Chapter 45: Honey trap

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Qiao Zhuo clenched his fingers tightly, his joints turned white, he was obviously so angry that he couldn't breathe properly.

Wu Yanxi's heart was shocked when he saw this, and he coaxed with deep eyes: "Who said that? Master, please don't deliberately find a reason to lecture me."

The man coaxed while gently patting Qiao Zhuo's back with his hand, and saw that he was breathing. It gradually stabilized and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Lying on the bed, Qiao Zhuo's neck was covered with fine sweat, and his breath smelled of medicine. His beautiful eyebrows glared at him sideways under the renewed candlelight, "Aren't you afraid of disaster from the mountain god if you dare to do such a thing? ?"

Wu Yanxi lowered his eyes and said, "Which is true or false will be known in the morning."

Qiao Zhuo didn't loosen his fingers at all, stubbornly pulled Wu Yanxi closer and scolded: "You are not the one who kills first and then tells the story later. I have never done it before, and you are disrespectful to ghosts and gods... You are going to drag the entire Qiaojia Village into hell!"

Wu Yanxi raised his eyes and looked directly at the beautiful man in front of him, "Into hell? Isn't Qiaojia Village today a hell? For the master, The offerings are just offerings, not people."

Qiao Zhuo reached out angrily and pushed Wu Yanxi away, "It's useless to discuss these words with you."

Wu Yanxi fell silent.

Qiao Zhuo is right. They have different positions and different concepts. They cannot distinguish right from wrong.

The system suddenly said: "The host and the male protagonist are in an antagonistic relationship between the villain and the protagonist. You can never stand on a united front. Fighting to the death is your eternal destiny."

Qiao Zhuo: "."

Qiao Zhuo saw Wu Yanxi suddenly stood up, and the man's tall and oppressive figure completely engulfed him in his shadow.

Wu Yanxi's disbelief in ghosts and gods means that his respect for Qiao Zhuo has other thoughts. Now that these thoughts have been exposed, Qiao Zhuo has an extra fear of men when facing Wu Yanxi.

"You..." As soon as Qiao Zhuo spoke, he saw Wu Yanxi taking off his shirt, revealing a broad back covered with mottled red marks. With just one glance, others could understand the circumstances under which these were ambiguous scars.

"When the master is tossing, turning, and moaning under my hands every night, do you still remember the mountain god?" Wu Yanxi's tone was cold, with an aura that he had never shown in front of Qiao Zhuo before.

Qiao Zhuo's hands trembled when he heard this and asked the system: "What's wrong with the male protagonist?"

The system only said: "Maybe he realized that the conflict between you two was irreconcilable and gave up on the detour."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Wu Yanxi turned around and turned around. He held Qiao Zhuo's waist with one hand and lifted him up. The man's snow-white chest was peeled out from under the quilt. Qiao Zhuo nervously pressed his hand against his strong arm, but was unable to stop Wu Yanxi's approach.

"You're crazy!" Qiao Zhuo said in shock and anger.

Unexpectedly, Wu Yanxi admitted with a cold face: "Yes, I am crazy. Only crazy people would think that you and I would understand each other sooner or later, and hold on to those ridiculous and groundless delusions."

Qiao Zhuo didn't have a trace of blood on his body. At this moment, Wu Yanxi, who was out of control, had nowhere to hide.

The man lowered his head forcefully and approached, "Ah..." Qiao Zhuo exclaimed, his waist tightly held by strong arms, unable to move back.

The affectionate kisses fell on the side of Qiao Zhuo's neck one by one, and finally stayed on his chest. Wu Yanxi showed his wild nature, looked directly at Qiao Zhuo with a wet forehead and said: "Look at me."

Wu Yanxi: "Look. Look what I'm going to do to you, Qiao Zhuo."

Qiao Zhuo shook his upper body under Wu Yanxi's advances and his eyes gradually turned red, "Wantless..." Liang Dianhong

was wantonly trampled, bullied and humiliated, and Qiao Zhuo wanted to turn away. He had no choice but to keep leaning forward and getting closer with the support of Wu Yanxi's arms.

His mind went blank, Qiao Zhuo couldn't think of anything, and he could only be dragged into the endless heat wave by Wu Yanxi.

Before the white light flashed, Qiao Zhuo, who was covered in sweat and confused, heard Wu Yanxi say in a hoarse voice: "Qiao Zhuo, you really make me hate you."

Qiao Zhuo closed his eyes and weakly held Wu Yanxi's shoulders with his hands. , the ink hair was wet with moisture and stuck to Wu Yanxi's arm, so entangled that it was difficult to separate.

A hot tear fell on the side of Qiao Zhuo's neck, two or three drops...

Wu Yanxi: "It was wrong from the beginning, and it was wrong from the beginning."

Wu Yanxi was resentful of herself, and she should have been clean and tidy . Hate was mixed with love that he couldn't let go of, and he would never forget Qiao Zhuo in this life.

