Chapter 29: Pressure from Larry

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After surviving an assault from Rayquaza, our heroes are arriving in Slateport City to drop off Ash's friends before they can head to the Inkadia Region.

"Here we are, everyone! Slateport City!" Shouted Friede.

"Well, this is our stop. Let's head to the Pokemon Center to heal our Pokemon after that fiasco." Said Serena.

Ash raised the Pokeball Flygon was in. "Good thinking, I know Flygon definitely needs it."

Everyone enters the Pokemon Center to have their Pokemon healed by Nurse Joy. After a couple minutes, Nurse Joy came out with all their Pokemon fully healed.

"Your Pokemon are fully healed." Said Nurse Joy.

"Flygon! Good to see you all better!" Ash shouted as Flygon gave Ash a big hug, followed by Torkoal. "Torkoal! You're crushing me again!"

Everyone laughed at the scene in front of them. It felt nice to take a good laugh after their situation at the Sky Pillar.

"So, Ash, I know the perfect restaurant we can eat at. Let's all go there before you and your Pokemon Human like friends head off." May recommended as she thought it would be fun to hang out a little before everyone goes their separate ways.

With that, everyone heads to the famous restaurant May had told them about. It was Johto Style restaurant serving all kinds of traditional foods.

"Wow! Look at all these choices. It's like the food back in Calamari County!" Callie shouted in excitement.

Everyone placed their orders and waited for their orders to be called.

"So, Ash, where are you guys going?" Asked Serena.

"Well, we might go to the Inkadia Region for Callie and Marie to do another showcase of theirs. I just entered the Great Class, so I haven't really decided on who I'm going to challenge next." Ash replied.

"Ooh! Callie and Marie's home region! What's it like there?" Wondered Lisia.

"Well, it's full of people like Callie and I. After our experience in a Pokemon Contest, we definitely want to up our game on being the best performers in Inkadia." Marie explained.

"Well, I wish you both good luck. And Ash, I wish you good luck in the World Coronation Series." Said Serena.

"Thanks, Serena." Ash said cheerfully. Suddenly, he got a notification on his Rotom Phone.

*A registered trainer is nearby.*

"A registered trainer, you mean in the World Coronation Series." Ash looks around to see who it is.

A man stood at the table behind them. He was wearing a black business suit and carrying a briefcase. He had a frowning expression that lacked any kind of emotion.

One look, and Wally knew who this guy was. "Ash! That's Larry! The guy who defeated me the other day!"

"That's Larry? So he's in the Great Class?" Ash said curiously. He looked at his phone and realized Larry was way up in the ranks. "You're ranked 415?!"

Larry stood up from his table. "Indeed, I'm Larry, an assigned gym leader from Paldea."

"You're a gym leader from Paldea?!"

"You seemed very thrilled."

"Of course I am! I'm excited to battle another Paldea gym leader! Please battle me! It will be my first battle in the Great Class!" Ash raised his Rotom Phone.

"Very well, I Larry, will be at your service." Larry raised his Rotom Phone, and it synced with Ash's.

*An official battle has been registered*

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