Arc 4, Chapter 48: Big Ghost King / Handsome little Taoist priest

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The city roads are busy with traffic, the lights are brightly lit in the giant steel buildings, and the crowds are noisy and lively as far as the eye can see.

But at this moment, there was no light in the narrow alley behind the building. Rats were scurrying around, cockroaches were everywhere, and the stench of the trash cans lined up in a row was overwhelming.

In the darkness, the thin-cheeked man stepped on the faintly red talisman formation, with an extremely crazy and ferocious smile on his face. After a while, he was heard laughing up to the sky, his fingers were bent and covered with blood stains, and he yelled hoarsely. He said: "It's done! It's done! Hahahahahahaha."

Following his terrifying cry, the sky in the southeast corner of the city suddenly became violently windy, and the dark clouds turned into a whirlpool strangely, and thunder and lightning rumbled.

The white-haired old man in the tall building stood by the window, twirling his fingers and muttering softly to his lips. He suddenly opened his clear eyes, swept the dust in his hand and shouted: "No, a Rakshasa is born! Come with me to suppress it quickly!"


Zhuo was transported to the new world, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself kneeling in an empty grotto with golden chains tied all over his body. There were swaying runes on the chains, and the sound of Sanskrit scriptures sounded low. The noise gave him a headache.

Qiao Zhuo frowned in disgust and tried to twist his wrist several times but was unable to do anything with the chain.

The system voice finally sounded, "Host, the new world is an urban fantasy, and your identity is the evil Rakshasa who was killed by the male protagonist with a sword."

Qiao Zhuo: "..." He is used to it.

Seeing Qiao Zhuo's silence, the system thought he was dissatisfied, so it said in a sales pitch: "Rakshasa is very powerful, host. Your force value is the highest in this small world now! You don't want to be the strongest A man? Now you are one!"

Qiao Zhuo: "Haha, but I can't even break a chain now."

The system hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, you will be able to do it right away..."

Halfway through the system's words, Qiao Zhuo Suddenly, he was shocked to realize that his whole body was filled with infinite power. The gold chain that he could not break just now was now shattered by him with a slight flick.

But before Qiao Zhuo had time to be happy, he heard the roar of the boulder above his head, and the next second it hit his head!

Qiao Zhuo stood up and swept away the dust on his knees, twisted his fingers, and pushed upward at will. A giant talisman array glowing with purple light appeared above the grotto, completely smashing the fallen rocks into ashes.

The man waved his hand again, and the thick gray instantly turned into gold powder and dissipated.

The system had already been stunned and said involuntarily: "Host, you are so powerful!"

Qiao Zhuo snorted, with a little pride in his beautiful eyebrows, "It's a small skill, nothing worth mentioning."

The system: "." Gan, it's still the familiar narcissism. appearance.

After all the fallen rocks were cleared, Qiao Zhuo realized that he was in a bottomless underground. There was a huge pit above his head with the moonlight shining above his head.

The system explained: "The world is still very afraid of you, host."

Just as Qiao Zhuo easily flew out of the cave, golden light flashed before his eyes, and countless bundles of magic ropes came straight towards him, and his wrists and ankles were wrapped in layers. Qiao Zhuo didn't come back to his senses for a moment.

Under the moonlight, dozens of people were seen surrounding the huge cave entrance, all looking at him solemnly. Qiao Zhuo was floating in the air, expressionless.

The man was wearing a dark robe, with black Sanskrit inscriptions circled around his neck and wrists. A pair of red eyes glanced sharply at him, with a majestic and oppressive aura.

The leader of the white-haired old man frowned, flicked his fly whisk, and scolded Qiao Zhuo: "Why did you suddenly appear in the peaceful and prosperous age? It's not too late to turn around immediately!"

Qiao Zhuo observed the surroundings without saying anything, not far away The people holding the magic rope tightly in their hands were all young faces, and they all looked pale. They looked obviously frightened.

The white-haired old man was obviously someone who had seen big scenes. At this moment, he only trembled slightly in the face of Qiao Zhuo's strong pressure. His posture remained upright and he shouted: "Yes!"

But Qiao Zhuo sneered at this: " The boy with a yellow mouth."

The man who was tied up with magic ropes had an appearance that amazes the world. But when he heard him call the old man with gray hair as the boy with a yellow mouth on top of this extremely beautiful face, no one in the room raised any objection, as if default.

