Chapter 10: Clash of Tera, Max, and Z

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It was now getting dark outside, Ash and the Squid Sisters were finally ready to enter the stadium with nothing getting in their way, or so they thought.

"Finally, the stadium's just ahead." Ash said to the Squid Sisters.

"I finally get to see a live Pokemon battle!" Callie said excitingly.

"Hope it's as fun as you say it is." Said Marie.

As they approached the stadium, they heard an explosion from the side. They ran to see what it was and saw two trainers battling.

"Now Pawmo! Use Spark!" Shouted the female trainer, as her Pokemon landed a devastating blow on the opposing trainer's Pokemon, defeating it.

The male trainer looked disappointed in losing but still seemed thrilled for the battle. "I lost again. But it was still fun battling you."

"You were still great. Let's battle again sometime." They then shook hands, and the male trainer left to the stadium.

The battle they witnessed had Ash hyped. He just had to know who this trainer was. "Wow! That battle was so cool!"

"Thanks, mister. Hey, by any chance, are you a Pokemon trainer?" She asked.

"Heck, yeah!"

"Good, because when trainers lock eyes, it means they must battle each other! So let's go!"

"You're on!" Ash said excitingly, but then remembered why they came here. "Oh wait, I can't. We came here to watch the match today, and I promise these girls to take them see their first Pokemon battle."

"Oh. I'm so sorry. I always get hyped up when urging for a battle." The trainer said, looking embarrassed.

"It's alright, my name is Ash, by the way. I came all the way from the Kanto Region."

"I'm Marie, and this is my cousin Callie. Were from the Inkadia Region." Said Marie.

"Nemona is my name. It's nice to meet you all. Say, I was actually on my way to the stadium myself. Why don't we go together."


With that, the group made their way inside the stadium. Once inside, they found the perfect seats to get a full view of the battlefield.

"Wow, this stadium is just as big as the ones in Galar." Ash said an amazement.

"Oh yeah! This stadium was constructed just recently. It's designed not only to change the environment of the field but also to allow trainers to use any of the battle phenomenons." Explained Nemona.

"Really! This is going to be epic!"

The Squid Sisters looked around the stadium. There were so many people all hyped and eager to see a battle. No doubt this will be an amazing experience for both of them.

Soon, the lights went out, and then a spotlight pointed to what looked like a referee. "Welcome, everyone! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! The battle for the world's strongest trainer continues! This is a Master Class battle in the World Coronation Series!"

Then, the whole audience cheers as the field lights up with fireworks.

"Now, let's meet our contestants."

"Oh boy, I wonder who we're going to see battle." Ash said excitingly.

"First up, coming in eighth place, a young man, coming from Circhester City. He's a specialist in rock type Pokemon and training to be a member of the first Elite Four in the Galar Region. Everyone, put your hands together for Gordie!"

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