Chapter 39: Who gave you the courage to crawl into bed?

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When Bao Zhu and Bao Zhen rushed back, Qiao Zhuo had already fallen asleep, and the fine sweat on his forehead had been wiped clean. Bao Zhu quietly raised his head and glanced at Yan Xi. Unexpectedly, this person was very tall. He looks like a tall and straight man, but he is very careful in his work.

Baozhu looked at it for a long time, and suddenly wondered why Yanxi felt different from before, but she couldn't tell what the difference was. She just felt that his whole body was like a sheathed sword, covering up all the sharp edges. Being restrained makes you more intimidating.

"Mr. Liu said that the medicine must be drunk with a needle..." Baozhu held the medicine bowl and looked at Yan Xi tangledly, obviously not daring to wake up Qiao Zhuo who had already fallen asleep.

Baozhen lowered her head and took a step back, looking scared and afraid.

Yan Xi was holding Qiao Zhuo in his arms. When he heard this, he stretched out his hand. The man frowned and said in a deep voice: "Give it to me."

At this moment, Yan Xi was nothing less than a hero in the hearts of the two maids. Baozhu could not wait to take the medicine. The bowl was handed to him, but he still looked at Qiao Zhuo worriedly.

Qiao Zhuo fell into a deep sleep, and Yan Xi pushed and rocked him several times before he woke up.

When he woke up, there was moisture lingering in his peach blossom eyes, and his slightly red cheeks made Yan Xi dare not take another look.

Qiao Zhuo said in a hoarse voice: "Yan Xi, you are becoming more and more courageous."

Yan Xi ignored him, put the medicine bowl against Qiao Zhuo's lips and said, "Master, Mr. Liu has cooked the medicine. If you drink it, your illness will be cured."

The two of them talked calmly, as if the previous conversation had never existed.

Yanxi is still the Yanxi of the past, and Qiao Zhuo is also the master of the past.

A strong bitter taste hit his face. Qiao Zhuo wrinkled his nose and turned his head. His voice was soft and low: "Do you treat me like a three-year-old child? I won't drink it if you take it away, not to mention that I have already had an injection."

Qiao Zhuo's expression Feeling a little aggrieved after the severe pain, Yan Xi, who had never seen him like this before, could not help but soften his heart, but his movements were still strong and unable to break free.

"Master is not a child. He should know that good medicine tastes bitter." Yan Xi put the medicine bowl close to Qiao Zhuo's lips. Qiao Zhuo's body was white as snow, and the bright red on his lips was highlighted even more. Since Yan Xi understood what he was thinking, he let it go at this moment. A confused mind.

Qiao Zhuo leaned on Yan Xi's chest and closed his eyes. He knew that he had to drink the medicine, so he said, "I'll drink it myself."

When Yan Xi heard Qiao Zhuo said that he didn't need him, his expression darkened, and his strong desire for control gradually awakened. Thinking about why such a devilish man has a beautiful and innocent face, is this face meant to confuse people, or is it to evade his crime?

If Qiao Zhuo regards all this as a game, then is he himself also a part of Qiao Zhuo's play? All kinds of thoughts weighed Yan Xi out of breath. In the end, everything turned into the word Qiao Zhuo engraved on the apex of his bone marrow and heart, causing pain as if it was late.

Qiao Zhuo didn't know anything about the emotions in Yan Xi's heart. He just held the bowl and stared at it for a long time. He asked the system, "Can you really only block the pain, but not the taste?"

The system sighed and said, "It's better to suffer later than to suffer early. Host, drink it."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Qiao Zhuo closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and poured a bowl full of medicine down his throat, choking to the point of tears.

Suddenly, Yan Xi behind him held a piece of candied fruit and handed it to Qiao Zhuo's mouth. The sweet smell made Qiao Zhuo bite it regardless.

Baozhu and Baozhen suddenly exclaimed: "Master!"

