Chapter 37: Sick beauty is fragile and fragile

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A drum band numbering a hundred people was sitting on the lower deck of the ship. Following a long and deep horn, the mysterious and solemn drum beat sounded.

Almost instantly, the villagers beside the river knelt on the ground devoutly, holding their palms together and chanting.

Yanxi and his group stood among them, very conspicuous.

The ancient chanting was heard, and only a crackling sound was heard. Qiao Zhuo raised his arms high, swinging his wide sleeves in the summer wind, dancing and moving in a captivating way. He climbed up in a few steps and picked up the sail flag on the high platform. , holding the colorful colors in his hands and waving them.

The golden pendant belt flutters in beautiful arcs. Qiao Zhuo's face is hidden under the ferocious mask. His whole body dances to the beat of the drums. The silver bracelet bells make crisp sounds. As soon as he turns around, the wind blows up the red rope tassels tied high up. Black hair.

Everyone on the riverside was stunned. Hu Rui felt his heart surge. He held the lantern in his hand and couldn't help but follow the direction of the boat.

Qiao Shanshan was dumbfounded and tugged on Qiao Xiuwen's sleeves. She did not dare to speak loudly, but gently suppressed her excitement and said, "The master is a god! He is like a fairy who descended from the sky!"

Yan Xi's mouth went dry when he saw it. Complex emotions piled up in his heart, and his reason told him to leave quickly, but his eyes stared at that person disobediently, with a sea of ​​desire surging in his eyes. For a moment, his emotions were extremely contradictory, and his handsome face was terrifyingly gloomy.

The sacrificial boat sailed farther and farther, and it was not until the dance was over that Qiao Zhuo took off the evil ghost mask, revealing his peach blossom face that did not look like a human being.

Yan Xi could clearly hear the unstoppable sound of breathtaking sounds all around him, and his heart became even more anxious.

"I hope the mountain god will bless you!" Qiao Zhuo shouted loudly, holding the colorful flag high. Countless fireworks suddenly exploded behind the man and shot up into the sky. They suddenly dispersed in the air. The colorful colors fell into the eyes of everyone and turned into prayers and expectations.

The villagers shouted in unison: "May the mountain god bless me!" The deafening prayers resounded throughout the valley.

Qiao Shanshan closed her eyes tightly and clasped her fingers together in prayer. Seeing Yan Xi still looking into the distance, she slapped his shoulder and reminded him: "Yan Xi, please pray quickly. The fireworks will be gone after the fireworks."

Yan Xi suddenly came back to his senses, He took a deep breath and turned around to leave without daring to stay for another second.

[The male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value is -30. 】

Qiao Zhuo was startled and asked: "What's going on?"

The system groaned and broke the can and said: "It collapsed again."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Qiao Zhuo got off the sacrificial ship and did not show up on the surface, but The legs hidden under the robe were already shaking so much that it was still difficult for him to dance in front of thousands of people.

Qiao Zhuo calmed down and said to the system: "Don't call me for this kind of work in the future."

System: "..."

Qiao Zhuo said angrily: "You can call me, but you have to pay more."

The system took a deep breath and said, "Host Please don't make trouble unreasonably."

Qiao Zhuo said pretendingly: "You are so hard-hearted, now you dislike me for making trouble unreasonably?"

System: "Please speak human words, thank you."

Qiao Zhuo handed the mask to Baozhu aside, and he saw that he had not yet breathed a sigh of relief. Hu Rui trotted over in a gray suit.

There was sweat on the man's forehead, and his eyes were obviously excited. He looked at Qiao Zhuo and was speechless for the first time. He hesitated and handed over the lantern in his hand, and said with a hearty smile: "Master Qiao, you accept the lantern I made by myself." Come on, that dance just now is my first time to see it, it is absolutely wonderful!"

Baozhu and Baozhen stood behind Qiao Zhuo without saying a word.

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyes and flatly refused, "Shopkeeper Hu, please don't make things difficult for others."

When Hu Rui heard this, he took a step forward excitedly and said anxiously: "How can you call it difficult for others? Isn't today the Lantern Festival?"

Lanterns in Qiaojia Village Another custom during the festival is that men and women who love each other will give each other handmade lanterns to show their love. What does it mean that Hu Rui gave it to him?

Qiao Zhuo was determined not to accept the lantern, and Hu Rui's repeated lobbying made him angry.

Just as Qiao Zhuo was about to scold him with a cold face, Yan Xi's voice sounded.

