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"So, what do you think?" Twice asks.

"Shiggy is going to be fucking pissed." I answer. Didn't think I'd be that influential.

"He can suck my dick." Twice flips off a not here Crusty.

"We were thinking about asking Hawks too, but since you said that you'll kill if we call him for anything." Compress adds.

"Why's that Ty-chan?" Toga asks, hugging me.

"Reasons I won't go into without his permission." I answer.

"Why not?" she pouts.

"It'd be rude."

"Can I call and ask him without being murdered?" Twice asks, "Chop off my head."

"If he's not busy."

"Thank God, Imma do that now." he says before leaving with Toga in tow wanting to know.

"Are you doing alright?" Compress leans against the back of the couch, "I know you were barely functioning when you left."

"I'm fine," I tell him, "My class knows I'm a villain."

"How did they take it?" Compress asks.

"Better than I expected." I admit, "Thought I'd have to leave at the end of term."

"That's good. You deserve some less villainous friends."

"Don't say that bullshit, you guys are as much family as my actual one." I tell him, "Hell, I have no idea where I'd be." Probably dead by my own hands if I'm being honest.

"You'd still be a hero-in-training. Or maybe even a mob boss, possibly as influential as All for One was." Compress remarks.

"Hawks is willing to help." Toga skips back into the room with Twice behind her, "And apparently he's with the real Dabi and Dab's is fine with it too!"

"He wouldn't tell us why he's getting a Vacation from you." Twice adds, "Dabs needs those condoms, Ty."

I can't help but burst out laughing, oh Twice, if you knew that it's a little too late for them. "Dabi is with Hawks." Compress remarks, "Is there something you know, Ty Lee?"

"There's a lot of shit I know, but I ain't telling without the okay." I smile, "But I need to get back to school, I woke up to my sibling going into labor and I haven't gotten coffee."

"Omgee!! Is the baby cute?" Toga asks.

I nod, "Of course, and my sibling is stupid enough to make me Godmother."

"They know that you'd kill to protect your nibbling." Compress remarks.

"The rest of my siblings would too."

"What happened to you getting sleep?" Kami asks, hugging my waist as I cook some food about an hour after leaving to go to the meeting.

"Noms." I offer him a bite of my eggs.

"Kami accepts the bite, resting his chin on my shoulder, leaning his head against mine as I finish cooking, "Do you want some too?" I ask him, "I've made enough.

"Sure." Kami kisses my cheek before going to get some bowls.

"Where's Hitoshi?" I ask.

"Showering." Kami answers, "I offered to help but he declined for whatever reason."

"You know why, Denki." Hitoshi walks over to us, giving us each a kiss.

"Don't know what you mean? I was going to help you wash your back." Kami put the bowls down.

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