Chapter 47: Get out of the small world

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The incense burner was burning with green smoke, Wu Yanxi opened the curtain and walked into the tent holding a white gown, calling: "Master."

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyes, and his neck and wrists were visible. There are red marks everywhere, adding an ambiguous meaning to this pale figure.

"I'll put on some clothes for you," the man said.

Qiao Zhuo raised his jaw indifferently, "I don't wear white clothes."

Wu Yanxi stood behind Qiao Zhuo, and their intimate figures appeared in the mirror, like a pair of lovers in love.

"Master, let's get dressed for now. This place is remote. I will give you whatever you want after you leave." Wu Yanxi lowered his eyes and helped Qiao Zhuo change his clothes.

In my impression, Qiao Zhuo had never worn white clothes. Now that he was wearing pure white clothes, Qiao Zhuo looked even more aloof and arrogant, as cold and distant as if he was about to retire and leave in the next second, comparable to the moon in the sky or the crane in the mountain.

Wu Yanxi held her slender waist in her hands and rubbed her ears against Qiao Zhuo, sighing with countless complicated emotions.

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyebrows and asked coldly: "Why do you want to take me with you to do such evil things?"

Now that the sixth day of June has arrived, the Wu family is waiting outside the account.

Wu Yanxi's soft kiss fell on the red mole on Qiao Zhuo's earlobe. The man closed his eyes and said helplessly: "Master, I think you will never forgive me in this life, but I won't let you go." This is how we should be entangled. lifetime.

Qiao Zhuo turned away in disgust, not wanting to say a word to him.

Seeing this, Wu Yanxi laughed lowly with a hoarse throat.

The people waiting outside the account suddenly saw that the front curtain was opened. The handsome man waved his hand and ordered: "Go up the mountain!"

The sun was shining brightly at that time. It was a rare good weather. The mountain road was steep and majestic. If you were not careful, you would fall. He fell to pieces, but there were still flourishing flowers and plants growing beside such dangerous steps, and birds and insects flying around.

Standing at the back of the team, Liu Yun raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Seeing the ladder leading to the sky in front of him, he said in panic: "There is a temple on the top of the mountain. It is possible to build such a dangerous road."

Qiao Shanshan changed her usual playful look and said, After a long silence, he said: "For the word "mountain god", they are willing to sacrifice everything...I think the same is true for the master."

The man in white at the front of the team has a pale and gorgeous appearance, and just one look at his cold face makes people feel chilly in their hearts.

Liu Yun noticed Qiao Shanshan's eyes and whispered: "Back then, the master also liked you very much. I heard from the housekeeper that he even touched your forehead."

Qiao Shanshan seemed to be lost in memories, and she came back to her senses after Qiao Xiuwen's reminder. He said yes abruptly.

Qiao Shanshan's views on Qiao Zhuo are so complex that they cannot be described in words. But whenever she thinks of this, Qiao Shanshan also thinks of Wu Yanxi. She feels so uncomfortable as an outsider, and what should Wu Yanxi do.

Can he calmly accept Qiao Zhuo's hatred for him?

The sun was shining directly on his face. As soon as Qiao Zhuo pursed his lips, he saw Wu Yanxi turning to cover him from the sun.

"It's not far, Master." Wu Yanxi's handsome face was smiling, but Qiao Zhuo remained indifferent.

Wu Yanxi stood on the mountain steps and blew his whistle without hesitation. Everyone saw the eagle in the distance coming straight towards him upon hearing the sound, flapping its wings and resting on the man's strong arm.

Wu Yanxi scratched his eagle feathers, lowered his eyes and said, "Everything around the temple is normal."

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyelashes and remained silent.

Following the order, everyone accelerated their march, and finally saw the golden eaves of the temple clearly when the sun shone on the west mountain.

In front of him were the remaining dozens of stone steps. Qiao Zhuo was trembling his lips and his face was pale. Seeing this, Wu Yanxi flicked his robe and bent down towards Qiao Zhuo, "I will carry you."

Wu Yanxi said this all the way, but Qiao Zhuo Burning side should not be used.

Qiao Zhuo maintained his character all the way and asked the system, ready to move: "Can I go up this time? Villains are human beings too, and I really have no strength!"

System: "..."

Finally, in silence, the system compromised, "Okay. ."

Qiao Zhuo immediately looked indifferent but actually climbed onto Wu Yanxi's back happily.

