Chapter 42: As if lingering to death

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The atmosphere was tense instantly. Qiao Dadong lowered his brows and thought for a long time. Yanxi is now a popular person in front of the master, and besides, it is a registered offering to the mountain god. No matter what, he should not let shopkeeper Hu be a foreigner. people interrogate.

Thinking of this, Qiao Dadong stepped forward and blocked the two of them. Before he could say anything, Hu Rui said angrily: "What does it have to do with me? Everyone in Qiaojia Village knows my admiration for the master, so they stopped me." You are looking at me, but who knows about you Yanxi!"

Hu Rui pointed at the tall man in front of him and asked: "Do you dare to say that you don't have any dirty thoughts towards me?!"

Yanxi stood out of reach of the candlelight. Under the shadow, a frowning expression could be vaguely seen on the side of Junlang's face. He looked calm and calm, but was not moved by Hu Rui's accusation.

Qiao Dadong on the side was already as stunned as an old rabbit, trembling his lips, thinking, what are you thinking? Dirty thoughts? !

Qiao Dadong raised his hand with red eyes and just cursed: "Animal..."

A sharp interruption came from the back hall: "Young Master Yanxi, please go and watch the night."

Under the moonlight, everyone turned their heads and saw the orb clearly. She was bending down to salute, and said to Qiao Dadong: "Steward, the master is very cold."

Yan Xi raised his eyebrows, his expression finally changed, and said solemnly: "I will go to watch the night first, as for colluding with outsiders... Please ask the housekeeper to tell you that this is not the case."

Qiao Dadong almost fainted when he heard this, he wanted to ask more than just this!

Hu Rui still wanted to speak out, but Qiao Dadong stretched out his hand to stop him. He turned his head and whispered: "Please respect yourself, shopkeeper Hu."

Baozhu was waiting under the stage. Qiao Zhuo was suffering from illness. How could Qiao Dadong stop Yan Xi and insist on asking? I could watch the man turn around and leave quickly without mercy.

The corridor with red pillars was winding and winding. Yan Xi was walking very fast, and Bao Zhu was following behind and had to trot to catch up.

The door of the wing room was pushed open, and before Yan Xi could step in, Qiao Zhuo's scolding could be heard in the room: "Idiot, why don't you come here quickly? What does Qiao Dadong want from you?"

Yan Xi turned around and closed the door tightly, " It's not a big deal, sir."

The heat was rising between the curtains on the bed, and the stove he had specially ordered before leaving was still burning. Logically speaking, Qiao Zhuo shouldn't have gotten cold so quickly... He

was suddenly interrupted in the middle of his thoughts. Suddenly, he saw Qiao Zhuo's clothes dropped to his shoulders, and his snow-white skin was set off by the red couch, which made him look stunning. Yan Xi took a closer look and found that Qiao Zhuo actually had tears in his eyes.

"Master." Yan Xi stepped forward, wondering why Qiao Zhuo suddenly became seriously ill.

Qiao Zhuo's hands were sore and he couldn't figure out what to do. The only person who could ask for help at this moment was Yan Xi.

He was not cold, but he was clearly unbearably hot.

"Quickly put out these stoves!" Qiao Zhuoxu gasped, his forehead covered with sweat.

Yan Xi was stunned for a moment before coming back to his senses. Qiao Zhuo's blood was surging and he started to feel hot after taking a lot of tonic.

"No sir, Mr. Liu said that this is part of the treatment, and you need to be patient." Yan Xi lifted Qiao Zhuo's long hair and found that his men's eyes were half-closed and shaking.

Looking under the quilt, Qiao Zhuo glanced at him angrily, "Asshole."

Those gorgeous peach blossom eyes were now red at the end. Qiao Zhuo couldn't solve it on his own, so he could only keep scolding Yan Xi.

Qiao Zhuo had never experienced this before. When he was on the cannon fodder mission, he was a ruthless and desireless tool. Now that his whole body was burning hot, he was shocked to realize that he had never had enough food and clothing by himself.

Yan Xi could see how uncomfortable he was, rubbing his fingers on the red quilt, his eyes were shrouded in gloomy emotions. Once he took this step, the connection between him and Qiao Zhuo would be inextricably linked and could no longer be cut.

Several eagle whistles suddenly sounded outside the window. Yan Xi lowered his expression, but suddenly heard Qiao Zhuo on the bed with wet hair and sneered: "What a handsome eagle whistle."

Qiaojia Village is located deep in the mountains, and no jackals, tigers or leopards have been seen. Yes, but this eagle alone has not been seen for hundreds of years. It must have run in from outside.

