Chapter 35: The aroma of medicine on the master's body

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Qiao Dadong was not annoyed when he was refuted by Yan Xi. Yan Xi was tall and tall when he was twenty years old. When he was young, people in the house would bully him because he was a foreigner, but now they see him. He wanted to stay away from that cold face, not to mention that Yanxi had the support of his master, and Qiao Dadong, who was becoming more stooped, certainly didn't want to offend him.

"Okay, go quickly." Qiao Dadong waved his hand.

Qiao Zhuo ran out of lunch and asked Bao Zhu to get a new one. He specifically asked: "I want a few plates of side dishes."

Bao Zhu was stunned, "Master, but Mr. Liu told you that you are weak and cannot eat meat."

Qiao Zhuo glared at him. At one glance, Baozhu was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "Okay, Master, I'll go and pass it on right away."

After finally waiting for the three liang meat dishes to be served on the table, a refreshing male voice came from outside the door and shouted: "Master Qiao, why do you keep the door closed and not see the guests?" , let this ice face chase me away?"

Qiao Zhuo held the chopsticks and looked up at the door, only to see that the silver bowl in Yan Xi's hand was taken away by Hu Rui, a trendy returnee from studying abroad with a fashionable perm. Wearing a suit all day long, he travels between villages and towns.

Hu Rui has been in shopping malls for a long time and has a sharp tongue. Even Qiao Dadong can't stop him. Qiao Zhuo doesn't expect Yan Xi to be able to stop him. He just wants to find some peace.

Qiaojia Village had a tradition of offering sacrifices and did not want Hu Rui to stay longer, but this man only met Qiao Zhuo once when he was staying at Qiao's house, and he refused to leave no matter how hard he drove him away. He even opened a gunpowder factory in the village.

Qiao Zhuo didn't want to mess with the troublesome person, so he would hide if he could, but if he couldn't hide, he would think of a way out.

Hu Rui is simply a straight-tempered person, his heart is fixed on Qiao Zhuo, and he doesn't care about other weddings, funerals, and sacrifices to the mountain god.

"What a good thing, why did you give it to that kid? He always has a stern face, as if he doesn't like me." Hu Rui said and sat down next to Qiao Zhuo, while Yan Xi stood at the door of the dining hall, Lowered eyelashes hide boredom.

An unknown irritation rose from the bottom of Yan Xi's heart. He really didn't like this shopkeeper Hu, who was cunning and unruly.

Qiao Zhuo picked up a piece of chicken with chopsticks and was moved beyond words when he took a bite. This was his first bite of meat in this small world!

After taking a few bites, Qiao Zhuo said to Hu Rui with a cold face: "There are many people who don't like shopkeeper Hu."

Hu Rui not only didn't feel embarrassed when he heard this, but actually smiled very stickyly, "What about Mr. Qiao, you don't like me too? "

Qiao Zhuo, who usually didn't want to say more to Hu Rui, answered quickly now, as if he was afraid that Hu Rui would misunderstand, and said: "I'm not happy." After all,

Hu Rui's expression failed to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, and he smiled while stroking the silver bowl with his hand. : "Really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system prompt sounded: [The male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value is -5. 】

Qiao Zhuo almost dropped his chopsticks to the ground and said in surprise: "Master, what's wrong with you?" ! He inadvertently raised his eyes and glanced at Yan Xi who was standing outside the door. The young man had his back straight and his legs long, his eyes were straight, and he was as handsome as a pine and cypress.

Qiao Zhuo thought about it and couldn't figure out why the disgust points were deducted.

Seeing that Qiao Zhuo resisted him in a few words, Hu Rui felt unhappy in his heart and said, "If you don't like giving this bowl to me, forget it. Why let a brat mess with you?"

Qiao Zhuo's face darkened, and he held it with his slender fingers. Holding the silver chopsticks, he said very coldly: "What do you want from me, shopkeeper Hu?"

Upon hearing this tone, Hu Rui immediately understood that Qiao Zhuo was angry. Beauty is rare, so he put down the bowl and said hurriedly: "I won't grab it. His bowl, don't be angry."