Wu Duo walked behind the two of them. At first glance, he really thought they were a pair of lovers.

Until the group of people climbed to the top of the mountain, everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

At sunset, the orange-red sunset dyed the entire sky, and clouds and mist shrouded the eyes. In a trance, everyone actually thought that they had arrived in the fairyland.

Qiao Shanshan shook her voice and said in surprise: "The temple is an important place. Unless someone is as high as a clan leader or holding a ceremony, no one comes here. I didn't expect such a beautiful scenery."

Wu Yanxi was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery now. He held Qiao Zhuo with one hand for fear of missing someone, while he quietly observed the surroundings of the temple.

The huge temple is all dark red, with a row of golden beads hanging in front of the main entrance. The atmosphere is eerie and eerie, without any sense of holiness, and there is only a cold wind blowing around.

Qiao Zhuo sneered: "Are you holding on so tightly, are you afraid that I will run away?"

Wu Duo on the other side led a group of people around the temple to investigate. Wu Yanxi lowered his head and said honestly: "Yes."

Qiao Zhuo turned his face sideways and raised his eyebrows. Alienation.

Seeing everyone unpacking the firewood they had carried all the way and placing it around the temple, Qiao Zhuo frowned and watched coldly.

Wu Yanxi and Qiao Zhuo stood outside the main entrance of the temple. Suddenly, a cold wind blew up, and there was only the last trace of red light left in the clouds in the distance.

Qiao Zhuo smiled, his eyebrows were as bright as stars, and in an instant, the sky seemed to be filled with peach blossoms.

An unknown premonition enveloped Wu Yanxi. He held Qiao Zhuo's arm tightly, his throat feeling dry.

Qiao Zhuo asked: "Do you know why the mansion raises twelve of you?"

Wu Yanxi shook his hands and said nothing, but he knew it was because a total of twelve boys and girls were needed to worship the mountain god.

Qiao Zhuo was not annoyed when Wu Yanxi didn't answer, so he asked again: "Do you know why everyone in Qiaojia Village respects me?"

Wu Yanxi was confused and wanted to step forward. This was also his confusion all along. Why is he as weak as Qiao Zhuo? , just because he is a clan leader, he has the supreme status. Are the villagers who are afraid of his departure worried about Qiao Zhuo, or is there another reason?

The accident happened in an instant. The ink-colored door beside him suddenly opened from the inside. Hundreds of villagers stood in the temple with fierce faces. The leader Qiao Dadong stared at Qiao Zhuo and shouted: "Master!"

Wu Yanxi said angrily: "Wu Duo! What did you search for?!"

Wu Duo was stunned. He never expected that there would be someone hidden inside!

After Qiao Dadong got Qiao Zhuo's carrier pigeon, he led the villagers to climb the mountain early and overnight, just for this moment.

Qiao Zhuo was blocked by Wu Yanxi, and the Wu family gathered around them.

The bloody battle was about to break out. Qiao Dadong's wrinkled face looked like a ghost, "Give it back to me, we will let you go!"

Wu Yanxi sternly scolded: "Delusions."

During the confrontation, Qiao Zhuo, who had been silent all the time, suddenly came from behind Wu Yanxi. He raised his right hand and heard his cold voice say: "Get ready to sacrifice to the mountain."

This simple sentence caused the scene to explode instantly.

The Wu family were all shocked and frightened. Sacrifice to the mountain? How to worship the mountain now?

On the other hand, the Qiao villagers in the temple were all gray.

Qiao Dadong couldn't control himself and took a step forward. How could Nana Dao get to this point...

Wu Duo couldn't figure it out and said anxiously: "How is it possible? We rescued all those twelve people. It's impossible for you to sacrifice." Get the mountain!"

Wu Duo spoke decisively, but was interrupted by Qiao Zhuo coldly, "The sacrificial tradition in Qiaojia Village has lasted for hundreds of years, and no one can guarantee that not a single offering will be lost."

So what?

Wu Yanxi, who held Qiao Zhuo's hands tightly, suddenly realized that they needed a second method in case of emergency!

Who can replace the twelve offerings to worship the mountain god? Who has this right, who has this status?

The answer was in front of him, Qiao Dadong clenched the sharp blade in his hand, his eyes were cloudy and complicated, Qiao Zhuo looked at him across the crowd.

