Chapter 26: Talent from New Worlds

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After a little misadventure in Johto that caused a delay in their trip, our heroes were now high up in the sky on the S.S. Harland. They are close to reaching Lilycove City in the Hoenn Region.

The cousins were staring at the cloud near the edge of the ship.

"Callie, you feel bad about yesterday?" Asked Marie.

"A little, even though I didn't do anything wrong, those Unown, they were being fueled by all my bad thoughts. Like they were unleashing my meltdown for me...."

The girls went silent for a couple of minutes. Marie was happy that her cousin had been cheerful for most of their journey with Ash, but the road to recovery was still a long way to go.

The deck door slams open, and Ash runs outside. "Grab your bags because the Hoenn Region is in our reach!"

The girls look down and see a city below the clouds. It was Lilycove City.

"Pikachu! Zorua! Are you ready for our next stop!" On his shoulders, both Pikachu and Zorua nod in agreement. Gengar suddenly appears from the ground and appears to be excited as well.

"Hey, Ash, you gonna tell us why Gengar wanted to come with you?" Asked Marie.

"Maybe another time. What Gengar showed me kinda hit hard. Maybe I'll tell you if Gengar feels comfortable about it."

The ship starts to descend to the waters of Lilycove City. After quickly switching from airship mode to boat mode, it docks near a harbor.

"Land ho, everyone! We are now in the Hoenn Region!" Friede shouted from the captain's deck.

"Ah, it feels great to be back home." Orla said as she approached Friede.

"Oh yeah! We first met in Slateport City! This is your home region!"

Ash was the first one to get off. "Watch out, Hoenn Region! Ash Ketchum has returned!"

The cousins soon get off next. They now sat foot on another region they never thought existed.

"I need to head to the Pokemon Center to swap my Johto Pokemon for my Hoenn Pokemon. Callie, Marie, you two can go explore the city with Pikachu, Zorua, and Gengar."

"Alright." Said Callie.

Ash then quickly makes his way to the Pokemon Center.

"So, Pikachu, you've been here before, so you don't mind finding a good spot to have some fun." Asked Marie.

Pikachu remembers the Department Store they never went to in their last visit here. So that's the location Pikachu decided to guide everyone to.

As they made their way to the Department Store, they stopped as they noticed a crowd gathering at what appeared to be a contest hall.

"I wonder what the fuss is about over there?" Wondered Callie.

In the center of the crowd, a girl in a blue dress and her Altaria was grabbing everyone's attention. "Hi, everybody!"

The whole crowd cheered.

"Well then, watch me dive in! It's dazzling! Dizzying!" She does a spin a little spin after saying that last sentence.

Half the crowd tries to copy her movements.

"Lisia's Miraculous Contest is Scouting! I've brought many fantastic trainers to the world of contesting. But today, I'm bringing two lucky trainers to show their talents! Let's see..." Lisia noticed Callie and Marie with whom she assumes are their three Pokemon. "You two, watching with that baffled expression on your faces!"

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