Chapter 44: Yan Xi's skills

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"I heard from people below that you brought that patriarch back, brother?"

Wu Yanxi's tall figure stopped outside the tent and confronted the visitor: "It's none of your business. Wu Duo

took the white rabbit in his hand and flicked it, and the people behind him quickly caught it. He only heard him smile and said: "I would like to see this big patriarch who has fascinated you so much. What kind of big man is he?" Beauty? Ha."

Wu Duo looked impatient when he said this, and the word "great beauty" in his mouth was just to tease Wu Yanxi. He was a person who returned from studying abroad. What kind of beautiful woman has never been seen before? , the most beautiful headliner in the song and dance hall would flatter him a few times when they saw him, not to mention that the patriarch was just a man, how could a man be so beautiful?

Wu Yanxi's expression did not change at all when he heard this, "Master needs to rest, please come over, Mr. Liu."

Wu Duo frowned and said angrily: "Brother, are you really obsessed with that man? Are you protecting him like this? Why? Let Liu Yun continue to treat him?"

According to Wu Duo, every incident in Qiaojia Village cannot escape the instructions of this patriarch, and he is clearly the instigator! It should be burned together with the mountain temple.

Wu Yanxi's face darkened, and he said coldly without saying a word, "Go and invite him."

The man had a strong position, and even the second young master of the Wu family wanted to see his face. Wu Duo could only turn his head angrily and shout: " Go and call Liu Yun over!"

Qiao Zhuoyou woke up with a slight anger. He was not only surprised by Wu Yanxi's bold move, but also dissatisfied with this too weak body.

"Master." Seeing Qiao Zhuo open his eyes, Wu Yanxi immediately helped him sit up.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and glanced around, and found that he had been transferred to a mountain tent. The bed was not only covered with thick and soft quilts, but also carpets and stoves.

Seeing that this posture could not be prepared in a short while, Qiao Zhuo slapped Wu Yanxi's hand that was trying to get closer and asked coldly: "You have wanted to kidnap me here for a long time."

Faced with Qiao Zhuo's straightforward question to Wu Yan Xi neither denied nor admitted, "Everything will be settled soon. When the time comes, I will take the master to the mountains for a good medical treatment."

"Yan Xi!" Qiao Zhuo said angrily: "You are really an unfamiliar wolf."

Outside the tent The firelight flickered, and just one glance at Qiao Zhuo could tell that this was the base of the Wu family. Without Wu Yanxi's cooperation inside and outside in the past few months, how could a group of outsiders occupy an entire hilltop without the knowledge of the Qiao family villagers.

Wu Yanxi's aura was suppressed. It was the first time that this man did not hide his paranoid desires in front of Qiao Zhuo.

"Master, you should know, don't you still understand my thoughts after that night?" Wu Yanxi looked directly into Qiao Zhuo's eyes, trying to get the answer he wanted.

But the man in front of him with black hair coughed a few times, his pale face full of surprise, "Should I understand what you are thinking? It was just my illness that night, and it would be the same for others."

Wu Yanxi crushed it with one hand after hearing this . The medicine bowl in his hand made Qiao Zhuo startled. He really didn't know that the male protagonist who hated him so much would like him! Wasn't that night about men helping each other? Why does it have anything to do with love?

System: "Host, you are such a scumbag."

Qiao Zhuo didn't understand: "?"

Wu Yanxi gritted his teeth and asked, "It would be the same if it were anyone else. Who do you want to replace me with? Liu Yun?"

Qiao Zhuo was stunned, bah!

Seeing that Qiao Zhuo didn't speak, Wu Yanxi leaned closer and restrained Qiao Zhuo's wrists with one hand. No matter how much he struggled, he would not let go. "Maybe the person I want to find is Hu Rui?"

Qiao Zhuo was pinned on the bed. Suddenly, with messy black hair, he glared at Wu Yanxi and cursed: "You wolf, don't talk nonsense!"