Yan Xi turned his head and didn't want to look at Qiao Zhuo, but Qiao Zhuo grabbed his shoulders with cold eyes, "You wolf cub who doesn't know what to do."

After Qiao Zhuo finished speaking, he asked the system: "Yan Xi has already Are you in close contact with the Wu family?"

System: "Yes, host, the eagle's roar is the signal between them."

Yan Xi spoke in a hoarse voice, "Master, do you want me to help you?"

Qiao Zhuo's pale cheeks, red and thin lips .

The system gave up on itself and said: "The love line has collapsed. You decide on your own as the host, but the identity of the male lead and the boy must not be broken!"

Qiao Zhuo: "...I am not used to you acting like this."

System: "Hey." Male The Lord hates it so much that it can become like this, what can it do!

Qiao Zhuo's principle in doing tasks is to put pleasure first, not to mention that there is no ready-made fun now.

The two looked at each other, and before Yan Xi could react, Qiao Zhuo reached out and held the man's hand, saying in a low voice: "Help me."

The system deployed the shield knowingly.

Yan Xi's eyes trembled. He didn't expect Qiao Zhuo to actually agree and confirmed: "Master, do you know what you are talking about?"

Qiao Zhuo was soaked in hot sweat. He frowned and stopped talking, but after all, he Inexperienced, Pingbai was covered in sweat again, and became even more angry, "Idiot, just get out of here if you

don't know how to do it." The master in front of him was no longer the lofty white crane, but a man who had never enjoyed even the most basic pleasures.

Yan Xi approached with calm eyes and whispered: "Master, let me teach you."

Qiao Zhuo was afraid that Yan Xi's identity as a boy would be exposed, but when he saw carefully that the man had not even taken off his robe, he felt at ease.

Yan Xi, who had been well-fed and clothed countless times by himself, only used five points of effort to make Qiao Zhuo throw away his armor.

"Master..." Yan Xi's voice became hoarse. The man in front of him was soft everywhere. A person in such a high position had never tasted this. A hidden sense of satisfaction filled his heart. Only he... Only he had seen Qiao Zhuo look like this.

Qiao Zhuo groaned again and again, shaking his hands and pushing Yan Xi's chest, "Enough, enough."

Yan Xi, who had not yet untied his robe, explained seriously: "Master, it's best to drain this rising anger at once. , otherwise I would feel so uncomfortable every night."

Qiao Zhuo: "..." I believe you.

In the end, Qiao Zhuo's hands and feet became weak, and all that was left in his mind was the flashing white light.

Late at night, the eagle's roar echoed through the green mountains again. Yan Xi looked at Qiao Zhuo who had fallen asleep after wiping it clean.

After a long silence, the man was shocked to realize that his whole body was covered with the scent of Qiao Zhuo's refreshing medicine, as if the two of them had truly been in love with each other to the death.

Yan Xi lowered his eyes to clear his thoughts. He should hate the man in front of him, but at the same time he couldn't restrain his possessiveness and love.

The plan to leave was advancing steadily, but Yan Xi's inner conflict became more and more obvious. The man lowered his eyes and looked at Qiao Zhuo, thinking to himself: Will you hate me? Will you hate me as much as I hate you?

Yan Xi hooked Qiao Zhuo's black hair with her fingers very restrainedly, and wanted to ask again unwillingly, Qiao Zhuo, will you love me? Will you love me as much as I love you?

The hawks screamed louder and louder outside the house. Yan Xi should leave immediately, but he kept delaying.

Under constant urging, Yan Xi had no choice but to let go of Qiao Zhuo. He felt his arms were empty and his heart was falling.

Yan Xi suddenly and inexplicably thought as he left with three steps of turning back, this might be the closest he and Qiao Zhuo have ever been to each other in their lives.

Liu Yun was hiding behind a pillar outside the dark door. Seeing Yan Xi finally appear, he asked in a low voice: "Why is it so slow? The eagle screams three times and one is long. The Wu family is already waiting outside the village. The plan has changed. I will send you off first." Leave."

Yan Xi was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "I have to take someone with me, but I can't leave now."

Liu Yun said in shock: "The remaining eleven people have already made arrangements, who else is there?"

Yan Xi tilted his head . Looking at him, he did not speak directly, but just said: "Mr. Liu guessed it, didn't he?"

Liu Yun's hands were shaking violently and he shook his head repeatedly, "Impossible, absolutely impossible. If you want to take the master away, the whole village will not do it." ."

The man with broad shoulders stood neatly under the moonlight. In fact, there was one question that he had always cared about. Qiao Zhuo was obviously weak, so why did the people of Qiaojia Village fear him and admire him so much? Is it just because Qiao Zhuo was the clan leader? Maybe there are other reasons...

