Chapter 31: Get out of the small world

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The giant dome of the Emerald Castle fired more than a dozen dazzling fireworks into the sky, the salutes resounded non-stop through the sky, and the golden powder banged brightly in the air.

Qiao Zhuo stepped off the spaceship. Chu Xiu beside him was wearing a black and gold uniform. The eagle epaulettes were engraved on his shoulders. His temperament was restrained but powerful. Qiao Zhuo wore the opposite rose dress, with layers of stitches. The embroidered gemstones were clustered around his neck, and looking at it, it could be mistaken for hickeys.

The guests all looked sideways, thinking that this dissolute nobleman was indeed as outrageous as ever.

Qiao Zhuo never saw Su Feifei again in the past few months, not even the shadows of Wells and Brooke. Except for Chu Xiu, the only alpha in the entire Duke's Mansion, all the other staff are betas. The alpha guards are also sent to work outside the Duke's Mansion.

Qiao Zhuo finally saw how terrifying an alpha's possessiveness was, and in the past two months, Chu Xiu had not lost interest in letting him conceive a baby at all. On the contrary, he became more and more frustrated. At first, Qiao Zhuo thought it was I enjoyed it on vacation, but then I couldn't stand it anymore and kept clamoring for the system to do tasks all day long.

But the useless little system couldn't say anything else except asking Qiao Zhuo to wait. In anger, he ate six small cakes in one breath. He was so stretched that he unconsciously held his stomach with his hands and frowned.

Chu Xiu immediately noticed Qiao Zhuo's discomfort, raised his hand to rub Qiao Zhuo's abdomen, frowned slightly and said, "I told you to eat less."

Qiao Zhuo wanted to keep his persona and slap Chu Xiu's hand away, but Chu Xiu's The massage technique was so professional that Qiao Zhuo chose to turn a blind eye and let him go.

This scene completely changed in the eyes of the banquet guests.

The Duke must be pregnant with the Marshal's child!

Wells and Brooke, who had not seen Qiao Zhuo for a long time, both stood not far away, watching Qiao Zhuo and Chu Xiu walk into the banquet venue surrounded by everyone without saying a word.

Brooke's eyes were full of disbelief, and he said blankly: "The Duke...he is really..."

In the past two months, under the care of Chu Xiu, the Duke's Mansion had become an iron-clad wall, and Wells's attempts to put in several informants were useless. No way to start.

Wells, who was hesitating, received the letter that Su Feifei handed over to Qiao Zhuo.

He knew that someone as arrogant as Qiao Zhuo would not accept the label of alpha, no matter who that person was.

"Is everyone ready?" Wells asked sideways.

Brooke raised his head and drank a small glass of whiskey, frowned fiercely and said: "We are all ready, just waiting for the Duke to receive the news."

Under Chu Xiu's iron-blooded hand, many aristocratic interests were deprived and defeated. This group of people Now they wanted to eat Chu Xiu alive. Under the instructions of Qiao Zhuo's letter, Wells and Brooke searched for all the noble forces that could resist Chu Xiu together. Now, exactly two months later, their plan was about to come to an end.

The third prince, Charlie, was carried onto the high stage by the waiter Beta. Qiao Zhuo and Chu Xiu sat under the stage and listened to the choir's hymns.

Chu Xiu glanced at Qiao Zhuo's expression and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was nothing unusual.

Chu Xiu had always believed that reason could resist the instinctive attraction of pheromones, but ever since he learned that Qiao Zhuo and Charlie were a 100% match, a silent fear enveloped him.

Will pheromones make Qiao Zhuo fall in love with Charlie twenty or thirty years later? Chu Xiu didn't know, but all he could do was to tie the person tightly to him and not let Qiao Zhuo leave even a moment.

Chu Xiu knew that all his paranoia had been aroused by Qiao Zhuo, but he chose not to hide it, because only a powerful and domineering alpha deserved to have Qiao Zhuo, even if he used his position of power to imprison this beautiful omega.