Qiao Zhuo opened his eyes at Wu Yanxi's trembling voice, and blush spread all over his body. Qiao Zhuo looked sideways and saw a pair of evil wolf eyes.

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyelashes and laughed loudly for a while. This laughter was mocking Wu Yanxi's love, and he laughed heartily until the end.

Wu Yanxi couldn't stop Qiao Zhuo's laughter, so he could only leave his mark on Qiao Zhuo harder.

"It's ridiculous, it's pitiful." Qiao Zhuoruan raised his eyes from the bed and looked into the man's eyes, "Yanxi, you can't refuse me anymore."

Wu Yanxi finally stepped into the trap and could only kiss with wet eyes and gritted teeth.

The taste of blood filled his lips and teeth. Qiao Zhuo looked up at Wu Yanxi with half-squinted eyes. He looked like the misty distant mountains, and even more so the misty spring river that could not be grasped by the gentle breeze.

"Yanxi." Qiao Zhuo called softly.

Wu Yanxi pursed her thin lips and veins bulged on her forehead. The next second she saw her frail and beautiful face looking up, "Don't go tomorrow, stay with me."

Wu Yanxi: "..."

System: "Wow, wow, wow, wow. ."

Seeing that Wu Yanxi was stunned and didn't speak, Qiao Zhuo raised his hand to caress the side of the man's face, pressing a moist kiss on his thin lips, "Don't go." His

peach blossom eyes outlined the handsomeness of the man in front of him. The look on his face instantly made the man think that he was all about himself.

Wu Yanxi could no longer control himself and let himself fall into this false dream. In the dream, Qiao Zhuo was no longer the aloof god. He was wrapped in love and hate and entangled in the world.

The man said hoarsely: "I'm not going, Master."

System: "!!"

Qiao Zhuo's proactive kiss was a thousand times deeper than being forced to let Wu Yanxi fall in. She just wanted his long as she could get it His love...

The system said anxiously: "A child's body cannot be broken."

Qiao Zhuo: "...Tsk."

The system said speechlessly: "Host, what are you regretting?"

Qiao Zhuo: "I just tut, it's meaningless."

The system Heng said: "I have the ability to learn independently. Human beings don't say meaningless notes. Host... you must have fallen in love with the male protagonist, right?"

Qiao Zhuo: "."

Qiao Zhuo said coldly: "That's impossible ." He will not fall in love with the setting data of a small world.

System: "."

Heavy snow was falling in the mountains. When Wu Duo walked out of the tent with dark circles under his eyes, he happened to meet Wu Yanxi.

Compared to Wu Duo, who was obviously tired, Wu Yanxi was in high spirits.

"Brother..." Wu Duo stepped forward and swept the tent behind him. Thinking that he could only hear nothing after listening to the corner for a long time last night, he could only return in frustration. At this moment, his mind became active again and asked: "The clan leader's illness has also improved a lot. Well, when are you going to bring him out for fresh air?"

Wu Yanxi frowned sullenly, and the next second the tent curtain was opened, and a long-haired man wearing a black gown and a white fur cloak came out.

Qiao Zhuo is tall and thin, with jade-like fingers caressing the hair on his neck. His peach blossom face is scorching, and his face is cold and sparse. It is the only bright color in the snow-capped mountains.

Wu Duo, who claimed to have seen the world, was speechless for a moment and could only stare blankly at the man in front of him. This was actually a man who existed in the world. He was really rare and stunning!

Every word that Wu Yanxi had laughed at before was now replaced by a sharp slap on his face, causing pain.

Wu Duo stammered and wanted to step forward, but someone beat him to it. Wu Yanxi stepped forward and held Qiao Zhuo's lapel in a gesture so intimate that Wu Duo was jealous.

No wonder, no wonder Wu Yanxi refused to reveal even the slightest bit that he was such a graceful man.

Wu Yanxi stood beside Qiao Zhuo, her eyes sweeping over the man's neck that was tightly wrapped in a cloak. All the traces left last night were hidden under his collar. Only the two of them knew about this hidden affection. Wu Yanxi's mind.

Liu Yun walked over quickly, "Good morning, sir."

Qiao Zhuo squinted his eyes and sneered: "What an amazing skill, I actually brought everyone in the house."

I saw Qiao Shanshan hiding in the crowd in the distance, Too scared to step forward.

Wu Yanxi lowered her eyelashes, and Wu Duo said with a hearty smile: "Master Qiao is just joking. I've admired Wu Duo for a long time."

Qiao Zhuo raised his chin slightly without saying a word. In his opinion, these Wu family members are all Qiao. There is no need to be nice and angry with the enemies of your home village.

Wu Duo was anxious when he saw that the beauty was not responding, but suddenly a servant ran up behind him and said: "Second Young Master, everyone is here, do you want to go up the mountain?"

