Chapter 43: The beautiful old man kidnapped by Yanxi

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The winter night was cold and windy, Qiao Zhuo tightened her cloak while hiding the fact that her legs were weak.

Qiao Zhuo angrily scolded the system: "Although it's great, the male protagonist never seems to know how to write the word restraint."

System: "." Maybe this is the legendary thing about pulling up your pants and not recognizing anyone. The host is really good. bad.

When Qiao Zhuo got off the bed, his legs were weak and his waist was sore. The tall and tall Yanxi man could easily restrain him with one hand. Faced with the absolute power gap, the angry man didn't even listen to Qiao Zhuo's orders.

In the dark night, there were flickers of fire, and shadows illuminated the profile of Qiao Zhuo's face. The man's snow-white neck and shoulders were surrounded by a cloak. Yanxi was the only one in the crowd who knew how the neck would lift up and struggle when it was close to the limit. This kind of secret Love soared at this moment, so Yan Xi had to restrain herself and lower her eyes to endure.

The whistle of eagles could be heard faintly outside the eaves.

Qiao Dadong kowtowed on the ground and said, "Master, please calm down. The group of foreigners who entered Qiaojia Village earlier suddenly appeared again, but they ran away without a trace relying on the mountainous terrain. We suspect that there is indeed a wolf in the village. "

Qiao Zhuo and Qiao Dadong had a common question about this matter as early as the Lantern Festival. At this moment, the villagers were looking at Qiao Zhuo expectantly, hoping that the patriarch could do something to convince the crowd.

Qiao Zhuo raised his eyes coldly, hummed slightly, and motioned for Qiao Dadong to continue.

After receiving the order, Qiao Dadong spoke much more fluently, "Master, we suspect that Yanxi must have evidence of contact with outsiders. Now we only need to search him to find out!"

The villagers shouted in unison: "Search! Search you. !"

Baozhu and Baozhen were so frightened that they approached each other.

Qiao Zhuo frowned when he heard this, with a hint of anger in his tone: "Qiao Dadong, is this why you led a group of people to shout in front of my door in the middle of the night?"

Qiao Zhuo rarely spoke loudly, and even now his voice was soft and clear. He was weak, but even such a threat still made Qiao Dadong tremble. He knelt and did not dare to get up. He only explained: "This matter is not trivial... Please forgive me."

If it was just a matter of contacting outsiders, Qiao Dadong could do it. I came to report early in the morning, but the argument between Hu Rui and Yan Xi really shattered all Qiao Dadong's perceptions. Yan Xi actually had such unbearable thoughts towards the master!

How could Qiao Dadong let such a beast stay by his side for another moment? Letting him keep vigil at night is already the ultimate in patience!

The cold wind was howling, and everyone was surrounding him. Before Yan Xi could recover, he saw Qiao Zhuo slightly raising his chin, as if dealing with something completely irrelevant to him, and said, "Then search and find out the irrefutable evidence."

Yan Xi: "..."

Liu Yun was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

Several strong men tried to step forward and control Yan Xi, but even though there were many of them and they had sharp weapons, they couldn't help but turn around when they saw Yan Xi's tall figure.

Under layers of siege, Yan Xi's heart dropped to the abyss. He looked through the crowd at Qiao Zhuo, who was standing on the high stairs. The man had long hair hanging down on his waist. His neck and shoulders were tall and slim, and he had a bright red mole on his ear. At this moment, Yan Xi was burned late at night.

Yan Xi knew that one punch could not defeat four hands, not to mention that Liu Yun, a scholar, had no strength to restrain a chicken. Instead of being beaten to death and then being found out, it was better to explain himself.

Yan Xi stared at Qiao Zhuo calmly and said, "Master, no matter whether I collude with that group of people or not, I will have a seat to worship the mountain god."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had different expressions.

Yanxi is a boy who was chosen to worship the mountain god. Once the offering is selected, it cannot be replaced. Now they are so anxious because they are afraid that Yanxi will run away with a stranger and anger the mountain god and cause disaster. But what will happen if Yanxi is hurt? No one wants to put themselves in danger.

Qiao Zhuo leaned against the door, tightened his robe and looked at Yan Xi quietly. There was no emotion on his beautiful face, and asked, "So what?"

Yan Xi stood out among the crowd, looking with handsome eyes. , said in a deep voice: "So, sir, could you please search me personally."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qiao Zhuo, as if they had found their backbone.

But Qiao Dadong held up the torch and glared at Yanxi angrily, cursing and saying: "Don't try to play tricks! I am weak, how can I get close to you!"

When the people around heard this, they thought this was the truth. This Yanxi man is tall and strong. Once What should I do if I can control the master and threaten him to let him go?

Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand, and ordered: "Find a hemp rope and tie him up for me."

Several villagers moved quickly and quickly found a few hemp ropes, but they hesitated when they got closer. , but Yan Xi, who had no expression on his face, stretched out his hands and volunteered to be tied up.