Qiao Zhuo raised his hand lightly, and Bao Zhu quickly stepped forward and took off the red rope tie for him. His black hair fell around his waist. The man's eyes could not contain any emotion, so he only said: " Shopkeeper Hu said it was just a joke, it's just a bowl, take it if you want."

[The male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value +5. 】

Qiao Zhuo: "...I'm really confused."

Hu Rui watched Qiao Zhuo get up helplessly, and took a few steps closer: "No, you are obviously annoying me."

Qiao Zhuo saw that he was like a dog-skin plaster, and it turned out that He frowned and got angry, and said to the guest: "Shopkeeper Hu, please come back if you have nothing to do."

But who is Hu Rui? He has always been the best at being warm and affectionate, and even licking his face, he still shouted after Qiao Zhuo with a smile. : "Mr. Qiao, the Lantern Festival is in two months. I heard from the villagers that you will pray for a good harvest in Qiaojia Village. Let's see you then!"

Qiao Zhuo didn't finish his meal well. He was so angry that he didn't want to talk to Hu Rui and walked straight to the backyard. .

It wasn't until he reached the door of the wing that Qiao Zhuo noticed that Yan Xi had been following him.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and looked at him. The man standing on the steps had fox fur covering his hands. He had a golden button on the collar of his black gown. His body was as white as jade, and his eyes were alluring.

Everything has changed significantly in eight years, but Qiao Zhuo has not changed at all, but no one has mentioned this strangeness.

"Why are you following me?" Qiao Zhuo asked.

Yan Xi held the account book in his hand and took the small silver bowl back from Hu Rui's hand.

Yan Xi is now an adult, and Qiao Zhuo is a bit shorter than him even when standing on the doorstep.

"Shopkeeper Zhang said that I will personally teach me calligraphy from tonight." Yan Xi stared at Qiao Zhuo closely when he said this, as if he was afraid that Qiao Zhuo would regret it or that Qiao Zhuo would agree.

Qiao Zhuo thought for a long time and finally found this scene in the small world plot.

The male protagonist is a young man from a wealthy family. He must have used a pen to write since he was a child. Now that he has switched to writing brushes to write accounts, his handwriting is really as good as a dog crawling.

Qiao Zhuo was silent for a long time with his eyes lowered, and finally said: "Follow me to the study."

Yan Xi held the bowl and was confused for a moment. After all, he still didn't want to be alone with the master. This man, who was entrusted with the villagers' enthusiasm for sacrifice, was slender and frail. The power of life and death for countless people was held in his wrist. If Qiao Zhuo said that he wanted to kill him at this moment, Yan Xi was not surprised that others would do it immediately.

[The male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value is +20. 】

Qiao Zhuo smiled at the system and said: "The male protagonist in this small world has to rely on his own imagination to figure out the disgust level, which is good."

System: ":)" There was an ominous premonition.

The light rain began to patter again. The rain fell from the eaves and hit the lotus leaves at the door of the study. The petals were transparent and mottled, soaked with the chill of the rain.

Baozhen skillfully lit a small stove and placed it next to the table, while Baozhu rolled up his sleeves and wanted to help Qiao Zhuo grind ink, but he never wanted to be stopped.

Sitting behind the desk, Qiao Zhuo glanced at Yan Xi and said coldly: "You want to learn something from me, why don't you put in some effort on your own?"

Yan Xi pursed his lips, and after hearing this, he stepped forward, took the ink in Baozhu's hand, and began to sharpen it.

Qiao Zhuo waved his hand to dismiss the other maids. Amid the sound of rain, he slowly copied a picture of Listening to the Rain, "The river is broad and the clouds are low, and the wild geese call to the west wind." Qiao Zhuo raised his eyes and asked, "Have you remembered anything in these years?"

Qiao Zhuo's pair of Peach blossom eyes looked directly at Yan Xi, and a strange feeling that he had never felt before quietly passed through his heart.

Yan Xi's hand that was ink was unconsciously exerting force, and the young man's strong arm muscles were visible under his blue shirt. "I still don't remember, Master."

Qiao Zhuo was shocked to realize that the male protagonist was growing very fast, and the oppression brought by his powerful body The feeling was something that Xiao Douding could never have appeared before.

"Shopkeeper Zhang complained to me, saying that your handwriting looks like a dog crawling. Where have you learned all these years from Mr. Liu?"

