Chapter 24: The Poison Spirit

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(Ecruteak City, Johto Region)

After the cousins won their first showcase, Ash suggests it's time for his next battle in the World Coronation Series. A small trip from the Inkadia Region to the Johto Region has now ended with their arrival in Ecruteak City.

Friede parks the ship just outside the city in Route 37. "Alright, everyone! Our next destination has been reached!"

Ash is the first one to get off. "Alright! It's been a while since we traveled in Johto!"

Then Callie gets off next with Marie right behind her. "Wow, we're in another region we never thought existed."

"Yeah, this region really is my style." Said Marie.

The gang now makes their way past the entrance to Ecruteak City. This city really had a familiar vibe to the cousins as it really reminded them of Calamari County.

"Alright, while Orla and I do some research on the Tin and Brass Towers, why don't you all go ahead and do what you came here to do." Said Friede.

"Alright! I'm coming for you, Janine!" Ash runs at full speed to the Ecruteak City Gym where Janine is currently training at.

"Wait for us!" Shouted Marie, then tried to catch up to Ash.

Callie follows behind. As she followed them to the gym, she suddenly got this chill feeling. She turns to her left and sees in an abandoned shake.

"Callie, you feeling alright?"

"I don't know, but I feel something is in that shake." Callie said as she kept getting this feeling, almost like sadness. She felt like she was feeling someone else's emotions.

"Hey, something up?" Ash said as he noticed the cousins had stopped.

"Callie claims she feels like something is in there. Now that I mention it, I'm starting to feel it, too." Marie said as she too was now getting these feelings.

Ash decides to approach this abandoned shake as he is starting to get these feelings as well. He was now standing at the front door. He felt something was on the other side of this door. As he reaches for the door knob, he gets the scare of his life as a Gengar pops through the door.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Both cousins scream in fear.

As Gengar was about to attack Ash, a Crobat suddenly stood in front of Ash and attacked Gengar with Wing Attack. Gengar quickly retreats back into the shake.

"A Crobat?!" Ash didn't expect a Crobat to save him.

"Nice job, Crobat!" Said a girl in a ninja outfit who was approaching Ash. She froze as she noticed Ash. "Say, aren't you Ash Ketchum."

"And you must be Gym Leader Janine, but how do you know who I am?"

"My dad told me all about you. You might know him as Koga."

"Koga?! You mean Koga of the Fuchsia City Gym is your father?!"

"Yep, he got promoted to being a member of the Johto Region Elite Four, and I took his place at the gym. He told me all about you and how you and your friends helped him and my aunt defend his dojo from Team Rocket."

"Wait, you really did that, Ash?!" Callie said in amazement.

"Yep, then I defeated her father in a gym battle." Ash was starting to remember everything from that day. How Team Rocket raided the dojo, how Misty defeated them, and how he successfully defeated Koga and won the gym badge. Man, he couldn't believe it's been almost two years since then. "Say, do you know anything about that Gengar?"

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