Chapter 51: Two Yu Xuan

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The female ghost was burned by Yu Xuan's ghost-suppressing talisman and stung unbearably, and she was grinning at him crazily. Lou Jinhu, who was far outside the door, was so frightened by the shrill screams that he sat on the ground.

Lou Jinhu's fat face was trembling and his flesh was trembling as he said in a nonchalant voice: "Don't come here, we have no grievances..."

Yu Xuan glanced coldly and put away his mahogany sword.

When Lou Jinhu saw this, he said angrily: "Why did you put it away! Put this thing away quickly, put it in a bag, or smash it to pieces. I never want to see this thing again!"

Qiao Zhuo looked like he was watching a good show. Leaning in front of the door with a smile, "Little Taoist priest, are you jealous of me?"

Yu Xuan's face did not change when he heard this. Jealousy was an emotion he had never had before and could never have. This Rakshasa Always talking nonsense.

Yu Xuan: "The female ghost has too much resentment."

Qiao Zhuo was stunned for a few seconds. Is Yu Xuan trying to explain why he didn't feed him the female ghost just now?

System: "." The ominous premonition rose again.

After Yu Xuan finished speaking, he ignored Qiao Zhuo's reaction and walked straight out of the bathroom, saying in a deep voice: "That female ghost has become an earth-bound spirit and cannot leave your manor."

Qiao Zhuo stared at Lou Jinhu with a half-smile. At a glance, the Earthbound Spirit cannot be formed unless there is great grievance or overwhelming anger and hatred.

It seems that there is a blood feud between this female ghost and Lou Jinhu.

Lou Jinhu saw a sea of ​​blood in front of his eyes, and asked with a trembling voice: "Taoist Master, how do you solve this problem?"

Yu Xuan's face did not change, and he said coldly: "Dissolve the obsession."

Lou Jinhu waved his hands and shook his head when he heard this, " No, no, no, how can I get rid of Li Gui's obsession, Taoist priest, please help me, this is not a disaster that ordinary people like us can bear!"

Yu Xuan looked indifferent and said nothing more. Lifting up the Qiankun bag with three fingers and putting it away, Qiao Zhuo looked at Yu Xuan doubtfully. Since the female ghost couldn't put it away for the time being, what was he doing that was useless?

The system prompt sounded suddenly: [The male protagonist Yu Xuan's career growth value +2. ]

Qiao Zhuo was stunned for a moment when he saw that Yu Xuan's Qiankun bag was full of imps.

The man's expression was calm and dignified, and even his clothes were not messed up. At this moment, he was holding the bag full of kid and stretched out his hand towards Qiao Zhuo, "Here you go."

Qiao Zhuo blinked, and for a while, the teasing smile appeared on his face again. , "Little Taoist priest, are you afraid that I will be hungry?"

Yu Xuan lowered his eyes and said nothing. The man had broad shoulders and a slim waist, standing tall and straight in front of Qiao Zhuo, with only the shell of his ears slightly red.

"You will feel better after eating it. I will give you spiritual energy when I go back in the evening." Yu Xuan turned his head and continued: "Eat less Yin energy of unknown origin in the future."

Qiao Zhuo pursed his lips and curled his eyes. Yin energy of unknown origin? Yu Xuan was probably talking about the yin energy in Lou Jinhu. He also said that he was not jealous, but he was afraid that the jealousy would be turned upside down!

Qiao Zhuo suppressed his smile and did not reach out to take the Qiankun bag. Instead, he only leaned forward slightly, approached Yu Xuan and sucked the kid as he raised the bag.

Yu Xuan couldn't help but gasp as Rakshasa Zanli was right in front of him. How could Rakshasa be so skilled in deceiving people? Can you mess up people's hearts without looking at each other?

Even though he was as slow as Yu Xuan, he noticed something was wrong at this moment.

The shrill screams of the female ghost in the bathroom have gradually quieted down. Lou Jinhu at the door could not see the hallucination of the blood sea just now, so he only stood up holding on to the door frame.

Lou Jinhu knelt down with a plop: "Taoist Master Yu, I beg you, help me!"

Qiao Zhuo was still hanging his neck to suck the little devil. He didn't know what spell the Rakshasa had used. Lou Jinhu seemed to be unable to see him. Every move. Yu Xuan said coldly: "I've already told you the method. You two have a bad fate. If you want the Earth-bound Spirit to leave, you can only release her obsession."

