Chapter 40: The plot deviates significantly

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Seeing that Yan Xi's strength had not diminished at all, emotions surged in his eyes, and he calmly said: "The master's illness needs the vitality and blood of a pure Yang person." Qi

and blood?

Qiao Zhuo pursed his lips and then turned pale. No wonder he felt a rusty smell in his mouth when he woke up. Could it be that he drank the male protagonist's blood? !

The system promptly said: "Don't worry, the host. Although the plot is slightly deviated, it is generally progressing normally."

Qiao Zhuo said angrily: "Which plots have been deviated?"

The system explained: "The male protagonist in the original plot He will hide the fact that he is a pure Yang body, making the villain more and more sick."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

System: "I don't know what's going on, but Yan Xi offered to help you treat your illness, I don't understand, host. "

Qiao Zhuo: "It's strange that you understand!"

Qiao Zhuo: "And you call this a slight deviation in the plot? Where has this gone!"

System: ":("

The aura of the adult man in Yanxi is too oppressive. Qiao Zhuo was blocked in the bed by him again and couldn't move. A strong sense of crisis arose. Qiao Zhuo concealed his nervousness and said as calmly as possible: "I want breakfast, get out of here."

The man's earlobe had a bright red mole against the background. The black hair seemed to burn Yan Xi's eyes.

Yan Xi's body was already hot, and the person in his arms was like cold jade that soothed his anxious mood. After restraining himself repeatedly, he said: "Master, please close your eyes."

Qiao Zhuo frowned . , "Why, if I tell you to get out, get down as soon as possible."

Yan Xi only looked at Qiao Zhuo deeply when he heard this, and then did not say anything to dissuade him. He stood up directly, naked.

Qiao Zhuo: "! !!"

System: "!!!"

Qiao Zhuo's voice trembled, he sat up and cursed: "Idiot, put on your clothes."

Mr. Qiao, who had a distant and indifferent temperament, was so angry for the first time. There was agility in his calm and unruffled eyes, and he was no longer the unreachable Qingshan White Crane wearing a black gown and a gold plate button.

When Qiao Zhuo was holding his breath, he suddenly found that the pain in his heart was relieved a lot. He asked the system in surprise: "Isn't this Pure Yang person Liu Yun and others working together to deceive me?"

The system only said: "This part does not exist in the original plot, so I cannot answer you, host."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

When Yan Xi turned around, his voice still had a hint of hoarseness in the morning, and explained: "Mr. Liu said that being naked has the best effect. I hope you understand."

Qiao Zhuo said in his heart: "I don't understand!"

Qiao Zhuo, who was half-rising and sitting on the bed, was as jade-like as a whole, with dark hair reaching to his slender waist, slender shoulders and neck, and a pair of peach-blossom eyes hazy with sleepiness. He was staring angrily at himself, obviously angry.

Yan Xi restrained himself and He restrained himself, but he was very angry in the morning, and Qiao Zhuo was naked from the waist up and looking at him with undisguised eyes. After all, he couldn't hold it back.

Qiao Zhuo was stunned, his eyes turned petrified, and then he pulled the soft clothes on the bed. The pillow was thrown at Yan Xi with all his strength, and said sternly: "Put away your dirty thoughts! Get out!"

Yan Xi buttoned up the collar of his shirt, took the thrown soft pillow and lowered his eyes to apologize: "I'm sorry, sir, I won't do this next time. Like."

Qiao Zhuo's hands trembled. There's still a next time? No, how many more times?

The system said: "Liu Yun said it will be until the host recovers."

Qiao Zhuo: "..." Damn Liu Yun!

Seeing red As the sun rose from the east, the door of the wing was finally pushed open with a creak. Yan Xi, dressed in a green shirt and well-dressed, walked out. There were a group of people kneeling at the door, including Liu Yun.

Apparently they heard Qiao Zhuofa's anger. Baozhu said anxiously: "Master is tired of this, so let's forget it..." The

previous night vigil rules were abolished by the master. With things like this being done first and then dealt with, Baozhu and Baozhen were afraid that Qiao Zhuo would be too angry.

But Liu Yun, who had been silent all the time, asked aloud: "Did the master have difficulty breathing when he was angry just now?"

Yan Xi lifted up his clothes and shook them, and also knelt at the door of the wing, next to Liu Yun, and replied He said: "No, sir..." He recalled those peach blossom eyes and peach blossom face, and said in a deep voice: "You look good."

