Arc 3, Chapter 32: The male director was kneaded and crushed by him / Patriarch

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The green rain was misty, and the boat was sailing upstream. There was a quaint mansion silhouetted in the mountains. The vermilion door was closed, white lanterns were hung high under the eaves, and servants were coming and going. Ju was walking hurriedly with his head lowered and wearing white mourning clothes.

"Hurry up and keep your voice down. Mr. Qiao is the most annoying and noisy."

An awkward butler in coarse clothes said to the dozens of boys and girls who lined up in two rows behind him. His voice was very soft, with a trace of Hoarse, with a nervous and frightened expression, he seemed to be extremely frightened and respectful of the Mr. Qiao he was talking about.

Dozens of people filed in through the door in front of them under the leadership of the housekeeper, and saw a person sitting in the lobby directly behind the mansion.

It was a young man wearing a black long coat. He had a thin figure, and his black hair fell quietly on his shoulders and flowed to his waist. His whole person showed a pale and sick look. His only pair of eyes were as bright as stars, but he lowered his head. After a blink of an eye, the bright light became restrained again.

Qiao Zhuo sat here as soon as he opened his eyes. There were two people standing behind him, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

The system arrived in time and said happily: "Host, don't worry about this world. The male protagonist's disgust value will never be reduced."

Qiao Zhuo accepted the background of the world and found that it was indeed impossible for the emotional line to collapse in this situation.

As a young master from a wealthy family, the male protagonist got lost during a vacation in the mountains and ended up in Qiaojia Village. With amnesia, he could only be temporarily taken in by the people of Qiaojia Village. However, as the days passed, the male protagonist discovered the fact that this village was cannibalistic. Qiao Zhuo, the patriarch of Qiaojia Village, is in charge of the sacrifices. Every twelve years as a cycle, twelve boys and girls will be sacrificed to the mountain god.

Worshiping the mountain god has been a tradition in the village for several generations. Every clan leader will personally adjust the offerings after getting on the horse in order to continue the mountain god's blessing twelve years later.

Qiao Zhuo's last clan leader had just passed away, and this was his first month in power.

Qiao Zhuo took a deep breath, "This tradition is too perverted."

The system only said: "It belongs to the basic setting of the villain, please don't make a fuss about it."

Qiao Zhuo realized something and asked with gloating: "Then the male protagonist is now A little bean sprout?"

The system did not answer directly, only said: "You can see for yourself, the host."

"Master." The butler bent down and did not dare to approach. He stood only three or five steps away and said, "This is the one chosen this year. Of the offerings, can you see which ones are left?"

Selecting offerings is also a difficult process. Every family in the village regards it as an honor for their children to be chosen as offerings to the mountain god, so not only will there be no unattended However, every time he went back and forth to the old house like a talent show.

The boys and girls in front of them have just turned twelve, but twelve years later they will jump into the boundless hell when they are still young. At this moment, their faces were not only nervous but also curious, and they probably didn't know that their fate had been decided.

Qiao Zhuo raised his eyes and glanced at the row of six people in front of him, three men and three women, all of whom were cute and naive.

Seeing that Qiao Zhuo remained silent, the housekeeper was also confused. He was so frightened that none of the people he chose was to his liking, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

Finally, Qiao Zhuo spoke when the butler's legs were too weak to hold on. He lazily raised his hand and pointed at the six people in front of him, swept it across, and said: "Keep them all."

The joints of the hands were clearly visible, and they could be seen at a glance. How valuable it is to raise.

The six children burst into laughter upon hearing this. Their families all promised that if they were chosen by the master, they could live in a big house, eat a lot of meat, and wear nice clothes!

And the handsome old man in front of me is not scary at all, not as scary as my family said!

The housekeeper was stunned and asked tremblingly: "Master, are you all staying? But this is the first batch."

In all previous selections of offerings, which one has not chosen from thousands of people, it took many months to decide on the twelve children, and Qiao Zhuo turned out to be the first . I settled on six at a glance!

Qiao Zhuo held the hand-warming fox fur in his hand and looked over with light eyes, but the housekeeper was so frightened that he lowered his head repeatedly, "I'm the one who talks too much, sir. Don't blame me."

Qiao Zhuo snorted and said, "Next batch.

" For the first time, it took a long time for Qiao Zhuo to choose the next one out of the six. The boys and girls entered in rows and left in rows. The repeated process was endless.

Not only the housekeeper, Qiao Zhuo was also tired.

"When will the hero come?" Qiao Zhuo felt very hungry. Seeing that he was doing such a great job, he must have had a sumptuous dinner.

The system said leisurely: "Host, of course the male protagonist's appearance must be impressive. How can it not be the finale."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Another group of children left, and the housekeeper Maobu stepped forward and said: "Master, now this is the last one. Approved, if we can't choose, we will continue to choose tomorrow."

As soon as the last few words were spoken, Qiao Zhuo knew it was done.

Sure enough, one of the last six children who walked in was followed by a teenager. His clothes were very different from the others. His top was made of high-grade silk fabric, and his trousers were still tailor-made suit pants, but his shoes were It was covered in mud and tattered. It must have been dropped by a child when he was lost in the mountains.

A row of six people stood in front of Qiao Zhuo. The butler took a closer look, hissed, and hurriedly stepped forward to grab the male protagonist and stop him. He turned around and cursed the servant next to him in a low voice, "What's going on? Why did you bring him here too!"

The servant was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word. After a while, he shook his voice and replied: "Mama Liu said he is good-looking and he is exactly twelve years old. Maybe the master will like it... ..."

