Chapter 15: Listen, the sound of the bed

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Big Capital Villains in the Entertainment Circle 15
  Chapter 15

  Under Liu Ben's shocked and disbelieving gaze, Qiao Zhuo signed the transfer agreement without hesitation and politely rejected Liu Ben's suggestion to persuade Lin Song.

  It is unbelievable for Liu Ben that a man who has a habit of calling all the shots at the top of the entertainment industry could accept failure so lightly.

  Qiao Zhuo is an iron-blooded and powerful person who is bound to retaliate against his enemies. How could he be unable to get up even if he was placed on Lin Song's body?

  Qiao Zhuo realized Liu Ben's confused look and only said: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit."

  Liu Ben frowned for a moment and thought about what Qiao Zhuo meant by this.

  The system asked: "What do you want to express to Liu Ben?"

  Qiao Zhuo said casually: "I just happened to think of this."

  The system glanced at Liu Ben sympathetically.

  After solving a major issue that was blocking his mind, Qiao Zhuo walked out of the door happily, never expecting to bump into Ruan Yunzhi head-on.

  Ruan Yunzhi seemed to be waiting at the door on purpose. Her carefully styled curly hair was dark and shiny under the light of the corridor, making her look like a big star.

  "Mr. Qiao." Ruan Yunzhi greeted him first.

  Even though Qiao Zhuo is now in a weak position, his clothes and accessories from head to toe are not much different from usual.

  "Miss Ruan." Qiao Zhuo nodded politely.

  Ruan Yunzhi looked at Qiao Zhuo with complicated eyes. She had just met the twins Yuan Miao and Yuan Ming, and chatted for a few words, but unexpectedly she discovered something that she would never have believed before.

  "You said you wanted me to be your girlfriend..." As soon as Ruan Yunzhi spoke, Qiao Zhuo said, "There's no need to mention the past."

  Qiao Zhuo stepped up and wanted to leave, but Ruan Yunzhi asked from behind: "Yuan Miao said You just claim to have hidden rules, but in fact you just ask them to accompany you to various banquets, why?"

  Ruan Yunzhi didn't understand why Qiao Zhuo let his reputation become so bad, and he didn't understand why this man still doesn't Defend yourself against anything.

  The system reminded: "It has been detected that Ruan Yunzhi has wavered in your villain's character. Please ask the host to correct it."

  Qiao Zhuo did not expect that such a thing would happen on the eve of the completion of the mission. He turned around and saw the man's face was pale and his eyes were the same. He usually looked at Ruan Yunzhi from top to bottom, with a hint of interest in it, and said, "I thought you had become smarter, but who knew you were still so stupid."

  Ruan Yunzhi frowned, "What?"

  Qiao Zhuo hissed impatiently and stared at She said: "Why do you think that is?"

  Upon seeing this, Ruan Yunzhi no longer wanted to express the possibility that he had just thought about, because it was really impossible looking at Qiao Zhuo's appearance.

  Qiao Zhuo raised his eyebrows slightly, and his tone was dignified, "Why don't you go to bed? It's not because you think you have a reason or explanation."

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