50. Comfort movie

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Harry noticed I'd been pretty off this evening due to the exhausting day I'd had. I wasn't feeling great due to my period being due as I already was experiencing cramps and felt like crying every 5 minutes. I'd stayed pretty quiet from when I stumbled through the door from work and even though I tried not to act like something was wrong, Harry knew something was off. He knows me too well to even notice the slightest things and instantly know whether I'm feeling anxious or upset. That's one of the reasons I love him is because he notices these small details and knows exactly what to do.

After dinner, I excused myself upstairs while Harry cleared up. I walked into our room and laid on top of our bed and began scrolling through my phone. I felt as if I needed a bit of down time. Around 15 minutes later I heard Harry coming up the stairs, he walked into the room and his expression softened as he saw me on the bed. I look over at him as he opened his arms in which I got up and walked straight into them. His arms wrapped around me as he held me tightly. "What's the matter baby" he whispered as he loosened his grip slightly so he could look at me. "It's been a busy day, I'm tired and I don't feel well" I mumbled to him. "what's hurting angel?" He asked. "My periods due in a few days and my stomach hurts" I felt a few tears well in my eyes and begin to fall down my face. "Oh baby" he cooed as his wiped the few tears that had spilled from my eyes and pulled me into a tight hug again. "How about you have a nice hot shower, might make you feel a little better" he suggested as I looked up at him, my eyes lighting up slightly at the idea. "can you come in with me" I asked "of course darling" he smiled as I went to pick out my pyjamas before we made our way into the bathroom.

We began undressing until all our clothes were scattered on the floor. Harry went and turned the shower on as we waited for it to warm up before stepping in. I let the warm water trickle down my body. Harry followed in after me and stood under the shower. We began washing our hair, well I didn't due to the fact I'd washed it this morning, and then our bodies in which we helped each other as we usually do. After Harry stood behind me and began gently massaging my shoulders. Soft moans left my mouth as he pressed circles around my tense shoulder. "Mmm that feels nice" I muttered as he continued. After a few minutes he wrapped his arms around my neck as I held onto them. He kissed my cheek and buried his head into my neck "I love you so much" he mumbled which made me smile a little. "I love you to" I whispered.

After we finished we both got out the shower and began getting dried off. After drying his hair and body Harry wrapped his towel around his waist. I then retrieved my pajamas from the counter and began getting dressed after I was fully dried. I slipped on my underwear and a pair of joggers as well as a hoodie. I then grabbed a pair of fluffy socks for my feet as I was feeling rather cold. While I was doing this Harry had slipped on a pair of his underwear and gotten the bed ready for us to get into. He'd thrown the many cushions off and gotten my favourite blanket out to snuggle up with under the covers. He walked back into the bathroom and brushed his teeth as I did the same. Once he finished he walked back out the bathroom while I did a little bit of skincare. I walked out the bathroom and turned the light off. I walked straight over to Harry who was putting clothes away and wrapped my arms around him. He look down at me and let his arms wrap around my lower back as I nuzzled my face into his neck. "How you feeling now darling, did the shower help ?" He asked "mmm a little my stomach still hurts though" I mumbled into his neck. "I've got the bed all ready for us and how about we watch a movie, you can pick" he says as I move my face to look at him and nod. I gave him a quick kiss before Harry went to turn the light off and we both climbed into bed. He handed me the remote in which I knew exactly what movie I wanted to watch. I went onto Disney and picked out tangled which was a comfort movie of mine. "I knew you were gonna pick that" Harry chuckled as I pressed play and we both got cuddled up under the duvet and blanket. I lay against Harry chest as he held me, one of his hands had slipped under my joggers and was gently rubbing my lower stomach to try and relieve the pre period cramps. Harry would gently press kisses on the top of my head every now and then and didn't stop rubbing my stomach throughout the entire movie. I'd cuddle into him more as the movie went on and found myself feel on the edge of falling asleep when it ended. Harry turned the tv off and look down at me as my eyes were struggling to keep open. "Come on angel let's get to sleep you're dozing off as it is" Harry whispers as he re-adjusted our pillows and we both cuddled up together. We faced each other as Harry wrapped his arms around me and our legs intertwined as we cuddled more and more into each other. Harry pressed a soft kiss on my forehead in which I'd pretty much fallen asleep already due to my exhaustion and the comfort of being held in my boyfriend's arms. Harry's cheek rested against the side of my head as he closed his eyes. "Sleep well darling I love you" Harry whispered as he slowly began drifting off himself and soon we were both sound asleep.

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