Lou Jinhu pulled back his hair hard, and the whites of his eyes rolled up, "Damn thing , I don't want to live in death, but you want to drag me to hell, I don't deserve it!" Qiao

Zhuo happened to finish sucking the bag of imps, and smiled when he saw it: "It seems that this person is almost crazy."

Xuan saw that there was still a little devil left in the house, so he stretched out his hand towards Qiao Zhuo. Qiao Zhuo frowned slightly, "I can't eat any more."

But the man's brows furrowed even more than him, "A picky eater?"

Qiao Zhuo: "... "

Yu Xuan held up the bag and glanced at Qiao Zhuo, "Eat quickly, it's hard to find so many good and evil brats."

Qiao Zhuo sighed. In fact, he was really still a little hungry, but this brat seemed to just eat. Noodles, I'm tired of eating too much!

Finally, under the urging of Yu Xuan's cold and persistent eyes, Qiao Zhuo swallowed the remaining little devil.

After eating, Qiao Zhuo's complexion became more beautiful, his cheeks were slightly red, and he looked relaxed.

For some reason, Yu Xuan's fingertips felt slightly numb after being fed, and an indescribable sense of satisfaction began to burst out from the bottom of his heart. He could only rub the Qiankun bag in his hand to relieve this inexplicable and unfamiliar feeling. a feeling of.

Especially when Qiao Zhuo sighed deeply and said with a smile: "Thank you, little Taoist priest."

The itching feeling in Yu Xuan's palm became more obvious, and he couldn't relieve it even if he wrinkled the Qiankun bag.

Seeing that Yu Xuan was about to leave with Qiao Zhuo, Lou Jinhu rushed over from behind like crazy, but Yu Xuan stopped him in front of Qiao Zhuo.

"Mr. Lou." Yu Xuan glanced over with cold eyes. Lou Jinhu actually stopped in place, his eyes clearer.

Yu Xuan frowned and took out a few talismans from his pocket, "These can temporarily keep you safe for three weeks. If you want to untie the earth-bound spirit, you must untie her obsession. I will say this."

Lou Jinhu took it greedily. Those three talismans, "Three weeks is fine! Three weeks of peace are fine!"

After Qiao Zhuo followed Yu Xuan and left the manor, as soon as he returned to his residence, Rakshasa smiled and leaned beside Yu Xuan and said, "Little Taoist, You said it yourself, come back and let me absorb your spiritual energy."

Qiao Zhuo's body was filled with fragrance, and the ends of his eyes were slightly raised, making people dare not look at him for even a second.

Yu Xuan stood at the entrance, his fingers stiffened for a long time after hearing this, and then he let out a low hum after a long time.

Yu Xuan had never fed Li Gui Rakshasa his spiritual energy before, so he really lacked experience, but Qiao Zhuo seemed to have a lot of experience. The two sat face to face on the sofa, and Qiao Zhuo came over without a red face and a heartbeat.

A strange emotion flashed through Yu Xuan's heart, and he pressed his shoulders against the approach of the beautiful Rakshasa and asked, "Were you this close when you were sucking Lou Jinhu's Yin Qi just now?"

Qiao Zhuo blinked with confusion on his face, "Of course not."

Lou Jinhu was full. With his face full of flesh, Qiao Zhuo just stood far away and reached out to take it out!

Yu Xuan observed Qiao Zhuo's expression, and after a while he lowered his eyes and said, "Come on."

Qiao Zhuo approached again excitedly, and Yu Xuan could detect the man's unusually cold body temperature and the faint trace of eclipse. Bone aroma.

The Yin Qi in the neck was the strongest, and every magical weapon on Yu Xuan's body was roaring violently to remind the owner that a fierce ghost was approaching, but Yu Xuan turned a blind eye and acquiesced to every inch of the terrifying Rakshasa's approach.

Qiao Zhuo is sucking the spiritual energy from Yu Xuan. It has to be said that the natural spiritual energy of the male protagonist is simply heaven and earth compared to that group of brats!

The closer Qiao Zhuo got, the tighter Yu Xuan's fingers clenched.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the system urgently reminded: "Host! Be careful, you are a villain, you must not get too much cultivation from the male protagonist!"