Qiao Zhuo looked at the choir on the stage and was so bored that he wanted to yawn. He didn't expect that a prince's birthday party could be so boring.

Just when Qiao Zhuo was feeling sleepy and had tears in his eyes, he suddenly saw Su Feifei walking over.

Su Feifei is an alpha after all. She is maintaining the safety of the banquet at this moment. She is wearing a thick silver armor, but her steps are still light.

Under Chu Xiu's sharp eyes, she still walked to Qiao Zhuo and knelt down on one knee. She put her palm on the sword at her side and said hello very respectfully: "Your Excellency, Duke, Marshal, good evening."

Chu Xiu felt so oppressive that Su Feifei struggled to raise her head.

Qiao Zhuo was very happy to see Su Feifei, but on the surface he only slightly raised his chin and made a hum, which was extremely cold.

Su Feifei noticed the tears in Qiao Zhuo's eyes, and her emotions were very complicated. It seemed that the Duke was not happy at all with the Marshal!

Su Feifei bent down and performed the knight's salute, and Qiao Zhuo stretched out his hand without hesitation, trying his best to ignore Chu Xiu's sinking expression next to him.

Qiao Zhuo asked the system nervously: "Can you complete the task tonight?" Otherwise, it would be miserable for him to go back.

The system affirmed: "It's absolutely no problem, host."

Su Feifei performed the knight's salute in the air, holding Qiao Zhuo's hand but not kissing the back of his hand. Qiao Zhuo found that Su Feifei quietly placed a picture on the palm of his hand. note.

Qiao Zhuo: "!" Is the heroine so bold? How dare you hand a small note in front of Chu Xiu? So exciting.

Chu Xiu watched Su Feifei turn around and leave, his face softening slightly.

"Qiao Zhuo," Chu Xiu's voice made Qiao Zhuo, who was already feeling guilty, tremble all over.

Chu Xiu put his arm on Qiao Zhuo's shoulder, and seemed to think for a long time before he said: "It's not that I want to tame you, but you tamed me." This was the

first time Qiao Zhuo heard Chu Xiu's tone, which was extremely complicated. . When he turned his head, he could see that Chu Xiu had been wearing the golden restraint collar around his neck, although its effect was minimal.

"Qiao Zhuo, what do you want?" Chu Xiu asked.

Qiao Zhuo slapped Chu Xiu's arm away, frowned hard, stared at Chu Xiu and said: "Freedom, I want freedom!"

Chu Xiu said categorically: "Only this is impossible."

Qiao Zhuo heart Thinking that the opportunity had come, he stood up and said angrily: "Since it is impossible to ask me what I am doing, I want to go out, don't follow me!"

The angry Duke walked out of the auditorium quickly. Chu Xiu's calm expression was indeed what Qiao Zhuo thought. He said he didn't follow him out, but he raised his finger slightly, and several alpha soldiers took orders and walked out hiding themselves.

Qiao Zhuo unfolded the small note in his hand as he walked out, feeling nervous and excited.

Wells and Brooke had been waiting outside the auditorium. When they saw Qiao Zhuo, they immediately wanted to step forward, but were blocked by several alpha soldiers who suddenly came out.

"It's your duty, please don't blame the prince." The alpha soldier pointed the hilt of his sword forward at Wells and Brooke.

[Under the flower bed on the right side of the auditorium]

Following the directions on the note, Qiao Zhuo found the flower bed and pushed it open. There was a whistle underneath.

The system said: "Host, it has been detected that a large number of noble troops are gathering outside the Emerald Castle."

Qiao Zhuo understood that this whistle should be a signal to attack.

Su Feifei, who had been hiding in the dark, turned over, knelt on one knee and handed Qiao Zhuo a long sword.

"Duke, everything is ready."

Qiao Zhuo glanced condescendingly at Su Feifei, took the sword and blew the whistle in his hand without hesitation. With an


, a large number of knights hiding outside the castle got the signal and rushed in directly.

"Down with Chu Xiu!" "The glory of the empire cannot be trampled on!" "Nobility is what the people want!"

