32. Dancing in the rain

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Summary: you and Harry dance together in the rain

The sound of the rain splashed against the back door. You pushed the curtains back in the living room to take a peek at downpour. Harry sat on the couch, scrolling through channels to try and find something to watch. "You know what I've always wanted to do" you spoke as you pushed the left curtain back fully. "What's that love ?" Harry asked looking over at you as you turn your head round to meet his eyes. "Dance in the rain, you see it in movies and stuff and it just looks so fun" you say as you turn your head back to gaze out the window. "You wanna do it ?" He asks as your head swings round and a smile grows upon your face. "Can we actually" you beam as you walk back over to Harry. "Get your shoes on then" he smiles as he gets up to retrieve his trainers as well as pass you your own. You open the front door and step out into the rain and grab Harry's hand, pulling him out the door and down the front door step. You both run into the road and let the rain trickle down your face and body. Harry suddenly picks you up off the ground and swings you round in circles "babe stoppp I'm gonna feel sick !" You scream as you both laugh and he puts you back down, moves the wet hair out your face and plants many kisses upon your cheek. You wrap your arms around his neck as he moves your body with his. You giggle and kiss his lips over and over. You press your forehead against his "I love you so much" you say "I love you more darling" he smiles as you kiss again and continue to dance around in the rain together.

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