Qiao Zhuo: "The male protagonist's divergent thinking is really difficult to resist."

System: "..."

Liu Yun matched The soup, dregs and bowl were crushed by Wu Yanxi with his bare hands. The man's eyes were red, and complex emotions were surging in his eyes. Qiao Zhuo is now lying here helpless. No one can save him, no one can help him, only himself. Only he, Wu Yanxi, can...

Qiao Zhuo noticed that something was wrong with Wu Yanxi's expression, but he still didn't have time to stop him.

Wu Yanxi held him down with one hand and pushed Qiao Zhuo's thin lips away with the other hand. His voice was extremely hoarse and said, "The master's illness can only be cured by taking medicine. Master..."

The big hand stained with medicine dregs wreaked havoc between Qiao Zhuo's lips and teeth, leaving a bitter taste. The bang reached the top of his head. Qiao Zhuo couldn't help but wet his eyes, and cursed vaguely: "Get out! Let me go!"

Wu Yanxi seemed to be more stimulated by the scene in front of him, holding a broken bowl in his hand and drank hard He took off the remaining medicine dregs, lowered his head and kissed Qiao Zhuo hard.

It snowed heavily in the mountains, and the Wu family anxiously began to put a thick velvet blanket on the top of the tent.

Liu Yun hugged Hou quilt and glanced at the largest tent with a tangled expression, surrounded by the familiar Qiao family.

Qiao Shanshan threw a piece of wood into the bonfire and asked, "What are Mr. Liu worried about?"

There was a big change in Qiao's house tonight. All twelve sacrifices escaped, and even the teacher hid in the deep mountain forest. .

Liu Yun choked up and couldn't say a word in response to Qiao Shanshan's words. Wu Yanxi blew out the candles in the tent, and the figure of the giant white thing could barely be seen in the heavy snow.

Liu Yun: "It's nothing."

Qiao Shanshan nestled in Qiao Xiuwen's arms and said with a smile: "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. You taught us this, sir." She didn't know where her future would be after leaving the mountain, but what was certain was that Qiao Shanshan wants to live, she doesn't want to be a sacrifice and die in four years.

Liu Yun didn't reply, and kept staring at the tent in the distance. But half a minute later, he suddenly saw a tall figure opening the thick curtain and striding out. It was Yan Xi!

Someone got up before him, and Wu Duo swept the snow off his Western-style coat, went up to him and asked, "What's wrong, brother? Is your patriarch awake?"

Wu Yanxi's palms were bleeding and he didn't want to spend more time with him. He said, but in the darkness Wu Duo could clearly see the bite marks on the corners of his lips, which were deep into his bones.

Wu Duo burst into laughter and said, "Hahaha, brother, you were kicked out of bed by a beautiful lady, right?"

Liu Yun couldn't hear the conversation between the two of them clearly, and he anxiously stood up and approached when he heard Wu Yanxi say in a deep voice: "If you don't have much to worry about, go catch more hares."

The smell of blood hit his face. Liu Yun noticed Wu Yanxi's hand for the first time and said in shock: "Yanxi, your hand is bleeding."

Wu Yanxi nodded, "Excuse me, sir, please help me bandage it."

Wu Duo stood there without moving. Wu Yanxi, who had taken a few steps away, turned back and said, "You dare to go in and try."

Wu Duo: "..." She really is a hidden beauty in the golden house. .

Wu Duo still admired and feared his long-lost eldest brother. Although he talked back a few times from time to time, he became frightened when he saw something was wrong with Wu Yanxi's expression.

After all, the man's sense of oppression was too strong, and Wu Duo could only avoid its edge.

Although Wu Duo turned around, his eyes were still on the big tent. He was really becoming more and more interested in this clan leader.

In Liu Yun's tent -

after his palm was wrapped with a bandage, Wu Yanxi asked in a low voice: "How long will it take for the master to recover from the fever?"

What if he feels as uncomfortable as that night every time... What should he do...