How is your complexion after being so angry?

Liu Yun clapped his hands and said in surprise: "It's done! It's done!"

Qiao Dadong knocked his head to the ground and did not dare to raise it. He looked sideways and said happily: "Then the master's illness..."

Liu Yun said: "Given time, there is hope of recovery. "

Everyone in Yanxi was surprised and then happy when they heard this, and then they heard Qiao Zhuo's cold voice coming from the door of the wing.

Qiao Zhuo said: "Thirty big boards."

Perhaps because they were dazzled by the news that he could recover from his illness, Liu Yun and his party happily got up to get the boards. Before they could go far, Qiao Zhuo named him again: "Yan Xi, sixty boards."

Yan Xi heard the sound and didn't stop. He saw the man with broad shoulders and narrow waist, his sword eyebrows were slightly sunken, his fingers suddenly touched him a few times, and his thin lips were pressed tightly together with restraint.

Winter quickly entered after several thunderstorms in the mountains. Before anyone had time to react, Qiao Zhai had already installed cotton curtains on the doors and windows, and the red lanterns hung high on the vermilion door were swaying in the wind.

The servants in the mansion are all talking about what happened in the past few months. Yanxi gained the master's appreciation overnight. Not only did he call for personal care, but he never left even half a step to eat. He used the sentence "inseparable" to describe them. Not an exaggeration.

In the dining hall, Qiao Zhuo scooped up the white porridge with a spoon dissatisfiedly, frowning slightly.

Yan Xi had already figured out what emotions each of Qiao Zhuo's expressions represented. At this moment, he only took a step forward and said, "Master, do you want to add some chicken shreds?

" Yun doesn't suggest anything, but Yanxi always fights for him within reason.

Qiao Zhuo's eyes lit up, but he didn't want to look good on Yan Xi, so he just raised his chin and gave a faint hum.

Yan Xi waved his hand and asked the orb to be passed on. Qiao Zhuo snorted coldly when he saw this, "It's so majestic. Do my people dare to use it?

" Me."

Qiao Zhuo threw down the spoon with a snap and glared at him, "Presumptuous."

Liu Yun's medicine combined with Yan Xi's pure yang body really made Qiao Zhuo's body better, but there is a way What makes Qiao Zhuo angry is that the deeper winter gets, the more inseparable he becomes from Yan Xi.

Previously, he could still sound warm while holding the fox fur in his hands, but now that Yan Xi is not allowed to warm his hands, Qiao Zhuo's whole body is shaking unbearably.

Qiao Zhuo asked the system sadly: "If we continue to be so intimate, I'm worried that the male protagonist won't be able to bear it."

System: "...Host, are you giving me vaccinations in advance?"

Qiao Zhuo said cheerfully: "You Did you see it?"

System: "."

The system insisted on the last opinion and said: "The male protagonist must maintain his identity as a boy and cannot go out of his way."

Qiao Zhuo only raised his hand in response, and Yan Xi quickly stepped forward and used Holding it with his big hands, a steady stream of heat was transmitted to him. Qiao Zhuo blinked and said to the system: "I hope so."

The system said: "..." What a sin.

Qiao Zhuo watched Yan Xi pick out shredded chicken with chopsticks with his other hand, and said reassuringly: "The male protagonist's disgust level is extremely high, don't worry."

The comforted System knew for the first time how Qiao Zhuo felt when he said such words. What it was like, I was silent for a while and couldn't speak.

If Liu Yun's method didn't require Yan Xi's blood to be used to moisturize his lips for the first time, then he wouldn't use it again. Qiao Zhuo wouldn't agree to it even to death, so he uses the male protagonist's blood to nourish the villain? He was afraid that the small world would not even leave his body intact.

But fortunately, he only used Yanxi to warm his body. Qiao Zhuo no longer felt the pain in his heart, so he agreed reluctantly but happily.

After dinner, Liu Yun hurried over for routine consultation.

Yan Xi held Qiao Zhuo's hand, while looking down at Liu Yun to feel his pulse, thinking that in this closed village, the vast world outside did not worry about whether Qiao Zhuo's illness would be cured or not.

Liu Yun breathed a deep sigh of relief, glanced at Qiao Zhuo and Yan Xi, stretched out his hand to make a sign of nine, and said with a smile: "Nine points are good."

