Chapter 31: Trapped in Deepsea Metro

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In the Central Station of Deepsea Metro, Agent 3 and Agent 4, Hallie and Gabe, had escorted Octo Samurai out of the facility after freeing him from Tartar's sanitation. Now, they have to join back with the others on completing their mission.

"Alright, now let's get back to Grab & Go Station to help the others." Hallie uses the CQ-80 to call for a train, but after a couple of minutes, nothing comes. She tries again a couple more times, but nothing. "Strange, not a single train has come."

Suddenly, a red C.Q. Cumber approaches the agents. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we're having some technical difficulties with the subway system."

Now, concerns were rising on the agents.

"It seems the power disruptions are affecting the whole metro now." Said Gabe. "How are we going to get back to the others now?"


Back in the depths of Grab & Go Station, the cousins and Ash are continuing their journey to find DJ Octavio. They were getting closer to the source of the power disruptions.

"Okay, we were nearing the source of the signal. Keep an eye out for DJ Octavio and his troops, if he's here." Said Callie.

Soon, everyone hears the sound of metal coming from the distance. They slowly approached the sounds and arrived in a large doorway, where they now arrived in a very large facility of some sort. Everyone hid behind the doorway and saw a whole group Inklings and Octolings, and even humans, working on some machine.

"The Explorers? So, DJ Octavio wasn't behind the power disruptions in the metro?" Marie said as she was surprised to see the Explorers instead of the Octarians.

"Their probability here to look for another orb of theirs." Ash said as he watched the Explorers work.

With the Explorers, one of the Octoling troops has found something. "Sir! I found the orb inside this component!"

Soon, two figures approach the machinery to examine the component. One was someone unfamiliar, while the other was the same woman who stole the orb in Shellendorf Institute.

"Just as we thought, Tartar was using the orb to power his statue." Said Sidian. He then lets out a building block Pokemon that no one had ever seen before. "Use Stone Edge!"

The cubed Pokemon uses Stone Edge and destroys the component in the machinery. After it explodes, a yellow round object rolls towards its feet.

Chalce approaches the orb and picks it up from the ground. "The Shock Orb, a source of energy that can power anything."

Behind the doorway, Ash felt he needed to do something about the Explorers. "We can't let them escape with another orb. Who knows what they are planning to do with them."

"Agreed. We should give them a little surprise." Said Marie.

Ash charges in, and let's out Flygon. "Use Sand Tomb!"

The Explorers troops were all startled to suddenly be surrounded by a sand storm.

"My turn!" Marie charges her special and is ready to launch. "Special Weapon! Bomb Rush!"

All the troops were hit by Splat Bombs, throwing them to the ground covered in ink.

"You, your the kids who got in our way at the institute." Said Chalce. She then lets out Medicham. "This time, I'll silence you! Medicham, use Psybeam!"

*Paldea Trainer Theme plays in Background*

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