The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses stood in front of the crowd and quickly flipped through the yellowing pages of the book in his hand. He said nonchalantly: "It's really a Rakshasa with a jade face and white clothes."

As soon as the word "Rakshasa" came out, the atmosphere condensed again.

Nowadays, monsters are divided into seven levels in the world, namely demon, ghost, demon, fierce, fierce, evil, and evil.

And the one in front of him who broke through the thousand-year seal and reappeared in the world was the most ruthless evil ghost Rakshasa among them.

Realizing this, the Taoist disciples at the scene were covered with fine sweat on their foreheads, and the fingers holding the magic rope gradually lost strength and trembled. However, the Rakshasa in the sky remained expressionless, and did not even frown once, which made people suspicious. Did this magic rope tie him up, or was this Rakshasa just teasing them as a joke?

The white-haired old man turned sideways and said in a deep voice: "Qian Fan, where is your senior brother? Why haven't you come yet?"

Upon hearing this, Su Qian Fan put away the yellowed pages of the book and threw them into the bag beside him. He raised his gold-rimmed glasses and replied: "Senior Brother picked it up not long ago. Mr. Lou's call came over, so I guess it's time to come over now."

Qiao Zhuo was tired of being tied up with the rope, and he easily broke free with a wave of his hand.

Qiao Zhuo asked: "Where is the male protagonist? How long will it take for him to appear?"

System: "Wait, wait, wait."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Seeing Rakshasa break away from the magic rope, Su Qianfan hurriedly pointed to the sky and said: "Master!"

The crane-haired old man held the spiritual secret in his hand and tried his best to suppress Qiao Zhuo from leaving the entrance of the cave. During this gap, the group of young disciples who had fallen off the ropes found an opportunity to tie Qiao Zhuo up again.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and hissed. He had just woken up, and now his strength was still strong and weak. It was really difficult to leave directly for a while.

During this period, the leading old man kept flying talismans at him, flying around Qiao Zhuo like headless flies, making him even more angry.

Seeing Qiao Zhuo's expression getting more and more irritable, Suqian Fan turned his head and asked excitedly: "Master, what kind of talisman did you throw up? That Rakshasa is obviously irritable and unbearable!"

Zhong Ge: "..."

Zhong Ge: "It's Qingxin Curse."

Su Qianfan blinked and gave a thumbs up, "As expected of Master, the Rakshasa has obviously calmed down."

Zhong Ge closed his eyes and said unbearably: "Shut up."

A red light suddenly appeared on the horizon, and the wind howled.

Zhong Ge twisted his long beard and said seriously: "Now that this Rakshasa has broken through the seal, no one in the world can suppress it again. We can only wait..."

"Waiting for what?" Suqian Fan Gang asked, and only heard the burst of laughter from the crowd around him. A cry of excitement.

"Eldest Brother!"

"It's Eldest Brother who's here!"

"Eldest Brother is finally here, and we can be saved now."

Qiao Zhuo also heard the sound and looked down, only to see a man in white shirt walking in a wide road. , that man has a handsome appearance and a cold temperament, dignified and self-possessed like a kaolin flower.

Qiao Zhuo said to the system: "Oh, this abstinent style."

The system groaned, this is the male protagonist of the small world that he selected after thousands of choices, and there is no way he will be tempted by Qiao Zhuo's beauty again!

Zhongge called out to the crowd in a low voice: "Xuan'er."

Yu Xuan was the most outstanding Taoist disciple in this generation, and also the most unkind and proud man of heaven.

His talent has allowed him to reach a high level of cultivation at a young age. He doesn't know what it's like to practice hard. A coldness filled Yu Xuan's eyes. Through everything, he looked at Qiao Zhuo and asked, "Rakshasa with a jade face and white clothes?"

The man's strength was terrifying. Ruyuan, Qiao Zhuo, who looked at him, was shocked. He stopped joking like before and became a little more serious.

Seeing him, Zhongge knew Qiao Zhuo's identity at a glance, and his anxiety dropped a bit. Suqian Fan on the side had already responded with admiration: "Yes! He is the jade-faced and white-robed Rakshasa described in ancient books. How can you see it at a glance, senior brother?" Come out?"