Qiao Zhuo saw many familiar faces among the nobles dressed in knightly attire. They were all nobles with noble titles who had followed him to enjoy life and wealth. They were also the group of people who were hit hardest by Chu Xiu.

These people must have hated Chu Xiu deeply.

Qiao Zhuo held the long sword and turned around without any hesitation and walked towards the auditorium. Even Su Feifei, who had been looking at him, was stunned.

Su Feifei originally thought that the Duke who was marked by Chu Xiu would be a little bit intolerant when faced with a choice, but now it seems that is not the case.

The dress with wide sleeves was a drag, so Qiao Zhuo immediately tore open the complicated noble ceremonial robe, casually pulled a jacket from the injured knight who fell to the ground and put it on.

The aristocratic forces were mixed, and in order to increase their combat power, they also recruited many villains who specialized in pornography. When an alpha saw Qiao Zhuo's slender waistline in a knight's uniform, he walked over with a thought and said: "Why are you an omega? Staying in such a chaotic place, do you want to follow my brother and leave? I guarantee that you will enjoy the spicy food."

Alpha said while staring at Qiao Zhuo with disgusting eyes, and was about to step forward the next second.

Before Su Feifei could stop her, Qiao Zhuo beside her swung his sword neatly, and the gangster alpha's index finger was cut off with precision in the blink of an eye. The splattered blood stained Qiao Zhuo's left shoulder. His eyebrows were cold and sharp. He looked at the man and cursed: "Get out!"

The gangster had already screamed and covered his hands. Seeing this, he no longer dared to go forward and do anything wrong, so he quickly turned around and ran away.

Until a few minutes ago, in Su Feifei's mind, Qiao Zhuo was an extravagant and powerless nobleman, but the scene just now really shocked Su Feifei.

Qiao Zhuo kept walking towards the auditorium, and he quickly dealt with countless alphas who wanted to harass him on the way.

Su Feifei wanted to take Qiao Zhuo away, but she didn't want to lead Qiao Zhuo to fight against Chu Xiu. After all, she supported all Chu Xiu's new policies.

But the scene became increasingly chaotic, the sound of sword fighting could be heard everywhere, more and more people were screaming and running away, and everyone in the auditorium also noticed the change in the situation.

Qiao Zhuo walked to the door of the auditorium, where Wells and Brooke were already waiting.

Wells stepped forward and said with a smile: "Welcome, Duke."

Brooke clenched his fist and waved it fiercely, "Duke, I will help you beat Chu Xiu half to death."

Qiao Zhuo turned a deaf ear, and Brooke stepped forward and kicked him away. Auditorium door.

The choir stopped in fear, and everyone in the auditorium turned to look over. Seeing a large number of fully armed Alpha soldiers, they started to hide in panic.

"Oh my God, what is going on?" "Rebels! They are rebels!" "I saw Wells and Prince Brooke. What do they want to do?"

Qiao Zhuo stared at Chu Xiu, I saw the man slowly stood up and turned his head, his powerful figure extremely conspicuous in the crowd.

Suddenly everyone noticed Chu Xiu and shouted reassuringly: "Don't worry, the marshal is here!"

Qiao Zhuo clenched the sword in his hand and wiped away the blood on his cheek, staring at Chu Xiu with cold eyes. He loudly raised his sword and pointed it at him, "Chu Xiu, as long as the two princes are around, you will be dishonored!"

Chu Xiu's eyes darkened, and his emotions surged.

"So what does the Duke want?" Chu Xiu asked.

Chu Xiu's calm attitude made both Wells and Brooke panic. Could he have a way out?

Qiao Zhuo stepped forward, "I want you to step down as Marshal of the Empire and restore the glory of the aristocratic class in the past."

When the people heard this unreasonable request, they immediately exploded and their ideas began to change. If an emperor dares to abandon their lives and ascends the throne, how should their lives and property be protected in the future?

Instead of living in fear, it would be better to let Chu Xiu ascend the throne!