"Shopkeeper Hu is planning to cause trouble. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by everyone in the village?" Yan Xi had an oppressive aura and stood taller than Hu Rui.

Hu Rui saw his eyes widening and became angry, "Who do you think you dare to teach me a lesson?"

Yanxi was handsome and was raised in a mansion. Hu Rui could tell with just one look what was on his mind at the moment and the crisis in his heart. Feelings rose instantly, and he thought that if he and Yan Xi really faced off, who might be able to embrace the beauty?

Qiao Zhuo lowered his eyes and said coldly: "Yan Xi, come back."

Yan Xi, who had been tense just now, heard this voice and did not even hesitate at all. He turned around and stood behind Qiao Zhuo.

The person in front of him had a fair neck. When he turned his head, Yan Xi could clearly see the small red mole on Qiao Zhuo's earlobe, and the palm of his hand felt itchy as if it was burning.

Unable to hold back her suppressed emotions, Yan Xi stared at Qiao Zhuo from behind like a wolf, and then glared at Hu Rui.

When Qiao Zhuo frowned, the system prompt sounded: [The male protagonist Yan Xi's career growth value +20. ]

Qiao Zhuo asked in surprise: "Why has it increased so much?"

The system replied: "Just during the Lantern Festival, the hero's family came to Qiaojia Village to look for him."

Qiao Zhuo: "!"

Before Qiao Zhuo could be happy, the system again Said: "But the male protagonist refused the request to go back with them."

Qiao Zhuo: "???"

Just got off the sacrificial ship, Qiao Zhuo was not holding the warm fox fur in his hand, his white fingers had clear joints, and he wore a black and red sacrificial dress. It made his whole body look like cold jade, and Hu Rui's eyes were even more burning, thinking that even if he turned over his feet, it would be difficult to find a man as stunningly talented as Qiao Zhuo.

But just as Hu Rui's thoughts came to his mind, a more stern figure stepped forward to block his sight. Yan Xi stared at him fiercely, with a clear warning.

Really like a wolf cub protecting its food.

During the stalemate between several people, the boy behind Hu Rui suddenly ran over and whispered a few words in his ear. His face changed instantly, and he frowned and asked angrily: "How many people are there in total?"

The boy stretched out his hand. He made a number with his palm.

Yan Xi stared at Hu Rui with wolf-like eyes, as if to prevent the other party from coming to entangle him again.

When Qiao Zhuo was wondering, Qiao Dadong, who had not seen him for a long time, also hurried back, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Master, there is a wolf in the village."

Wolf is a unique name for outsiders in Qiaojia Village, which has always been isolated from the world. A large number of foreigners suddenly arrived in Qiaojia Village, which was not good news for them.

Qiao Zhuo frowned and asked, "Where are you from?"

Qiao Dadong's eyes glanced at Hu Rui in front of him, and then at Yan Xi. He lowered his voice again and again and said, "Not sure. It's like he's here to look for someone, using the excuse of the Lantern Festival." ."

Qiao Zhuo instantly understood that these people came to Yanxi to recognize their ancestors.

Hu Rui, who was opposite him, thought he was in trouble. He nodded hastily, said sorry and said goodbye, then turned around and left.

Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes and inadvertently looked sideways, and sure enough, he saw Yan Xi's shoulders relax, as if he breathed a sigh of relief.

Qiao Dadong's eyes fell vaguely on Yan Xi, signaling Qiao Zhuo to pay attention.

Qiao Zhuo urgently said to the system: "Qiao Dadong is too smart. They found out that those people are here to find Yanxi. Can the hero survive?"

The system only said: "Don't worry, host, everything is under control."

Qiao Zhuo: "..." It's really hard to believe you.

Maintaining the villain character, Qiao Zhuo frowned and his expression became cold. Baozhu and Baozhen were so frightened that they did not dare to raise their heads.

"Yan Xi." Qiao Zhuo probed with a smile, "You have been here for eight years and you still haven't remembered the past?"

Yan Xi turned around, his handsome face almost no longer showing the youthful look, and said calmly: "Yes, Master, I still can't remember."

Qiao Zhuo's eyes turned to him and asked again: "There were so many people during the Lantern Festival just now, where were you?"

Yan Xi lowered his head and answered fluently: "My companion wants to see the lanterns, and I have been accompanying him. They."

Qiao Zhuo: "Always?"

Yan Xi said firmly: "Always."