Yu Xuan lowered his eyes and turned his hand to take out the peach wood sword from his waist. He whispered the incantation on his lips and raised his shoulders neatly to draw the demon subduing formation.

"For thousands of years, the Rakshasa mid laner has been called the Jade Face." Yu Xuan's voice was cold.

When Su Qianfan heard this, he raised his head and glanced at the man restrained in the air. His peach blossom eyes were as gorgeous as those of a mural goddess. He trembled all over and lowered his head, not daring to take another look.

Zhongge heard the disciple next to him reciting the Purifying Mantra with his eyes closed, and he cursed in an indomitable voice: "Meditation!"

The pure white demon-subduing array rose into the air, and the disciple who had been holding the magic rope tightly suddenly shouted: "Master , this Rakshasa's cultivation level is rising and falling, he may be injured!"

Upon hearing this, Zhong Ge immediately picked up the fly whisk and swept it, and countless small golden runes flew towards Qiao Zhuo.

Due to the layers of restraints and Yu Xuan's majestic cultivation, Qiao Zhuo was quickly defeated and knelt down beside the cave entrance.

Countless magic ropes surrounded the man, leaving him unable to resist.

Qiao Zhuo asked: "This is what you said is the strongest in the world."

System: "It is the strongest, but you are injured..."

Qiao Zhuo said perfunctorily, "I will never believe you again. It's gone."

System: "Hey."

Even though the man in front of him was tied up, the pressure of the evil spirit still frightened everyone present, so that no one dared to approach him for a while. I saw black Sanskrit words appearing all over his body, faintly revealing thousands of years of cultivation.

Zhongge twirled his hands to calculate, and after a while he suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Xuan'er."

Yu Xuan put away the mahogany sword, "Master."

Zhongge calculated Qiao Zhuo's destiny and said, "This Rakshasa reappeared in the world, but only a hundred Tian Kede, although he has been captured by us for the time being, as time goes by, his cultivation level increases, and now only you can block his attack."

Su Qian Fan said anxiously: "Master, what if Senior Brother is captured? What should I do if this Rakshasa is killed?"

Zhong Ge raised his hand to signal him to shut up. Yu Xuan is the only spiritual body in the world that can communicate with yin and yang and predict destiny. Even if Qiao Zhuo's cultivation level reaches its peak, Yu Xuan will not Able to block his blow without incident.

But after one blow...

Zhong Ge ordered: "Run quickly after being beaten."

Su Qianfan: "..."

Yu Xuan has always been used to walking alone, and now he suddenly needs to get along with a Rakshasa day and night, and his handsome eyebrows are furrowed. rise.

But all the disciples around him were trembling with fear, and he was the only one who could take on this matter.

"What did the Taoist Association say?" Yu Xuan asked.

Su Qianfan said helplessly: "The association said there are no suitable people to suppress the Rakshasa, so let us temporarily support it."

Yu Xuan frowned, it seems that the matter of letting him take care of the Rakshasa has been confirmed.

Qiao Zhuo, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly chuckled and looked up at Yu Xuan. Just when everyone thought he would say something harsh like never letting him go, the Rakshasa glanced at Yu Xuan up and down. He said in an extremely ambiguous tone: "You smelly Taoist priest, he is quite handsome."

Su Qianfan: "..."

Zhong Ge: "..."

Yu Xuan immediately took out a talisman and put it on Qiao Zhuo's forehead.

Qiao Zhuo: "...huh?"

Rakshasa was speechless. Yu Xuan glanced at his expression and explained: "It's a mute note."

Qiao Zhuo: "fine."

The system laughed loudly. , the host finally meets his opponent!

Zhong Ge took out a red thread, handed one end to Yu Xuan, and signaled him to pass the other end to Qiao Zhuo.

"This is a demon-binding lock. Once you notice that Rakshasa's evil thoughts are rising, it will burn you. Remember to guard him within a hundred days to prevent him from hurting anyone." Zhong Ge gave serious instructions.

Yu Xuan agreed, and when Qing Lie Menxiang approached, Qiao Zhuo stared at the man's face carefully.

Just when the red thread on his wrist was tied, Qiao Zhuo said with a smile: "Hey, isn't this the Yuelao red rope? Once you tie it, you will be a couple for life. Is it possible that the little Taoist priest likes me?"

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