The butler blew his beard angrily and glared, scolding: "Nonsense! What qualifications does a foreigner have to worship the mountain god for us!"

Before the dispute between the two ended, the male protagonist was swayed by the butler's shoulders, and a pair of eyes were revealed. Feeling nervous.

Only then did Qiao Zhuo realize that even if he was the male protagonist, he was still just a boy who had just turned twelve at the moment.

But he is worthy of being the top man in the small world. Even as a young man, he still dominates everyone's attention. His eyebrows are not yet sharp, but his overall temperament can still easily tell that he is a young master from a rich family.

Qiao Zhuo chuckled and was extremely satisfied with the little bean in front of him. Didn't he just let him rub it and flatten it?

"Let go." Qiao Zhuo warned coldly.

The butler suddenly realized that he was making a noise in front of the master, his face suddenly turned pale, and he knelt on the floor with a plop, and even the servants around him knelt down in fear.

The six boys and girls in front of them stood stunned, as if they didn't understand why the beautiful man in front of them made them so scared.

"What's your name?" Qiao Zhuo's eyes fell on the young man in shabby clothes, and his voice became soft again.

I saw this old man holding fox fur in his hand, stroking it gently with his thin white fingers. His black hair was like a waterfall. In a trance, he could actually see a bright red mole on his earlobe.

Children may not know good from evil, but they understand beauty and ugliness best. The man in front of them is simply the most beautiful person they have ever seen in their lives.

When the butler saw that he didn't reply, he turned around and said fiercely: "Master, I'm asking you a question!"

The young man seemed to have woken up from a dream, with a trace of embarrassment on his face, and he said calmly: "I don't remember my name."

Qiao Zhuo looked at the butler. , asked: "Dadong, what's going on?"

Qiao Dadong glared at the servant who brought him up, turned around and said very respectfully: "Master, you don't know something, this little boy was picked up by Grandma Liu on the mountain a few days ago. He was picked up from herbs, and he only had a piece of clothing on him, and he didn't even have any identifiable objects. When he woke up, he had amnesia and couldn't remember anything."

"You don't remember your name?" Qiao Zhuo stared at the boy when he asked, and saw the boy showing a recalling expression. After a while, he said: "I really don't remember."

Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his smoke-like temperament reminded the boy of blue and white porcelain shrouded in rain and mist. .

"Master, the origin of this boy is unknown..." Qiao Dadong was kneeling on the ground and just started to speak, but Qiao Zhuoqing raised his hand to stop him.

"The clouds are low in the river, and the wild goose calls to the west wind."* Qiao Zhuo stroked the fox's fur, lowered his eyelashes and said, "From now on, he will be called Yanxi."

The young man stared blankly at Qiao Zhuo in front of him. When Qiao Zhuo saw that he still didn't answer, he raised his head. He glanced at it and asked, "Don't like it?"

What didn't the young man like? This name sounded much better than the little Yu'er Wenya that Mother Liu called him!

"Thank you." Yan Xi said.

Qiao Zhuo lowered his brows, glanced at Qiao Dadong, raised his hand and ordered: "We still need to teach you the rules."

Qiao Dadong stood up after receiving the instruction, understanding that Qiao Zhuo wanted to accept this young man of unknown origin, he was confused but could only He bowed down respectfully and said, "Yes, sir."

Now that the male protagonist was found, Qiao Zhuo didn't want to bother with the matter of boys and girls anymore, so he just glanced at the remaining five people in front of him and made a decision.

The children were so happy when they knew they were chosen.

The system voice suddenly rang: "Host, these children include the heroine and the second boy."

The heroine Qiao Shanshan and the second boy Qiao Xiuwen were childhood sweethearts and were selected to become boys and girls to worship the mountain god. They respected each other so much that it wasn't until the arrival of the male protagonist that they woke up and chose to resist their fate.

Qiao Zhuo said clearly: "Sure enough, a bamboo horse can't defeat Tianlai."

After being reminded by the system, Qiao Zhuo saw a pair of children very close to each other among the remaining five children. The girl tied up with two little ones. , is very cute in a red coat. The boy has a red mole on his forehead. Looking at it, he looks very much like a pair of New Year painting dolls.

Qiao Dadong observed their words and immediately realized that Qiao Zhuo liked those two children very much. He stepped forward and put his hands on their backs, pushed them forward, and said, "What a blessing, let me see it."

Qiao Zhuo smiled. , for a moment no breathing could be heard in the hall, Qiao Shanshan was stunned when she looked at the ridiculously beautiful man in front of her.

Qiao Shanshan was a lively person. When she saw Qiao Zhuo taking his hand away from the fox fur and stretching it towards her, she stepped forward to hold it without any hesitation, "Hello, sir, my name is Qiao Shanshan. My father is a tofu seller from the east of the village. He is Qiao Zhuo." Xiuwen, your home is next door to ours."

Qiao Zhuo rubbed Qiao Shanshan's head, such a cute child.

Qiao Xiuwen's face turned red. He stood beside Qiao Shanshan and couldn't say a word. He looked like a shy and introverted child.

Qiao Zhuo sighed to the system and said: "Look, the shy kid has no candy. That's how he became the second male lead."

System: "."

Seeing that Qiao Zhuo looked tired, Qiao Dadong waved his hands to let the people settle down the selected ones. child.

The system said anxiously: "Host, you are a villain. Why do these kids like you more and more?"

Qiao Zhuo, on the other hand, took his time and said, "Have you ever seen a villain come up with the word "bad water" written on his face? Of course You must first grasp their thoughts, and then give them a severe blow."

The system was coaxed into a daze and said, "Host, you are so bad."

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