40. Rome

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You and Harry were currently in the city of Rome. You'd spend the first few days of your trip site seeing and were having  the best time. It was your 3rd day there are you were currently cuddled up in bed together. The sun streamed through the curtains of your hotel which lit up the whole room. Your eyes fluttered open you looked over to Harry's side of the bed to see it was empty. You furrowed your eyebrows but heard the bathroom door open and Harry appearing, a smile growing on his face as he sees you've finally woken up. "Morning beautiful" he smiles as he climbs onto the bed so he is directly above you, holding himself up with his hand was he kisses your lips. "Mmm morning" you mumbled as you feel the softness of his lips meet yours. "You sleep okay ?" He whispers as he kisses your cheek. "Yeah I did". You kiss him again in which the kisses begin to multiple and before you know it Harry's lips are now on your neck. Small moans leave your mouth as he begins to travel his kisses down your body. He stops and looks up at you. "What do you want baby" he says as he moves back up so your lips lock. "You, I want you" you moan. Not long later Harry thrusts himself inside of you, rolling his hips back and forth. You could feel it in your stomach. Your legs wrap around his waist as your hands grip onto his hair. Both your heads roll back as you release, the pace of Harry's hips against you slowing down as he pulls out. "You okay baby" he whispers as he kisses your lips. "Mmm yeah" you whisper as a smile grows on your face and your hands meet his cheeks. "Do you wanna have a shower before we head out ?" He whispers. You nod as Harry picks you up and carries you into the bathroom.

After you both shower and get ready your head out onto the city to do some shopping. This was one of your favourite parts of going on holiday was being able to browse all the shops. As you're walking you suddenly feel Harry tug your hand towards a shop. "Baby why are we going into a kitchen shop" you ask as you walk in. "We need some new things for our kitchen honey" he replies as he begins to browse the shelves. "And what is it we need" you question. "Baby you know our kettle is broken don't you" he laughs as he continues looking. "Ohh yeah" you say. "What about this one ?" He asks as he takes it off the shelf. "Harry it's a kettle there isn't much interest about to is there" you laugh as he looks at the price. His attention then goes towards the toasters which he lifts off the shelf to inspect. "Harry we don't need a toaster" you laugh. After being in the shop for around 10 minutes and you dragging your feet as you follow Harry down the aisles, he looks at you and huffs. "I give up I can't find one I like" he says as he looks back at the array of kettles. "Honey we can find a new kettle when he gets home, I don't think Rome is the only place that sells them". He takes your hands again and you head out of the shop. "Right where are we heading now then " you ask. A smirk appears on Harry's face as he points towards the line of lime bikes on the street. "Harry please no" you whine as he drags you towards them. "How on earth do you find these everywhere we go" he chuckle as he puts his bag in the basket. "Maybe they find me" he chuckles as he pays for both your bikes and you ride through the city.
Harry going kitchen shopping in Rome was something I didn't know I needed to see. And him wearing that top he's had since the 1D days omggg.

Only proof ready once so apologies for any mistakes. Message for requests 🤍

Em x

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