Seeing this, Qiao Dadong stepped forward and pushed Yan Xi on the back, pushing him towards Qiao Zhuo at the door of the wing, and said fiercely: "Go over! You wolf dares to be disrespectful to the master, we will shave your skin!" "

Liu Yun was still trying to plead for Yan Xi with a trembling voice, "Master, Yan Xi has tried his best for your illness..."

Just as he was about to finish his words, Qiao Dadong turned to glare at him, "Mr. Liu, be careful what you say!"

Qiao Zhuo's serious illness cannot be known to too many people, so Liu Yun could only keep his mouth shut when faced with such a situation.

Under the push of everyone, Yan Xi knelt down at Qiao Zhuo's feet. The man looked up at Qiao Zhuo, his throat moved slightly but he didn't say anything.

When Liu Yun saw that Yan Xi was about to be searched, his heart almost jumped out of his stomach.

The villagers of Qiaojia Village are meticulous and cautious. Although there are many people, they know each other's ins and outs. The whole village is twisted into a rope, admiring the ancient sacrificial rituals like crazy. Whoever dares to be the first to subvert the 'tradition' must be prepared to be crushed and ashes. Prepare.

Liu Yun's hands kept shaking out of fear. Yanxi was the chosen boy, but he was just a gentleman with a foreign surname. Once the matter was exposed, he would definitely die!

Qiao Zhuo looked at Yan Xi condescendingly, his eyebrows were cold, "You are indeed a person who deserves my respect, and you can still be so calm and self-possessed at this time."

Yan Xi stared at Qiao Zhuo with one eye and one eye, with a bottomless undercurrent. Surging, he said: "Thank you for the master's teachings."

These words reminded Qiao Zhuo of what Yan Xi taught him not long ago, his ears turned red, and he couldn't help but turn his head and cough.

Qiao Dadong watched from the side and took a breath and said nervously: "Master, please don't get so angry again!"

Yan Xi, who was kneeling in front of him, had handsome features and broad shoulders holding up a large green shirt. He was looking at him with eyes Upon closer inspection, he was filled with male desire. Qiao Zhuo immediately shook his hands. Why did Yanxi look so looking forward to being searched!

In full view of everyone, Qiao Zhuo remained silent for a long time before finally leaning over and starting to search Yan Xi's shirt.

The place where the man's fingers touched brought a tingling sensation, which started from his collar, extended to his chest, and finally stopped at his waist.

The process of just a few seconds seemed to Yan Xi to be extremely long. Veins popped up on his forehead and he bit his thin lips.

All this is solid evidence in Qiao Dadong's eyes! Yan Xi still dares to deny his evil thoughts towards the master!

After a while, Qiao Zhuo glanced at the man and saw more and more sweat on his forehead. Finally, he felt like venting his anger before he stood up. He glanced at Qiao Dadong beside him and said coldly: "Butler." The

villagers holding sharp weapons also came to their senses after seeing this. , the body search has been completed, but where is the irrefutable evidence?

Qiao Dadong knelt down again with a plop, making Qiao Zhuo frown.

"Master clearly knows that I have really discovered the evil intentions of this wolf cub, and I hope to find a way to tell the master secretly. Yanxi can never stay by your side to serve again!"

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyes without saying a word. , but the atmosphere at the scene had already turned cold, and everyone was anxiously waiting for his announcement.

Who can bear the injustice of the famous person next to the master for no reason?

I saw Qiao Dadong banging on the bluestone floor several times, with a butcher-like murderous intent in his eyes, and he shouted to Qiao Zhuo relentlessly: "There is no room for mistakes in the sacrifice, Master, if you ask me to kill anyone by mistake, We can't let go of a hundred!"

The next second, there was a sudden noise at the door of the mansion, and the servants hurriedly ran in and shouted: "I'm sorry, sir. Shopkeeper Hu led a large group of people to shout at the door, and he insisted on breaking in. Come here, shouting that you want to kill Yan Xi!"

Everyone was in an uproar. They rolled up their sleeves and were about to fight. Yan Xi was a sacrifice, how could he be killed by a stranger! What's more, the jury is still out on which one is right and which one is wrong.

Hu Rui brought a lot of people with him, but he actually barged in. His fashionable curly hair was now lying softly on his forehead, and his suit was stained with dirt, making him look completely down and out.

Hu Rui glanced at the crowd and immediately locked eyes on Yan Xi, who was kneeling at Qiao Zhuo's feet, and said angrily: "You said it wasn't you who let those people flood my warehouse! I have to kill you and serve you as food and wine!"

Qiao Dadong, whose head was full of blood, looked back at Hu Rui and said angrily: "Irrespective of whether you can hold on to Yan Xi's life or not, shopkeeper Hu led this group of people to break into the house. I'm afraid they don't understand the rules."

