Chapter 22: The Squid Sisters Debut

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In a waiting lobby, the cousins come out from separate fitting rooms, wearing their signature Squid Sisters outfits, and their ink colors were yellow as they were assigned a specific color to represent their team. They have registered for the Superstar Showcase and are ready to take part in the Inkopolis Showcase in the Bay's Dome Arena.

"Wow, I can't believe we're really here." Said Marie.

"I wonder what kind of performance we're going to do here." Said Callie.

The cousins looked around the waiting lobby, observing all the other participants in this competition. Almost all of them are idols, too, like them. They were all putting the finishing touches on their outfits and makeup to prepare for what's to come.

Soon, the speakers in the lobby made an announcement. "Five minutes until show time! All performers, please line up at the door to the backstage!"

Everyone did as they were told. It was time for them to take the first challenge towards their goals.


Just outside the auditorium, Ash and Pikachu were making their way inside in a single file line, along with all the Inklings and Octolings here to see the showcase.

"Wow! This place is huge!" Ash observed the amazing site of the auditorium. It looked like a huge dome with the plexiglass sealing showing that they were indeed underwater. He then took a seat and let out Quaxly and Charcadet from their Pokeballs. "Let's cheer them on everyone!"

Suddenly, all the lights went out, and one large green light led up.

A jellyfish wearing a tuxedo stood in the middle of the large stage. "Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Inkopolis Helping Showcase of the Superstar Showcase!"

The whole audience cheered or clapped.

"Now, put your hands together for our eighteen beautiful girls participating in this showcase!"

Suddenly, many holes opened up in a straight row behind the jellyfish. Then, platforms rose up to the stage, each carrying a duo of idols all dressed up to perform.

"We have many talented performers here today, most of which are idols from popular bands like Wet Floor, the Chirpy Chips, and even the famous Squid Sisters!"

The whole auditorium cheered at the sight of all the beautiful idols on stage.

"Look! There they are! Callie! Marie! Over here!" Ash tries to wave at them from his seat, and the Pokemon did the same.

The cousins couldn't help but smile as they were able to see Ash and the Pokemon waving from their seats.

The jellyfish on stage signals the audience to be silent for an announcement. "Alright, the showcase here is a Rookie Class Showcase that all new participants must win in order to participate in other showcases!"

That sentence encouraged the cousins to pay close attention.

"The Superstar Showcase is divided into six separate showcases, each with their own themes. The themes are fashion, athletics, singing, baking, dancing, and, of course, helping for this showcase! The winners of this showcase will win this crown with the emerald gem token!" Then, a stand rises from the floor, carrying a glass case with a shiny golden crown inside.

The cousins had their eyes glued to the sight of the shiny object in front of them. This means that Pearl and Marina had won this crown already. They must win that crown for themselves.

"The emerald gem token on the crown is one of the six gem tokens that performers can win after each showcase! All performers who manage to collect all six gem tokens by the end of the season will participate in the Master Class Showcase to compete for the title of Princess of Inkadia!"

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