Qiao Zhuo's beautiful peach blossom eyes were looking at him at this moment. Chu Xiu took a deep breath and said, "Qiao Zhuo, you know I won't agree."

Qiao Zhuo said angrily: "Then we don't have to discuss it tonight!"

Everyone was in the auditorium. During the confrontation, a large number of alpha armed soldiers came rushing outside the Emerald Castle, with a magnificent momentum.

The situation suddenly reversed.

Wells turned his head and was stunned for a moment. On the shoulders of those soldiers was the logo of the Chu Xiu army! It turns out he knew all this a long time ago! He fell into the trap on purpose!

The aristocratic forces were instantly suppressed by well-trained troops. Seeing that the situation had reversed, Wells and Brooke planned to fight to the death.

Qiao Zhuo also understood, but he still did not put down his sword, "Chu Xiu, you are waiting for me to fall into my trap."

Chu Xiu's eyes were filled with emotions, and his voice was even a little hoarse, "Qiao Zhuo, put down your sword."

Chu Xiu said. Xiu did it on purpose. He deliberately tested what Qiao Zhuo would choose if such an opportunity was presented to him.

Facts have proved that Qiao Zhuo has never changed. He hates himself being marked, and he also hates the alpha who marked him.

Brooke suddenly laughed wildly, holding the fire wire in his hand, "Duke, come here quickly, I will blow them all into pieces."

Qiao Zhuo was stunned and called the emergency call system: "Brooke is crazy, if he ignites the fire wire, the entire auditorium will be blown up !"

The system's crackling calculation sound sounded, "Chu Xiu's career growth value +5, reaching full score, task completion 100%, tasker Qiao Zhuo can jump to the world."

The prompt for completing the task sounded, Qiao Zhuo was heavy He breathed a sigh of relief, and just before Brooke lit the line of fire, the angel statue on the dome of the auditorium began to shake.

Chu Xiu noticed something was wrong and wanted to run over, but was still a step too late.

There was a loud bang, dust and ash flew into the air, and powdery mist instantly rose up to cover the entire auditorium. Everyone covered their mouths and noses and squatted down, while coughs kept coming from around them.

Suddenly, someone pointed at the ceiling of the auditorium and shouted: "It's collapsed! The statue has collapsed!"

Chu Xiu's eyes turned red and he rushed to dig up the fallen statue. The material used by the extravagant Duke at that time was strong and exquisite, and it was heavy enough to kill someone.

Qiao Zhuo's figure had disappeared into the dust and mist, and Wells and Brooke had already been controlled by the army soldiers with their hands behind their backs.

"Duke..." Brooke said in a lost voice: "Impossible! How could the statue suddenly collapse?"

Just when everyone was too scared to move, Chu Xiu had already dug out Qiao Zhuo, who had lost his heartbeat, from the statue. .

Chu Xiu clenched his hands tightly, tears actually falling, "Qiao Zhuo!"

This nightmare scene made Chu Xiu doubt everything he had done. Why did the person who was standing in front of him just now close his eyes now?

Torn heartache hit, Chu Xiu's face turned pale, he didn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it!

Wells had already collapsed on the ground, unable to believe what was happening in front of him. If he had known that such an accident would happen, he should not have agreed to Qiao Zhuo.

Chu Xiu walked out of the auditorium in despair with Qiao Zhuo in his arms. Upon seeing this, a group of soldiers stepped forward and found that the Duke had already lost his breath.


Chu Xiu didn't respond and walked straight into the distance.


a year after the old emperor died of illness, the eldest prince Wells and the second prince Brooke both retired from politics. The funeral of the legendary Omega Duke, who was rumored to be extremely extravagant, was also held not long ago.

Chu Xiu sat on the high throne, his expression colder than before, and his methods more severe. Under his terrifying speed, the current situation of the empire took on a new look.

He achieved the equality that everyone wanted, and also issued a decree that omegas could freely buy and sell inhibitors without being affected by matching.

But just as the people were rejoicing, the new emperor fell asleep after an ordinary meeting and never woke up again. The whole country mourned.

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