Qiaojia Village is located on the steep terrain halfway up the mountain, and the mountain temple is built on the hillside. On the top of the mountain, it is so majestic and steep that you can fall to pieces if you are not careful.

As soon as Wu Duo turned his head, he heard Wu Yanxi say in a deep voice: "I won't go today."

Qiao Zhuo smiled with satisfaction, and in an instant, it was like the ice and snow melted, and the sky was filled with peach blossoms.

Wu Duo was stunned for a moment, his heart was so agitated, and it took him a while to come back to his senses and asked doubtfully: "Why? Brother, everyone is here."

Wu Yanxi's face was solemn, "Wait a minute."

Qiao Zhuo swept his hands. Wearing a white cloak, her slender white fingers rested on Wu Yanxi's arm, and she said in a clear and gentle voice: "Since you are free, come read with me for a while."

Wu Yanxi's ears turned red.

The system said nonchalantly: "Beauty trap!"

Wu Duo also tasted it, "Beauty trap!"

Liu Yun stood aside blankly, and was so frightened that he dared not speak out. How could the master be so nice to Wu Yanxi? Something was wrong. .

Wu Yanxi glanced at everyone's eyes and explained: "It's difficult to walk on the slippery road in snowy weather. I've been waiting for so many years. I won't miss these few months before I go up the mountain again in the spring."

The temple burning incident was criticized because of Wu Yanxi's words. On the other side, the villagers of the Qiao family kept searching for Qiao Zhuo but to no avail. Qiao Dadong was so angry that his hair fell out in handfuls.

Qiao Zhuo himself lived like a fish in water in this hidden place in the mountains.

The unbearable snowy day passed, and Liu Yun's medicine finally stopped, but Wu Yanxi still found excuses to run into his bed every night, holding the beauty in his mouth and kissing her wantonly.

Qiao Zhuo did not forget the system's warning. Even if he got angry, Wu Yanxi was still a boy.

It was another sunny day after spring. Qiao Zhuo put on a light coat and sat under the shade of a tree. After a while, he saw Wu Duo walking straight towards him with a Kit Kat gadget in his hand.

In the past few months, Wu Duo could only stare at the beauty, and Wu Yanxi would scold her for even the slightest move of getting closer. But not long ago, Wu Duo suddenly found an opportunity and discovered that Qiao Zhuo had lived in the mountains all year round and had never seen anyone abroad. Wu Duo searched for these gadgets everywhere and presented them to Qiao Zhuo to compete for his favor.

Wu Yanxi stared at Wu Duo with a cold face. He saw the man take out a glass cylinder from behind, squatted in front of Qiao Zhuo and said with bent eyes: "Qiao Zhuo, this is a telescope. You can see what you see from here." Very far away..."

Wu Yanxi's handsome face looked gloomy and scary, but Wu Duo, who was so beautiful, was no longer afraid of this big brother at this time, and just kept moving closer to Qiao Zhuo. If there was a tail behind him at this moment It had already faded away.

Qiao Zhuo took the thing and put it in front of his eyes, inadvertently scanning the large forest in the distance. The temple towered among the clouds, but at this moment, even the pattern on the red pillars could be clearly seen.

The beauty smiled and said: "Thank you, I like it very much."

Wu Duo's cheeks and neck turned red, and he showed a shy expression, "You're welcome, you just like it."

Wu Yanxi clenched his fingers tightly, and his aura was extremely cold, " It seems that you are very free."

Wu Duo: "..."

Qiao Zhuo put away the telescope and glanced at Wu Yanxi, and actually spoke for Wu Duo, "I like Wu Duo's gadgets very much, don't annoy him."

Qiao Zhuo It's okay not to say it. As soon as he said these words, Wu Yanxi's anger rose up. Do you like it? How dare Qiao Zhuo say he likes Wu Duo? !

At this moment, the system prompts suddenly sounded: "Host, the group of people led by Qiao Dadong have found this place."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Zhuo held the telescope and scanned the mountain without changing his expression. Sure enough, there was a tree shaking unnaturally.

Wu Yanxi became angry, grabbed Qiao Zhuo's wrist and stood up, "Master, I will accompany you to copy the calligraphy."

Wu Duo also stood up and said, "Isn't it wrong for the eldest brother to always dominate Qiao Zhuo like this?"

Seeing that the two of them were going to fight again. When the quarrel broke out, Qiao Zhuo, who had already obtained the telescope, immediately stood aside Wu Yanxi.

"Yanxi, I'm a little tired."

Wu Duo, who was thrown away after being used: "..."

Wu Yanxi's eyes lit up, and he kept rubbing Qiao Zhuo's slender wrist with his fingers, "I will take the master back to the account."

Ai Ye Okay, hate it or not, as long as Qiao Zhuo can always stay by his side.

When Qiao Zhuo opened the curtain, he glanced back. Suddenly, he heard the roar of an eagle. Wu Yanxi, who was holding the curtain, changed his expression. He heard Wu Duo shout, "It's the Qiao family!"

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