I saw Qiao Dadong gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, his hand flying with a blade.

Qiao Zhuo did not dodge but faced him. He raised his chin slightly and stood coldly under the temple. The white blade accurately and cruelly penetrated Qiao Zhuo's chest. The blood stained the front of his white clothes, which was so red that it was dazzling.

Everything happened so suddenly. In the next second, hundreds of villagers were seen waving their sharp knives in unison, all heading towards Qiao Zhuo without exception.

"No!!!" Wu Yanxi rushed forward with eyes split open. Behind him was the chaotic sound of bloody fighting. As flesh and blood flew everywhere, Wu Yanxi held Qiao Zhuo's neck and knelt down in the middle of the temple.

"Why! Why?!" Wu Yanxi shouted at the top of his lungs. Qiao Zhuo in his hand kept vomiting blood and his white clothes were messy.

——"It is your life to sacrifice to the mountain god."

——"It's just an offering."

Why do the people in the house respect and fear the weak master so much? Why does Qiao Zhuo never take a concubine but no one in the village persuades him to do so? Why can't Qiao Zhuo leave the mansion ? Half a step...

everything has the answer.

It turns out that the boy is actually Qiao Zhuo. The patriarch of Qiaojia Village is not only a powerful person, but also a special offering to fill the vacancy.

Eight years, twelve years.

The people trapped in the mansion were not only the twelve people, but also Qiao Zhuo.

The man in his arms gently raised his hand to hold Wu Yanxi's wrist. Wu Yanxi was so sad that she shed tears of blood and hit the side of Qiao Zhuo's face.

At that moment, Qiao Zhuo felt a strange feeling in his heart that he had never experienced before, a dense pricking pain.

Qiao Zhuo asked the system: "What's wrong with me? Bug?"

The system said: "Maybe it's a virus. It doesn't matter the host. I'll clean it up for you."

Qiao Zhuo responded doubtfully.

The unarmed villagers behind them were quickly subdued by the Wu family, and they knelt down with their hands behind their backs.

Wu Duo put a knife against Qiao Dadong's neck and asked with disbelief: "Isn't he your clan leader?!"

Qiao Dadong's eyes were full of wildness and he said bloodthirsty: "The sacrificial tradition cannot be discontinued until our generation, no matter what No matter what the process is, the result is the same."

In the end, it was Qiao Zhuo who was used as a sacrifice alone and sacrificed his life to the mountain.

The system prompts: "Wu Yanxi's career growth value is +5. If he reaches full score and completes the task 100%, the tasker Qiao Zhuo can jump to the world."

Qiao Zhuo's chest was full of knife handles, and he smiled Then he put Wu Yanxi's hand on top and dug in hard.

"No..." Wu Yanxi was about to go crazy. Why was this happening? He took away the twelve people with his own hands, but he also became the pusher for Qiao Zhuo to fulfill his obligation to offer sacrifices. It was him, he was the one who killed Qiao Zhuo.

Qiao Zhuo's eyes were numb and cold, and Wu Yanxi's heart was trembling. Any entanglement between love and hate was just his delusion. Qiao Zhuo never took him seriously.

The white clothes were soaked with blood, and it fell to the ground wetly, flowing in a meandering stream.

Qiao Zhuo smiled tiredly, and Wu Yanxi shouted with a trembling voice: "No, don't go..."

The red line on the horizon fell, and fire suddenly appeared in his groggy vision.

The villagers shouted to the mountain god in unison, but they did not understand that no one came to save them.

Thick smoke rose from the top of the mountain, and the fire burned for four days and nights before stopping.

Later, people said they had seen a man walking out of the ruins with someone in his arms, but there was no way to verify this.

Trees grew lushly in front of the gray tombstone. The woman led the children to bring a fruit plate and placed it in front of the tombstone.

Qiao Xiuwen stood beside her, his face also full of traces of time.

"Mom, this word is pronounced Qiao." A childish voice pointed at the words on the tablet and said.

The woman smiled softly, "Yes, that's really smart."

The child bit his finger and raised his voice, "I don't even know the words behind it."

Qiao Xiu stood elegantly in front of the monument and rubbed the child's head, "Jiang Kuo, the clouds are low, Duan Yan The name is West Wind, which is Yanxi."

A child's voice echoed in the mountains, "Qiao Yanxi, daddy, this name is really nice."

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