Qiao Zhuo suddenly came back to his senses, the confusion in his eyes became sober, and his subordinates The shoulder he was resting on was extremely hot. He looked back nervously and found that Yu Xuan's forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"Little Taoist priest?" Qiao Zhuo shouted softly, shaking his shoulders.

Yu Xuan was born with a spiritual body, so Qiao Zhuo's ingestion would not affect him at all. He was simply depressed because of thinking too much.

Qiao Zhuo chatted with Lou Jinhu for so long in order to absorb the yin energy from Lou Jinhu. So for the sake of the aura in his body, could Qiao Zhuo also compromise like this?

Yu Xuan looked at the man in front of him and thought silently: Could it be that all those teasing words Qiao Zhuo said were just to get the spiritual energy from him? Would anyone else have said the same thing? !

Qiao Zhuo watched Yu Xuan stand up without saying a word, then turned around, walked back to the bedroom and closed the door with calm eyes.

Qiao Zhuo: "??"

Qiao Zhuo asked the system: "What's wrong with the male protagonist? He was fine just now."

The system's tone was also very confused, "I don't know, there is no sign of collapse in the monitoring plot."

Qiao Zhuo thought for a while and couldn't think of it . After understanding it, he leaned back on the sofa and stretched out nonchalantly. No matter what, he already had the spiritual energy he wanted, and he was full!

When Yu Xuan returned to the room, he couldn't sleep and checked the information for half a night. In the information for thousands of years, there was no record that Rakshasa ghosts could use bewitchment.

Rakshasa has a high level of cultivation, and spirits have always been good at deceiving people's hearts. Rakshasa doesn't even bother to act like this...

Yu Xuan's face becomes more ugly and gloomy as the information unfolds bit by bit. Rakshasa doesn't even bother to do so. He doesn't use bewitchment or enchantment, which proves that Qiao Zhuo has never used this technique from the beginning!

Yu Xuan thought of his inexplicable rapid heartbeat and strange itching in his hands.

The man, who was as dignified as the cold moon, closed the computer with a calm expression, crossed his legs and recited the Heart-Cleaning Mantra all night long until morning came up.

On the other hand, Qiao Zhuo, who had had a good night's sleep, was startled when he saw a large black shadow suddenly appear beside the bed as soon as he woke up.

Isn't this Yu Xuan's residence? He dares to break into the home of a top heavenly master. What level of evil spirit is he?

Before Qiao Zhuo could speak, he saw the black shadow changing rapidly, and finally turned into a handsome man with black hair, black eyes, and a cold expression exactly the same as Yu Xuan who was in the next room at the moment!

Qiao Zhuo: "!!"

I saw 'Yu Xuan' beside the bed, swinging his robe neatly and kneeling on one knee. He bowed his head to Qiao Zhuo and said: "I heard that the master is very advanced and came here because of his fame. Please accept my mission. About."

Qiao Zhuo: "What's going on? Yu Xuan wants to cosplay with me?

System: "..."

But what surprised Qiao Zhuo was that the handsome man transformed from the black mass directly admitted in a deep voice: "I am Yu Xuan."

Qiao Zhuo: "... of course I know you are "Yu Xuan."

Qiao Zhuo frowned and stood up. For a moment, he even forgot to let this black figure excuse himself. Just as he was wondering and thinking, there was a knock on the door of the room. Before his surprise was over, he saw the door being pushed open. Open, Yu Xuan, who is as cold and arrogant as the hanging moon in a white shirt, is standing at the door.

"Eat..." Yu Xuan didn't finish his sentence and fixed his eyes directly on the black figure in the room.

The black shadow and Yu Xuan looked at each other in confusion. Before Qiao Zhuo could say a word, he saw Yu Xuan reaching out and drawing out his mahogany sword and slashing straight at the black shadow.

At the moment of crisis, the system urgently reminded: "Host, please protect the black shadow! He is also the male protagonist!"

Qiao Zhuo said after choking for a while: "I really need your explanation, little system."

The system hesitated: "It's simple. Said that the black shadow is the evil entity of the male protagonist. "

Qiao Zhuo: "It's really fun."

The system said angrily: "We are a serious system!"

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