Qiao Dadong's cloudy eyes moved, and he whispered in Qiao Zhuo's ear: "The person here calls himself the Wu family, and the eldest son of the family disappeared eight years ago."

Qiao Zhuo Surprised to the system: "It turns out that the male protagonist's surname is Wu."

The system: "..." This is something worthy of surprise.

The search for people is not a strange thing, but the strange thing is that the Wu family seemed to have received the news and came here. There were no winding and narrow roads all the way in the mountains. You must know that Qiaojia Village has a steep terrain, and it is impossible to walk so smoothly without a signal!

Qiao Zhuo's smiling expression suddenly changed. He flicked the sleeves of his large sacrificial attire vigorously and said in a cold tone: "You dare to point at the mountain god and say you can't remember something that you don't know well?!"

Qiao Zhuo usually said from It was the first time before he was so angry that his voice was raised so high. Qiao Dadong and the maids on the side were shocked. Qiao Dadong was the first to react and stepped forward and said bitterly: "Don't be angry, sir, your body can't bear this." Planting fire."

Baozhu and Baozhen also yelled at the top of their lungs: "Master, calm down!"

Qiao Zhuo has been eating vegetarian food to recuperate his body. Recently, he has eaten a lot of meat and vegetables, and his blood and energy have surged. Coupled with the sudden anger, Qiao Zhuo was originally He coughed violently as he braced himself, and a stinging sensation came from his heart.

Qiao Zhuo covered his chest and frowned instantly, his expression suppressing the sweat on his forehead, the situation suddenly changed.

Qiao Zhuo: "Gan! How can it be so painful for you to avenge a private vendetta in the little system..."

The system denied: "It's all plot settings. The host is you who ate too much regardless of the obstruction."

Qiao Zhuo snorted a few times, "You are committing evil . ."

Yan Xi, who was bowing his head to be trained and pretending to be well-behaved, immediately stepped forward to support Qiao Zhuo and said nervously: "Master, I will help you back to the house."

Qiao Zhuo glared at him and tried to break away but had no strength. .

Bao Zhu opened the medicine bag he carried with him and put it under Qiao Zhuo's nose so that he could inhale it, but the symptoms still did not alleviate at all.

In the chaos, Yan Xi frowned and turned to Qiao Dadong and said sternly: "Arrange a sedan to come over."

Qiao Dadong was frightened by Yan Xi's order. He didn't even think of his identity for a moment, and quickly found a few servants to carry the sedan. .

Qiao Zhuo's illness and frailty could not be known to too many people, so everyone in the mansion returned quietly and quickly.

Liu Yun hurried over with the medicine box in his arms, stepped through the door and went straight to the backyard room.

Yanxi stood by the bed and watched Baozhu and Baozhen bring basins of hot water. The towels were wetted and then removed, but they had to be changed again within a few minutes.

Bao Zhu rushed up and looked out the door frequently, murmuring: "Mr. Liu, why haven't you come yet..."

There was a clang sound, and Liu Yun tripped and fell at the door. People around him screamed and came forward to help him, and finally he was He was helped up by Yan Xi, and when the two held their arms, Yan Xi quietly put the things into his pockets.

The system reminded: "The career growth value of the male protagonist Yan Xi is +10."

Qiao Zhuo was seriously ill. Hearing this, he regained his energy. Within a few minutes, he figured out that it was Liu Yun and Yan Xida who had succeeded in overthrowing him. Some kind of plan.

"Why did the master suddenly become so ill?" Liu Yun approached and asked with a worried look on his face.

Qiao Zhuomo's wet spots fell on his forehead. His already outstanding appearance was now more fragile due to his severe illness. The ends of his eyes were red, which at first glance might make people misunderstand that he was crying.

Liu Yun paused slightly, his fingertips numb.

"I must be tired during the Lantern Festival. Mr. Liu, please check with me and prescribe some medicine." Qiao Dadong said quickly as he paced in the room.

His figure was swaying back and forth, and Qiao Zhuo cursed with half-closed eyes: "Dadong, get out of here, you're making me upset."

Qiao Dadong was stunned and walked out dejectedly.

Only the two maids Bao Zhuizhen and Yan Xi were left in the room.

Liu Yun needed to help Qiao Zhuo up, so he scanned the circle and directly selected Yan Xi and commanded: "Hold the master up and hold him, I want to give him the acupuncture."

Yan Xi stood beside the bed and was stunned when he heard the words. Before Qiao could react, he Zhuo cursed angrily: "Let him get out too."

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