22. You pack to much honey

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Summary:your packing for a trip

Imagine you're packing for a one week holiday with Harry and his family. Anne had planned this trip months ago and was looking forward to spending time with her children and her children in law. You were sat in yours and Harry's bedroom placing everything into your suitcase. As you put your shoes on-top  of everything you flipped the lid over and began zipping it up. But you ran into an issue. It was not closing, you were even close to closing it. "For fuck same come on just shut" you angrily say as you sit on top of the suitcase hoping your body weight will help close it even more. "Come onnnn" you moan, pulling the zip with all your force but it refusing to budge. "Harryyyyy" you call out hoping he can help you "what's the matter honey" he calls back "I need your help". You hear his footsteps as he wonders up the stairs and walks into your bedroom. "What's up" he says as he approaches you."this stupid suitcase won't shut can you help me please" you look at him as he towers over you sitting on your suitcase. "Up you get then" he holds his hands out which you hold as you stand up and he opens your case to reveal the large amount of clothes. "Shit y/n how much do you need it's only one week" he says with a shocked expression drawn onto his face. "I need all of it, it's cold at the moment I need plenty of jumpers and jackets" you look at him with a smirk on your face as he rolls his eyes and laughs "right then, I'll sit on it and you try and zip it" he suggests as he sits himself on top and you kneel down and begin pulling at the zip. You both hear the sound of it beginning to close. "It's working, keep pushing the lid down" you tell Harry as he begins pushing more of his body weight on to the case. The zip finally budges and it glides across the case. Once its fully shuts you let a breath out "thank god for that" you sit yourself back properly. "You pack too much honey" Harry says laughing.

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