39. Cravings

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Imagine you were sat on the sofa with Harry watching a movie. It was around 11 o'clock and you'd been lounging around most of the evening. You were snuggled up next to Harry whose arms were wrapped around you in which one of his hands rubbed your stomach. You were a few months pregnant and Harry had been amazing in taking care of you and helping you through the pregnancy. You were about half way through the film when your stomach rumbled. Harry looked down at you and chuckled "what's that your stomach". You sit yourself up and rub one of your eyes. "Yeah it was, guess dinner wasn't enough to fill me up" you said as you pulled the blanket off of you and stood up to make your way to the kitchen to find a snack. You rummaged through the cupboard and the fridge desperate to find a sweet treat to please your craving. You began to become frustrated when you had no luck. You heard Harry walk into the kitchen in which he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw you on your tiptoes trying to find something. "What's the matter darling ?" He asked as his hands met your waist in which you turned around. "There's nothing I want" you pouted. "What you craving honey ?" He asked "I really want some of that chocolate covered popcorn we had a few weeks ago" you said. "Do you wanna go get some baby" he said as he tucked a piece of my hair behind your ear. "But it's gone 11 Harry it's late" you said "no come on let's go get you some popcorn" he smiled at you "are you sure ?" You asked "can't help your cravings can you so yes we can go get you popcorn". A small smile crept on your face "let me grab your shoes honey". He walked into the hallway and retrieved his trainers and your ugg boots. You sat down on the sofa and he slipped your Uggs on for you. "You look all cosy with these on" he chuckled. After Harry put his trainers on you were out the door and in the car. You put your left foot up on the seat while Harry's other hand lay on your right thigh, caressing it with his thumb. Soon you arrived at the supermarket and were walking in hand in hand. You made a beeline for the sweet isle where you scanned the shelf for popcorn. "There or is honey" he said as he retrieved the popcorn from the shelf. A big smile was planted across your face as you held the bag of your sweet craving. "Anything else you want ?" He asked as he scanned other shelves. "I don't think so, just these" you smiled. You made your way for the checkout to pay and then headed back to the car.

Once you got home you were soon snuggled back under the blanket. You began eating your popcorn "mmmm this is so good" you mumbled with a mouthful. Harry chuckled "that better ?". You nodded and offered Harry some in which he accepted and took a few pieces from the bag. "Thank you baby" you smiled "of course angel, anything for you and for baby" he gently kissed the top of your head and unpaused the movie.

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