Chapter 13: Uninvited guest Shen Jiming

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Big Capital Villains in the Entertainment Circle 13
  Chapter 13

  "Huh?" Lin Song stood up and straightened his shirt, and when he saw Qiao Zhuo was stunned, he reminded him.

  Whenever Qiao Zhuo has some bad money, he will directly ask Lin Song whether he has a crush on him, but now that he is locked up in the manor, he relies on Lin Song for all communication, and it will not be good for him to break the window paper.

  After thinking clearly, Qiao Zhuo ignored the conversation and just said: "I don't want to wear these for the banquet."

  Lin Song specially asked Lin Song to make the clothes on Qiao Zhuo's body, but since Qiao Zhuo didn't like it, Lin Song Immediately have someone take out some new ones from his closet.

  After changing into new clothes, Qiao Zhuo stood in front of the full-length mirror with his chin raised, waiting for the servant to come and sort it out.

  This aloof look of waiting for service stimulated Lin Song, and he waved away the servants around him and stepped forward.

  Qiao Zhuo watched Lin Song walk over. Before he could say his rejection, Lin Song's hand was already on his tie.

  Qiao Zhuo was wearing a gentleman's slightly long suit, with a dark gray tie inlaid with dark red gems, which was actually the same as the nail polish he wore.

  "You took everything from me, Lin Song." Qiao Zhuo said.

  Lin Song stared at Qiao Zhuo, waiting for his next words.

  "So this means you have already retaliated against me. Once you get angry, you can no longer deal with me." Qiao Zhuo negotiated terms.

  "I won't deal with you." Lin Song promised.

  In fact, what Qiao Zhuo said was true. Lin Song's initial attack on the Qiao Group was indeed to bring down Qiao Zhuo. However, things were unpredictable and Lin Song didn't know at that time that he would fall under Qiao Zhuo's heart.

  If Qiao Zhuo needed gold and silver, he would give him gold and silver. Lin Song would give him everything Qiao Zhuo wanted, even more than what Qiao Zhuo had before.

  Qiao Zhuo's face was still pale. Although it was a little rosier than before, he still couldn't wipe away the fragile feeling on his body.

  "I want to continue to promote "Rose Street"." Qiao Zhuo said.

  Lin Song agreed.

  Seeing this, Qiao Zhuo said again: "I want to participate during the promotion period." The manor was suffocating.

  Lin Song remained silent and didn't speak.

  Qiao Zhuo looked up at him, frowned and cursed: "Liar."

  Lin Song only said: "It's not safe outside. You are safest only if you stay by my side, Qiao Zhuo."

  Qiao Zhuo slapped Lin Song away from him. The hand on the tie hummed: "My life is in your hands. Of course I am safest by your side."

  Qiao Zhuo was very cunning. He was testing the bottom line to which Lin Song could retreat. As long as Lin Song cooled down a little Qiao Zhuo would let go of his provocative words if he was in a mood, but if Lin Song retreated again and again, Qiao Zhuo would not only not restrain himself, but would become even more arrogant.

  Lin Song knew this already, but he was unwilling to suppress Qiao Zhuo.

  "Actually, you know what I want most, don't you? Qiao Zhuo." Lin Song asked softly.

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