yelled at him as he was far ahead of you. With only a slight glimpse of the ball he ran back to you both. "You ready...go get it !" You yelled as you threw the ball. You continued to play around with Oakley while Harry found a spot to sit and watch you both. He couldn't help but smile at you as you couldn't stop giggling as you played with your dog. After a little while you wondered back over to Harry and slumped down next to him. Oakley had calmed down a little and followed you, lying himself down next to Harry with a stick in his mouth which he had found and was now happily chewing on. "You alright darling ?" Harry chuckled as your unsteady breathing indicated how out of breath you were from running around. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay" you replied as Harry's arm wrapped around you and pulled you into him. "Harry look the suns beginning to set" you pointed, as the sky began to appear with the beautiful orange and purple colours. You both sat and watched it, with the sound of the waves and the ocean breeze filling your ears. The sunset displayed the most beautiful array of colours. You pulled your phone out and took a picture which was something you always did when you saw a pretty sunset. As you put your phone away, Harry kissed the side of your head in which you turned to face him and then placed a soft kiss on his lips before he rubbed your arm and you looked back at the view. After the sun had almost disappeared, you decided to head back to the car "come on Oakley, come on" Harry called as he followed the two of you back over to your car. After you had all gotten in you headed home.

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