A warm breath accompanied by a slight tingling sensation came from Yanxi's fingertips. Almost instantly, Yanxi grabbed Qiao Zhuo's chin and pinched it, making his voice hoarse. , said: "Master, no, you will choke."

The man's wrist was extremely strong and restrained Qiao Zhuo's mouth, and he only let go after Qiao Zhuo swallowed.

Qiao Zhuo's ears turned red and he said angrily: "How brave!"

Baozhu and Baozhen knelt on the ground. Yan Xi said disapprovingly: "I wholeheartedly serve the master."

Qiao Zhuo took a deep breath and said angrily to the system: "This Yan Xi is also a Abnormal, he pinched my tongue! Are you sure his disgust value is high?"

The system said firmly: "High, very high."

Qiao Zhuo: ":(" I'm really scared.

Qiao Zhuo tilted his head and frowned He said, "Wipe your hands with a handkerchief."

Yan Xi lowered his eyes and responded. Baozhu stepped forward and handed over a white handkerchief, "This is what the master uses when taking medicine, Master Yanxi."

Yan Xi clenched the handkerchief and rubbed it for a long time, with a smile in his eyes. Said: "Master, I can't seem to wipe it while I'm holding you."

Qiao Zhuo glared at him, and before he could say "Baozhu, I'm here", Qiao Zhuo pulled the handkerchief and wiped it hard on Yan Xi's wet fingers. Next.

The big, knuckled hands turned red from being rubbed, and Yan Xi remained silent.

Just when Qiao Zhuo wiped Yan Xi's hands as if to vent his anger, the system reminded: "It has been detected that the career growth value of Wu Yanxi, the male protagonist of Small World, has reached a critical level. Please pay attention to the host."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

As soon as he heard this, Qiao Zhuo knew that something bad was going to happen, which meant that his good days as a villain were coming to an end.

System: "Hee hee."

Liu Yun Qia rushed over in a hurry and had no idea what was going on in the room. He only raised his hand to wipe his face and said, "The time is up. I will help you pull out the needle."

Qiao Zhuo was tightly controlled by Yan Xi again and could not move. , after all the needles were pulled out, his whole body was covered with sweat.

The pain enveloped Qiao Zhuo, making him groan a few times. He complained lazily: "Treat employees harshly."

The system groaned a few times: "It hurts." It has been reduced to the lowest level, host. As the villain's weakness, your condition is a force majeure of the small world and cannot be completely cured."

Qiao Zhuo had long guessed that the small world was very malicious towards the villain, otherwise he would not jump to the world every time. The ending was so tragic, and now that he had received an accurate answer from the system, Qiao Zhuo felt that it was indeed the case. As

soon as Yan Xi lowered his head, he could smell the aroma of medicine in his arms. Who would have thought that Qiao Zhuo's sweat would be soaked in the fragrance of medicine, and his throat was slightly numb. His palms were itching when he moved.

Liu Yun took a deep breath and saw that Qiao Zhuo had passed out from exhaustion. He said softly: "The master's illness was only temporarily suppressed by me using silver needles. But now that winter is approaching and the cold in the mountains is getting stronger, the situation It's not good."

Yan Xi paused and asked sternly: "How could this be?"

Baozhu and Baozhen immediately knelt down in front of Liu Yun with tears in their eyes after hearing this, crying: "Mr. Liu must save the master!"

Li Zai Qiao Dadong, who was outside the wing, heard the sound and couldn't wait to push the door in. He was sweating profusely and asked anxiously: "How is the master's illness? Has it been cured?"

Liu Yun stood up and sighed: "What did the housekeeper say? Master's illness After more than ten years of delay, there is no cure."

Qiao Dadong's face was red with anger, "Mr. Shit! The disease can't be cured! What's the use of you!"

Liu Yun's face became embarrassed after being scolded, Baozhu and Baozhu Hearing this, Zhen stood up and stopped Qiao Dadong, fearing that this man with a firecracker temper would do something out of his mind again.

Yan Xi moved Qiao Zhuo to the bed safely, covered him with a thick quilt, turned around and said in a deep voice: "I believe, Mr. You must have a way."

