Chapter 22: OA matching test

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Noble Omega Villain 6
  Chapter 6

  Qiao Zhuo felt uneasy in his heart, but on the surface he just snorted and let go of the chain in his hand.

  Chu Xiu slowly straightened up and stood in front of Qiao Zhuo. His powerful figure could not help but bring silent oppression to Qiao Zhuo.

  As a villain, Qiao Zhuo felt threatened by Chu Xiu for the first time, not to mention that he was just an omega now, and the natural desire to surrender surged into his consciousness.

  Qiao Zhuo stared at Chu Xiu and refused to give in. Suddenly, the old emperor interrupted the confrontation and said: "Since you have reached a consensus, as for the money... Duke, you must try your best to help the marshal." The

  mentioned one Qiao Zhuo held his chin with one hand and stared at Chu Xiu with a little anger because of what had just happened. He said lazily and sarcastically: "Since the marshal is wearing a dog leash, of course I have no problem."

  Chu Xiu stood in the main hall . When the Central Committee heard this, he remained unmoved. All the pheromones were restrained by him. "Yes, Your Majesty."

  The system breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the hero's mood has calmed down."

  Qiao Zhuo shook his head and denied it. : "No, Chu Xiu is even more crazy. Are you sure he won't torture me to death after he takes power?"

  The system patted its chest and promised: "Absolutely not!"

  Qiao Zhuo felt sad and said: "You said I was disgusted before. It won't break again after repairing it."

  System: "..."

  Qiao Zhuo slapped her face mercilessly, "But it still collapsed."

  System: "."

  The system prompt sounded, [Chu Xiu's career growth value +5. ]

  This was the only good news Qiao Zhuo had heard since early in the morning, but he still couldn't laugh.

  The old emperor was about to take a lunch break. Qiao Zhuo and Chu Xiu walked out of the main hall under the guidance of the waiter. Chu Xiu walked quickly with long legs, and the black cloak was draped on his shoulders in high spirits.

  No matter how fast Chu Xiu walked, Qiao Zhuo was temporarily afraid of confronting him face to face. The male protagonist's level 3 S alpha pheromone was so overbearing and powerful that Qiao Zhuo was not sure how long he could resist.

  While his thoughts were racing, an alpha soldier who was standing guard suddenly stopped Qiao Zhuo, bowed and said hello: "Your Majesty the Duke."

  Qiao Zhuo turned his head and looked over, and found that this man actually looked familiar.

  Barlow didn't know how he dared to stop the imperial Duke, but now that the matter was over, he could only bite the bullet and continue to look directly into Qiao Zhuo's eyes. Ever since he was sent to Qiao Zhuo by the eldest prince of Wells that day, Barlow found that he had become deeply infatuated with this omega noble.

  After not sleeping well for two consecutive nights, Barlow made up his mind to change shifts with others to get the chance to see Qiao Zhuo again.

  Qiao Zhuo didn't recognize Barlow until the system reminded him: "It's one of the two alphas that the eldest prince Wells wanted to give to you."

  Qiao Zhuo suddenly realized that there was another person standing next to Barlow. Young and handsome alpha.

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