Chapter 1: The Story

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A long, long, long time ago, there was the large kingdom of Hisui.

Here, humans lived in peace alongside magical creatures, each with their own powers and abilities.

Together, it was a peaceful land where everyone lived in perfect harmony while thanking the original one for their perfect lives.

Until one day, a great evil force was cast upon the land of Hisui and rained chaos upon the land and the life that lived here. Chaos rained the entire land, fires blazed the villages, earthquakes devastating the mountains, tsunamis flooded the corners of the land, and the lives that lived here were running, hiding, and fighting to survive.

Everything was almost lost until one day, the Alpha Titan Arceus descended from the skies and chosen four heroes to help vanquish the evil and return peace to the land.

Everyone was saved, but the damage was great. The land of Hisui started to break apart into smaller regions, and the people, creatures, and the heroes themselves were separated and scattered across the globe.

Peace may have returned to the world, but it's been prophesied that one day, the great evil will rise again, and rain chaos and destruction on the world once more. The fate of the world will once again rest on the four heroes.


Present Day

(Poni Island, Alola Region)

An Inkling and Octoling soldier were standing in front of the doorway beneath the Alter of The Sun. They turned on their flashlights and saw the ancient drawings corved on the walls, including the legends of the light trio and island guardians. In front of them sat a prism like jewl.

"We found it, no doubt this is it." Said the inkling soldier.

The Octoling soldier grabbed it out of its stand, and without hesitation, he smashed it on the floor to reveal a glowing magenta colored orb.

"Didn't think we find it, the Mind Orb, the counterpart to the Mind Plate." Said the Octoling Soldier.

They quickly grabbed it and headed back outside the Alter in the raining thunderstorm.

"Commander, we found it, prepair to extract us back to base." Said the inkling soldier on his earpiece.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard nearby, and out from the distance, they could see the Totem Kommo-o looking angry, ready to attack them. They reached for their ink weapons and charged at it.

The inkling throwed some burst bombs to startle the Totem, giving the octoling the chance to attack with his Splatana, but the Totem Pokemon was quick. It grabbed the Splatana while the octoling was still holding on to it and throwed it and him at the inkling soldier. Just as it was about to finish them both with a Dragon Pulse, a Ceruledge appeared and attacked it from behind, bringing the Totem Pokemon to the ground.

"I thought you cephalopods needed help." A trainer appeared as he teased them.

"We told you we could do the mission ourselves, Amethio, and we have the Orb to prove it." Said the inkling.

"And yet, you couldn't defeat the totem yourselves, Rex." Said Amethio.

Within seconds, a ship appeared and landed for Rex and the octoling Nathaniel to enter.

"Sir, we finally have the first Orb, prepair security to store it in the vault." Said Amethio in his earpiece and returning Ceruledge to its pokeball.

"Good, Master Gibeon will be most pleased." Said Hamber back at base. He went up to Gibeon to report the news. "Master Gibeon, sir, they have the first Orb in their possession."

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