Liu Yun kept pacing in the room with his hands behind his back. Qiao Dadong said impatiently: "If you fart, hurry up!"

Liu Yun stopped with a hiss, patted his head and took a deep breath, and said: "There is a way, but I'm afraid the master won't respond when he wakes up.

Yan Xi stood up with a suppressed aura, and his eyes were very cold, "No matter what I do or shouldn't, as long as it is a way to cure the disease, sir, please tell me. " "

Everyone in the room looked at Liu Yun, waiting expectantly for him to speak.

Qiao Zhuo closed his eyes tightly and fell into a deep sleep, unaware of what was happening outside.

Liu Yun said: "It is recorded in the ancient law that people with excessive coldness in the body need to take blood-tonifying and qi-tonifying medicines..." He looked at Yan Xi and paused for a while, then said: "Add the qi and blood of a pure Yang man and drink it."

Qiao Dadong was stunned, and then said ecstatically: "Aren't these babies all born in the Yang year? Don't worry about not finding anyone!"

Liu Yun said, "It's easy to find them in the Yang year, but in this year of Yang, moon, sun, sun It's hard to find. I've checked everyone's birth dates before, and there is no pure Yang person in Qiaojia Village."

Baozhu and Baozhen were about to cry again, and Yan Xi suddenly said in the silent atmosphere of the room: "I am."

Qiao Dadong and When Liu Yun heard this, they all looked at him in shock.

Yan Xi's eyes did not move at all. He glanced at Qiao Zhuo, who was pale on the bed, and said firmly: "I am from Pure Yang."

Liu Yun's face was full of doubts, and he said: "But you have lost your memory, how can you know that you are On what month and day are you born?"

Yan Xi's face was stern, "When I was picked up by Aunt Liu, I was wearing a gold lock. My birthday was engraved on the gold lock. She knew that I would not be born until I was twelve that year. Send me to the house."

Qiao Dadong shook his hands and asked, "But Aunt Liu said you only have a thin piece of clothing on you."

Yan Xi frowned at him and asked in a deep voice, "What if the housekeeper picked up a man with a gold lock?" Child, can you tell me about the existence of that golden lock?"

Qiao Dadong was choked for a moment, his mouth opened and he couldn't say anything to refute.

Liu Yun sighed: "Human nature is just greedy."

Baozhu stepped forward and asked expectantly: "Sir, we have found the pure Yang person, can you help me treat his illness?"

Liu Yun frowned hesitantly, Qiao Dadong saw him so entangled, He also knelt down and said, "Please don't blame me for offending you earlier. As long as I can cure your illness, no matter how angry I am after you wake up, I, Qiao Dadong, will bear it for you!"

Baozhu and Baozhen also plopped down. He knelt down and said, "I am willing to accept the punishment for you!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun had no last doubt. He put away the small bag of silver needles, turned to Yan Xi and said, "Since I have decided to use this method, I will recover from my illness." You must not let out even half of your energy and blood before this."

Commonly known as abstinence.

Yan Xi's eyes were deep. He had no interest in such things before he realized what he was thinking about Qiao Zhuo. At this moment, he quickly responded: "Yes, sir."


Qiao Zhuo has been shivering with cold every night since he moved to this small world. , cold hands and feet is a trivial matter, waking up from the cold is really uncomfortable, but for some reason tonight, my whole body is warm, heat is rising from my back, my hands and feet are also heated, and fine sweat breaks out on my forehead.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and gradually woke up. He never expected to see Yan Xi looking at him as soon as he opened his eyes.

Qiao Zhuo: "!!"

Qiao Zhuo was startled. He subconsciously wanted to break away but was hugged by the naked Yan Xi. The man's broad shoulders covered Qiao Zhuo's slender figure between the bed curtains.

"Presumptuous!" Qiao Zhuo cursed coldly with a trembling voice: "Who gave you the courage to climb into my bed?!"

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