Yan Xi frowned, "These twelve people ran away, what about the remaining twelve people? If the bad habits are not eradicated, it will only poison more people. I can't leave now.

" The family and Yan Xi had the same idea, and they felt uneasy if they did not burn the mountain temple.

Liu Yun took a deep breath, "Wishful thinking! Saving twelve people is already a great kindness. Qiaojiacun seems peaceful, but in fact, it is hard to satisfy their desires. The mountain gods are just their greed. Can you stop your greed?!"

Yan Xi's eyes were full of greed. It was an abyss that could not be seen. He said: "Even if I want to overturn this day, I will not hesitate."

Liu Yun was shocked by these words and thought for a long time that maybe only such a person can change the current ignorant status quo. .

Suddenly something unexpected happened, and dozens of people were seen rushing into the backyard. They were all wearing short-sleeved clothes, holding stone axes in their left hands, and holding torches in their right hands. They were all familiar faces in the village.

"That's him!" "Steward Qiao said it himself, it's the group of foreigners attracted by Yanxi!" "Sacrifice to the mountain! Sacrifice to the mountain! Sacrifice to the mountain!"

Baozhu and Baozhen were so frightened that they hurriedly ran out of the east wing to take a look. When Liu Yun saw this, he immediately stepped forward and stopped in front of Yan Xi. He clenched his fists and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you have recognized the wrong person. Yan Xi has been raised in the house since he was a child. How can he know any outsiders?"

Liu Yun is a foreigner in Qiaojia Village. He was a well-known teacher. Everyone was polite to him and looked at each other after hearing his words.

Qiao Dadong suddenly walked in from the door. His wrinkled face was very gloomy at the moment. He said in a hoarse voice: "No one in the house can reveal the serious condition of the master now, but I want to find an explanation with you."

Yan Xi Patting Liu Yun's shoulder, he walked out from behind him and looked directly at everyone. His eyes finally fell on Qiao Dadong, "What does the housekeeper want to ask me?"

The man's temperament was mature and cold. For a moment, Qiao Dadong felt a drum in his heart, but when he thought about it with This ambitious man slept next to him. He risked his life and asked with tears in his eyes: "Those foreigners are obviously familiar with the terrain of the mountains. Dozens of us chased but failed to catch one. How dare you say that there is no internal and external Collusion?!"

Qiao Dadong used one to count the strangers, but the people around him didn't even have any objections. Yan Xi's heart was as cold as ice. Qiaojia Village really did not distinguish between humans and animals.

Liu Yun scolded: "If you can't catch me, could it be that Yan Xi revealed it? Where's the evidence? What's more, it's late at night, the master is resting in bed, Qiao Dadong, are you leading these dozens of people holding torches to demonstrate? ?"

Qiao Dadong was a rough man, so he couldn't defeat Liu Yun with his words. He was so angry that he just said: "I don't believe that even if you search him, you can't find any evidence! There must be ironclad evidence on him! We will search it out for the master to deal with after he wakes up."

As soon as the words "search" came out, everyone in the courtyard found their way again, waving torches and shouting: "Search! Search!" "Dispose of! Dispose of!"

Yan Xi's eyes were full of emotions. The so-called foreigners in Qiao Dadong's mouth were indeed The Wu family came to look for him to go home, but if he left directly, this dark sacrificial tradition would continue forever. How many people would have to be killed before it could stop!

Just as everyone was confronting each other in the backyard, the system voice suddenly sounded in Qiao Zhuo's mind.

The system said anxiously: "Host, please wake up! It has been detected that the plot of the small world is advancing to an important point, and you need to take control."

Qiao Zhuo coughed a few times and protested: "It's unreasonable, we have to work in the middle of the night."

The system : "."

Qiao Zhuo deliberately coughed a few more times: "Besides, my heart still hurts, hiss..."

The system that was always pinched by Qiao Zhuo: "..."

A few seconds later, a sweet smell appeared in Qiao Zhuo's eyes. At the tip of his nose, after inhaling, the pain and fatigue all over his body dissipated instantly. Qiao Zhuo felt that now he could fight ten with vigor!

The confrontation intensified, and just when the villagers holding torches were about to pounce on Yanxi, the door of the wing was pushed open with a creak.

The dark-haired man stood in the room wearing a robe. His beautiful features looked a bit fragile due to illness, but his fierce aura did not change at all.

"What's the noise about?" Qiao Zhuo still asked softly, and everyone in the backyard knelt down with weak legs.

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