Chapter 19: First impression hits rock bottom

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Noble Omega Villain 3
  Chapter 3

  As soon as these words came out, everyone frowned. It seemed that the rumors about the Duke's perverse temper were true.

  The deputy general next to Chu Xiu only dared to complain in a low voice when facing the Duke: "It's obvious that they blocked him intentionally."

  But Chu Xiu has never been used to these princes and nobles, and he is not afraid of privileges. His power and honor are all After a bloody battle, Chu Xiu suppressed the shock of the first sight in his heart and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty the Duke, the road to the palace was not opened for you alone."

  After Chu Xiu said this, he only heard Qiao Zhuo smile.

  Qiao Zhuo's eyes glanced around Chu Xiu's shoulders, and after noticing the eagle epaulettes, he only said: "So the Imperial Marshal looks like this."

  Qiao Zhuo couldn't help but said to the system: "The second and third men you selected are not very good, but The male protagonist is still very handsome."

  The system puffed up his chest and said proudly: "Of course! The male protagonist is the most perfect and outstanding man in the small world!"

  Standing on the starship, Chu Xiu had a cold face but handsome appearance and broad shoulders. He can hold up the black gold cloak, and his chilling aura noisily reflects his status as a third-level S-level alpha.

  With just one glance, Qiao Zhuo felt that the male protagonist was worthy of being a male protagonist, and he was truly the man who best suited his aesthetics in the small world.

  The charming meaning in Qiao Zhuo's tone was so obvious that the troops standing on the starship were all shocked. The Duke was actually such an omega!

  Chu Xiu felt a surge of anger instantly surge into his heart. When had he ever been humiliated like this by the royal family! Even the two princes showed courtesy to him.

  "Your Excellency, please respect yourself." Chu Xiu's expression was stormy, his brows were furrowed, and he looked extremely worried.

  The system prompted: "Chu Xiu's disgust value +5."

  Qiao Zhuo raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Only five points? The male protagonist is not good."

  The system was speechless and choked. Compared with the previous world, the disgust level was reduced. Worth it, it actually felt a little satisfied.

  "Master Marshal, you have such a big temper, haha." Qiao Zhuo sneered. Anyone could see that he looked angry, but his face was too gorgeous, and the redness of his cheeks at the moment made people feel itchy.

  "With this force, I don't know that there is a second local emperor in the capital planet besides His Majesty." Qiao Zhuo casually dropped a bomb.

  As soon as these words came out, even Chu Xiu pursed his lips in thought.

  The ruby ​​scepter, which symbolized the royal family and nobility, was held by Qiao Zhuo and gently rubbed under his hand. For a long time, neither of the two sides said a word.

  Chu Xiu understood that Qiao Zhuo was waiting for his concession and apology, but the road in front of the palace was so wide. They stopped because Qiao Zhuo's sideways carriage blocked the road, not to mention that the other party kept waiting for the starship to land and refused to leave. , his thoughts are obvious at a glance.

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