The workers behind Hu Rui also held knives and axes, and seemed to be well prepared.

Hu Rui took a step forward and turned a blind eye to Qiao Dadong. He just stared at Qiao Zhuo and said, "Master Qiao, it seems that Yanxi also committed a crime with you. I wonder if you are willing to hand over Yanxi to me?"

Qiao Zhuo She glanced at him extremely coldly and said, "It doesn't make sense, Yan Xi is from my house."

Yan Xi knelt on the ground with his wrists tied, and when he heard this, he raised his head and glanced at Qiao Zhuo with an extremely complicated expression.

Hu Rui was furious, "But there is a mountain of ironclad proof!"

Qiao Zhuo said coldly: "Ironproof proof? Oh, except for me in Qiaojiacun, what are the ironclad proofs from other places?"

The boy behind Hu Rui raised a stone ax and shouted: "Where? There is such a reason to be so overbearing!"

The moon was as cold as water, and under the light of the fireworks, Qiao Zhuo's peach blossom eyes were filled with chills. He raised his chin slightly and said slowly: "Be presumptuous."

Qiao Dadong gestured towards the door, and the door in the old house The locks suddenly fell, locking all Hu Rui's group here.

Hu Rui's heart skipped a beat, and now he truly understood what a supreme status Qiao Zhuo had in Qiaojia Village.

When the boy saw this, he lowered his head and hid behind in fear. Hu Rui looked embarrassed, spread his hands, smiled, and said, "Why do you have to go to such a stage? Don't Master Qiao also want to deal with this kid? We have the same idea. ."

The loud bang of the lock seemed to reveal the bloodthirsty true colors of the villagers. At this moment, the people in the courtyard looked horrifying under the flames. Blood stains were clearly visible on the stone axes they were holding. For a moment, it was impossible to tell whether they were human beings. Blood or chicken blood.

Qiao Zhuo stood on the high steps, his peach blossom eyes bent but there was no hint of smile in his eyes, and he said: "Since shopkeeper Hu is here, don't leave in a hurry."

Hu Rui's legs were already shaking, but Qiao Zhuo didn't finish speaking. Ignoring him, he only lowered his eyes and glanced at Yan Xi in front of him, "I ask you one last time, is it you?"

Yan Xi said in a deep voice: "It's not me, sir." He was sure that Qiao Zhuo didn't have any evidence, otherwise How could I live to this day?

The eagle screamed louder and louder, and finally became more and more shrill.

After a long silence, Qiao Zhuo coughed, raised his hand and ordered: "The village gate will be closed from now on, and no raw noodles will be allowed in or out until the day of sacrifice."

Everyone accepted the order in unison.

Qiao Zhuo snorted coldly, and then said: "Tie Yan Xi and lock him in the woodshed."

Hearing this, the man raised his eyes and looked at Qiao Zhuo. His emotions were mixed and unclear, and the system prompt suddenly sounded: "The career of the male protagonist Wu Yanxi Growth value +1."

Qiao Zhuo looked at Yan Xi and asked, "What, you want to complain?"

Yan Xi restrained his cold aura and pretended to be innocent, "Yes."

Hu Rui and Qiao Dadong on the side were both stunned, this wolf cub There are actually two faces!

But Qiao Zhuo didn't accept his trick and stepped on the hem of his green shirt, "But I just want you to die unjustly?"

Yan Xi's shoulders suddenly tensed up, and he looked up at Qiao Zhuo in front of him, his arms The strong muscles were ready to go. Qiao Zhuo had long known that this bundle of rope was not worth mentioning to him.

But Yanxi still didn't break free after all, saying: "Let me handle it."

The ferocious wolf cub pretended to be a rabbit. Instead of being angry, Qiao Zhuo instead smiled and said, "Yanxi, you must understand that your life is in your hands." In my hand."

Yan Xi remained silent.

Qiao Zhuo asked again: "Do you still believe that man can conquer nature?"

In front of everyone, Yan Xi's fingers tightly clasped the hemp rope and said very clearly, "Listen to the master, I don't believe it anymore."

Qiao Dadong just stretched out his hand to pick up Yan Xi . Looking at Xi's collar, he heard loud footsteps coming from outside the house.

When I was surprised, I discovered that there were more than ten people hiding on the beams! Everyone covered their faces with black cloth, and the leader shouted: "Let my brother go! Spare your lives!"

Qiao Dadong threw the stone ax into the distance, splattering blood for several feet, and chopped down one person.

In the chaos, Qiao Zhuo only had time to see Yan Xi break away from the thumb-thick hemp rope with one hand and stride towards him.

The man said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Master."

After that, Qiao Zhuo felt a numbness in his neck, and his vision suddenly went dark before he passed out.

In a daze, Qiao Zhuo cursed at the system: "This weak body with the lowest strength value, I will be the strongest man in the next world."

System: "..."

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