Before Qiao Zhuo could be happy, Liu Yun's eyes caught sight of the food on the dining table that he had not yet taken down. He asked with a frown: "Why do you still eat meat, sir? Aren't you already greedy a few days ago?"

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

The more Yan Xi got to know Qiao Zhuo, the more love he felt in his heart. , seeing the man burying his chin in the snow-white hair on his neck, lowering his eyes and trying to shut up Liu Yun with a distant look, Yan Xi lowered his eyes with madness and explained aloud: "The cooking in the kitchen the past few days was not to my taste. It was just passed on."

Although Qiao Zhuo is ill, he is still a master. Even Liu Yun, a doctor, can only verbally advise to eat less. Who dares to reprimand?

Liu Yun put away the small silver needle bag, Qiao Zhuo's slight relief was caught by Yan Xi, and his eyes softened.

Yan Xi sent Liu Yun out. After taking a few steps outside, Liu Yun turned around and asked clearly, "Do you want the medicine to suppress it?"

Liu Yun knew that Yan Xi was an angry adult man, but the medicine to suppress it was too much. There is no benefit.

"I said it too harshly, and I didn't mean to be completely restrained. I was discouraged once or twice..." Before Liu Yun could finish speaking, Yan Xi said with a deep eye, "Sir, please prescribe more medicine."

Liu Yun hesitated for a long time, He shook his head in agreement.

Seeing Yan Xi turn around and leave, Liu Yun sighed: "Yan Xi, remember to let go of people and things you can't get as soon as possible, so as not to hurt yourself."

How many people have seen such a talented and beautiful man ? I have never fallen in love with him since then, but after all, he is a banished immortal who is out of reach. Who can take him into his arms?

The man's figure was seen rising up, and he said without looking back: "Sir, I believe man can conquer nature."

Yan Xi returned to the house wrapped in the cold wind, and stood far away by the stove to dissipate the air conditioning.

"Can I still keep accounts at the end of the month?" Qiao Zhuo waved his hand to the maid to put away the bowls and chopsticks, and asked Yan Xi sideways.

The tall figure of the man was always following behind him, and he responded: "Remember, sir."

Qiao Zhuo thought of Yanxi's dog crawling font and asked the system: "Do I still need to change his handwriting?"

Before waiting for the system's answer, Yanxi But suddenly he squatted in front of Qiao Zhuo, his eyes were bright, and when placed on his broad shoulders, he looked like a vicious wolf cub.

"Master, please teach me again. Shopkeeper Zhang trained me again last month." Yan Sui looked pitiful.

Qiao Zhuo naturally didn't believe his lies, but with those eyes staring at him, he unexpectedly agreed.

Fortunately, the system's answer came at the same time: "If necessary, please arrange it yourself."

Qiao Zhuo deceived himself and said: He only agreed because of the mission.

Yanxi's handsome appearance is even more energetic when he is happy.

But this vitality faded again when he arrived in the study.

Qiao Zhuo sat behind the table with distant eyes and lowered his eyes, looking at Yan Xi's copying calligraphy side by side, and said coldly: "How can I learn for so long and not make any progress?"

Yan Xi's hand holding the brush shook and he replied : "Maybe he is born stupid."

Qiao Zhuo laughed out loud. If the male protagonist is born stupid, how can other people live?

Qiao Zhuo stared at Yan Xi who was copying the handwriting carefully for a long time, and then said to the system: "The male protagonist in the past seemed to be a bit stupid, but now... he seems to be a wolf deliberately pretending to be stupid."

The system remained silent and did not respond. , which made Qiao Zhuo even more convinced that Yan Xi was faking it.

It was snowing heavily outside, and the flowers and trees in the house were withered.

There were two knocks on the study door. Baozhu approached and whispered: "Master, the hot water is ready. Please move to the bedroom."

Qiao Zhuo saw Yan Xi's hands shaking instantly and the ink stained the white paper again. The vast expanse of black was exactly the same as the color of his eyes at the moment.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and said solemnly: "Go down."

Qiao Zhuo knew the Pure Yang Body Booster, but why did he still take a hot bath with Yan Xi? He really doesn't understand!

Yan Xi seemed impatient. As soon as he put down the brush, he did not mention the ugly handwriting. He said with a serious expression: "Master, please move."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Qiao Zhuo asked the system: "You said Yan Xi The disgust value is very high, is it possible that he is trying to drown me now?"

The system pretended to be crazy and said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out, host."

Qiao Zhuo: ":)"

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