Liu Yun put away the medicine and sighed, "The master has been cold for many years, and now the blood is coming back when he gets warm again, but the tonic cannot be stopped. Let's see how long the master can hold on."

Wu Yanxi lowered his brows, "What if the master can't stand the heat?" Qiao Zhuo couldn't bear it and crossed the line with him a long time ago. What will happen next.

Liu Yun shook his head, "Then try your best to dissipate the heat. You know what I'm talking about."

Both of them were silent for a long time before Liu Yun spoke again: "I haven't had a concubine for many years, why not take this opportunity..."

"Shut up." Wu Yanxi frowned, obviously dissatisfied with this countermeasure.

Liu Yun was stunned.

The clan leader's marriage should be one of the most important events in Qiao's village, but why didn't anyone in the village propose to marry Qiao Zhuo and take a concubine?

Wu Yanxi thought about all kinds of weirdness, and finally made a decision: "I will help the master."

Liu Yun stood up and said: "No! You two are both men..."

Wu Yanxi raised his eyes, with complicated emotions in his eyes, "Why do men No?" He was very successful in relieving Qiao Zhuo's fever that night.

Liu Yun paced in the tent, "The master must not want to."

Wu Yanxi raised his hand, "Where can I find a concubine for him in the mountains now? Let the master recover from his illness."

Liu Yun still shook his head: "Although, So..."

Wu Yanxi now has the right to speak alone in the garrison. Even if Liu Yun objects again, he does not dare to speak out to persuade Wu Yanxi.

So under Wu Yanxi's "helpfulness", Qiao Zhuo drank the bitter medicine honestly for more than half a month, and died several times at the hands of the man almost every night.

When Qiao Zhuo was lying on the bed dripping with sweat, it was also the time when Qiao Zhuo cursed the most. When Wu Yanxi finally let go, Qiao Zhuo's tight body shook hard for a few times and then relaxed.

The man seems to have endless paranoid desires in this matter. Everything must be at his own pace, no matter how early or late he is, no matter how much he begs or begs for one less moment, even though he is happy and makes him cry in the end. It's always Qiao Zhuo.

Qiao Zhuo gasped violently and said to the system: "The male protagonist is really talented. I have never seen that his hands are so powerful before."

System: "...Host, I don't want to understand the difference."

Qiao Zhuo: "Hee hee."

The warmth lingered in the tent, and within a few seconds of Qiao Zhuo's naked upper body, Wu Yanxi covered him with a thick quilt and pulled him into his arms.

Qiao Zhuo struggled with the heat in his ears, "I won't drink this medicine from tomorrow on!"

Wu Yanxi lowered his eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why?"

Qiao Zhuo glared at him: "You know the reason."

Wu Yanxi will Qiao Zhuo hugged her tighter, "This medicine is good for the master's health, I have to drink it."

Hearing this, Qiao Zhuo's beautiful eyebrows were filled with gloom, "It's obviously you who want to humiliate me..."

Wu Yanxi's hand held her Qiao Zhuo bit his thin lips with his chin, "Don't anger me, you know I've been holding back."

Qiao Zhuo trembled all over, how could he not know, he was so scared because he knew so clearly.

Lips, teeth tore, and biting, a voice suddenly sounded outside the account.

"Brother, I need you to lead the way when the temple is burned tomorrow morning." After Wu Duo finished speaking, he stood outside the tent and put his ears close, not knowing what sound he wanted to hear.

The rest of the Qiao family had been here for more than half a month, and Wu Duo was disgusted with it. But he had never seen the treasure Wu Yan had hidden in Tibet, and he was so curious that he scratched his head and scratched his head!

Qiao Zhuo was shocked when he heard this on the bed. The man wanted to burn down the mountain temple? !

Wu Yanxi hissed, and the smell of rust and blood exploded in his mouth. The next second, he saw the man in his arms grabbing his lapel with one hand. His peach blossom eyes were full of anger and said: "How dare you want to burn down the temple?!"

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