Chapter 5: The male protagonist has excessive mood swings

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Big Capital Villains in the Entertainment Circle 5
  Chapter 5

  Qiao Zhuo sat in the director's exclusive seat and stared at the display screen connected to the camera casually. His fingers tapped on his knees, little by little.

  Shen Jiming knew that Qiao Zhuo was bored. He took out a box of thin cigarettes from his pocket, opened the lid and handed it over, asking: "Mr. Qiao, have a smoke?"

  When Qiao Zhuo was in a bad mood, he would always hold a cigarette in his mouth and think. , and then issued plans that were enough to send the entire entertainment industry into chaos.

  The scene was still being filmed, but many people's attention moved to the director's studio where the camera could not capture it. Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyelashes and picked out a cigarette from the cigarette case, holding it between his index finger and middle finger, with an expression on his face. He looked very bored, and his pale neck was only exposed a little from the collar of his suit. Looking up, you could see his cold and arrogant eyes.

  Liu Ben didn't know whether Qiao Zhuo didn't like movies or whether he was easily bored by everything.

  "Point." Qiao Zhuo said briefly.

  Everyone heard Qiao Zhuo's words clearly, but before they could recover, they saw Shen Jiming, who had been following Qiao Zhuo, kneeling on one knee next to the director's chair, taking out a platinum lighter and lighting the cigarette that Qiao Zhuo extended.

  When the smoke rose, everyone had a deeper understanding of Qiao Zhuo's status. Even Shen Jiming, the heir to the Shen family, knelt down to light a cigarette for him. What kind of authority did this have?

  But what they didn't expect was that Qiao Zhuo didn't expect Shen Jiming to kneel down and light a cigarette for him. He was frightened, but his expression remained calm.

  Qiao Zhuo quickly said to the system: "Really apply to check what is going on in Shen Jiming's head? He scared me when he knelt down."

  The system could not say that everything was normal at this moment, because he Damn it looks like it's not normal at all!

  The system was prevaricating, and the male protagonist's scene had just been filmed.

  The plot of "Rose Street" is too contrived. Lin Song can act it out without changing his expression without making anyone look uncomfortable. Qiao Zhuojing is a man.

  "Ka." Qiao Zhuo held the walkie-talkie and commanded randomly: "Lin Song, your expression is too stiff, give me another one."

  Lin Song's hair was soaked by artificial rain, and the heroine Ruan Yunzhi who passed by her was standing under the eaves. , while Lin Song was more unlucky and had to be soaked in the rain all the time to speak his lines.

  After hearing Qiao Zhuo's request for reshoots, Lin Song glanced sideways at the camera, causing Qiao Zhuo, who was sitting in the director's studio, to look at him through the monitor for a moment.

  Qiao Zhuo turned on the intercom and asked, "The best actor doesn't want to film?"

  Everyone in the studio was silent. The tit-for-tat confrontation between the big sponsor and the powerful best actor was beyond their control, so there was no other sound except the sound of the machine running.

  Lin Song finally gave in. He clenched his fists and walked to the starting point of the shooting to stand. The makeup artists swarmed up to touch up his makeup.

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