Chapter 11: Captive birds

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Big Capital Villains in the Entertainment Circle 11
  Chapter 11

  After only struggling for a second, Qiao Zhuo turned over and lay down on the kingsize bed. Shen Jiming was probably still catching him outside. He was now weak, so he might as well stay here according to Lin Song's wishes.

  "The male protagonist you mentioned will not do anything to me." Qiao Zhuo said with peace of mind.

  The system said: "We will not sink you into the sea."

  Qiao Zhuo thought about Lin Song's remaining 20 points of career growth points, frowned and said: "Is it really because of the amount of investment in the movie?"

  A flash of inspiration, Qiao Zhuo said happily : "I understand. Now Lin Song's business career has reached its peak, but his acting career has not. When "Rose Street" is successfully filmed and broadcast, Lin Song's growth value will be available."

  There was a knock from outside. There was a sound at the door. Qiao Zhuo had taken a cold shower and felt fine just now, but he never expected that when he suddenly stood up, his vision went dark, and he turned out to be dizzy.

  "Qiao Zhuo?" Lin Song, who was standing at the door, saw that no one had opened the door yet, so he knocked several times. Just as he was about to open the door and walk in, the door in front of him was opened.

  Qiao Zhuo stood in the room wearing a bathrobe, his black hair fell on his forehead, his lips were a little pale, and his whole person revealed a sense of vulnerability.

  "What's the matter?" Qiao Zhuo raised his eyes and asked.

  An indescribable feeling of satisfaction burst out in Lin Song's heart. Lin Song stared at him for a while, and Qiao Zhuo couldn't help but retracted his hand on the door handle.

  "You have a fever." Lin Song frowned.

  "Really?" Qiao Zhuo raised his hand to touch his forehead with a confused look on his face, and found that it was indeed hot.

  Lin Song immediately called the doctor back and gave Qiao Zhuo some medicine and an intravenous drip.

  Lying on the bed and looking at the hand pricking the needle, Qiao Zhuo couldn't help but turn his head. Lin Song sat beside the bed. The man's profile was still as handsome as if he had been carefully carved by an artist.

  Qiao Zhuo was dizzy, thinking about how to quietly give the film investment amount to Lin Song.

  "I'm not very happy." Lin Song in the room suddenly said this without any end.

  Qiao Zhuo, who had a fever and was slow to react, let out a sigh when he heard this.

  Lin Song sat beside the bed. It was the first time Qiao Zhuo saw this man wearing such a homely gray top. The soft fabric made his whole body less cold, but his eyes were still sharp.

  "You said last time, am I very happy to see you like this?" Lin Song's explanation was very brief, but Qiao Zhuo understood.

  In Lin Song's eyes, Qiao Zhuo's impression was that he was the rule-maker of the game who always stood on a high place and looked down at others, but he did not expect that he would pull him down, nor did he expect that Qiao Zhuo, who had lost the protection of money and status, would become the little man he is now. He looked pitiful, a piece of meat that was coveted by everyone, and was thrown out. The ending could be imagined.

  Qiao Zhuo glared at him with a pale face and cursed: "Are you sympathizing with me?"

  Lin Song said nothing, and it seemed to Qiao Zhuo's eyes that he acquiesced.

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