Because of his weak body, Qiao Zhuo even cursed in a very soft voice. He swept the geese Yan Xi glanced at Xi, "Could it be that he ate everything in his stomach to grow so tall?"

Yan Xi was silent for a long time before saying, "Please teach me."

Qiao Zhuo yelled and smiled at the system: "Children are easy to fool, and the male protagonist is now the only one. I'm following your lead!"

System: "..." The host may have forgotten the previously reduced disgust value.

Qiao Zhuo handed a piece of calligraphy he had just written in his hand to Yan Xi and said lightly: "Copy first."

Yan Xi bent over the desk, his posture was uncomfortable and the hand holding the brush was shaking.

Qiao Zhuo glanced at him and scolded him as an idiot, "Get a stool and sit on it yourself."

Yan Xi sat across from Qiao Zhuo. Herbal incense was burning in the study, and for a long time he was tainted with the same smell as Qiao Zhuo.

"Master." Yan Xi finished writing, but felt that he had not made much progress, so he did not want to show it to Qiao Zhuo.

Qiao Zhuo took his eyes away from the book in front of him. When he turned sideways, his ink hair fell on the desk, and it looked like a splash-ink landscape painting printed on the white paper.

The door was pushed open with a creak, and the orb came in softly to light the candle.

"Mr. Liu said that you are talented and intelligent, but why are your handwriting so poor?" Qiao Zhuo frowned, obviously dissatisfied. He opened the paper and handed over another one, and said concisely: "Copy."

I don't think this man has ever done it before . As a teacher, his method of teaching calligraphy was simple and crude. After writing a calligraphy, Yan Xi would keep imitating it until he could draw a somewhat similar shape.

Yan Xi lowered his eyes and wrote one after another. Qiao Zhuo didn't even notice a single word until his wrist was sore and the candlelight dimmed.

Bao Zhu summoned up the courage to remind in a low voice: "Master, it's late at night..."

Qiao Zhuo couldn't help but sigh when he saw Yan Xi's dejected expression.

Qiao Zhuo said to the system: "It seems that the male protagonist also has shortcomings."

The system immediately alerted: "The male protagonist cannot have shortcomings! Please be sure to correct Yan Xi's handwriting!"

Qiao Zhuo: "..." Why did he Be talkative.

Just as Yan Xi was quietly turning his wrist, he saw Qiao Zhuo standing across from him suddenly getting up and walking over. The aroma of herbal medicine lingered from behind instantly, and Qiao Zhuo actually leaned behind Yan Xi and grabbed his hand.

System: "!!!"

"Concentrate." Qiao Zhuo frowned.

Yan Xi came to his senses immediately, but found that his hands were shaking badly.

Qiao Zhuo's hand was very soft, but when it rested on his, it was very strong. When he wrote, he was free and easy, bold and enthusiastic.

The ancients often said that words are like the person they are. I didn't expect that Qiao Zhuo, who always gave people the impression of being weak, could write such cool and unrestrained words.

Yan Xi was stunned and suddenly realized that his heart was beating extremely fast.

"Are you enlightened?" Qiao Zhuo asked.

Yan Xi had a strong figure and broad shoulders. Qiao Zhuo could only hold his hand sideways. After a short time in this position, Qiao Zhuo stood up.

"Yes, sir." When Yan Xi replied, he looked sideways and saw the small red mole on Qiao Zhuo's earlobe.

"Nonsense, this will enlighten you and I won't waste my whole night just now." Qiao Zhuo said impatiently.

The candlelight reflected on Qiao Zhuo's profile, and the smooth outline revealed a charming meaning. Yan Xi always deliberately avoided looking at Qiao Zhuo's face because of that cruel blow when he was young. Now that he was caught off guard and had a close encounter, he realized that this man was really... pretty.

"Does it look good?" Qiao Zhuo asked in a cold tone.

Everything was the same as before. Yan Xi regained his memory and immediately lowered his head and replied: "It doesn't look good."

Qiao Zhuo sneered, but still said: "Go down and get the board."

Yan Xi was stunned, not knowing where he had offended Qiao Zhuo again. Zhuo, the other person seemed to understand his confusion and said: "The word is too ugly, it stains my eyes."

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