Chapter 12: Lin Song actually has such a hobby

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Big Capital Villains in the Entertainment Circle 12
  Chapter 12

  Lin Song understood that Qiao Zhuo was deliberately saying such things to annoy him. He moved to sit next to Qiao Zhuo and asked, "Do you want to go out?"

  Qiao Zhuo raised his chin and hummed.

  "Aren't you afraid even if you see Shen Jiming?"

  Qiao Zhuo glared at Lin Song and said, "Shen Jiming is just a dog I raised before. I'm afraid of what he will do."

  Lin Song would meet many unfaithful people whenever he thought of Qiao Zhuo going out. With kind eyes, the suppressed emotions in his heart were about to be released. He tried hard to restrain his expression and said, "Okay,"

  before Qiao Zhuo could be happy, Lin Song said again: "But I have a condition."

  Could it be that Lin Song Are you finally thinking of taking revenge on yourself? Doesn't that mean that career growth value can be increased? Qiao Zhuo thought so and immediately agreed.

  "Tell me what the conditions are." Qiao Zhuo said.

  Lin Song got up from the sofa. He didn't say anything directly. Instead, he said as he walked upstairs: "Follow me to the study."

  Upon seeing this, the housekeeper made an invitation to Qiao Zhuo. Qiao Zhuo hesitated for a while but followed.

  "System, remember to minimize my pain value at critical moments." Qiao Zhuo ordered uneasily while walking on the stairs.

  System: "."

  Lin Song's study room was very spacious. The walls were covered with dark red wooden bookcases that reached the ceiling. The carpet was thick and soft under the feet. A huge desk was placed in front of the glass cabinet. Lin Song looked up at Qiao when he sat there. Burn for a moment.

  Qiao Zhuo felt the back of his head getting cold.

  Nowadays, Lin Song has grown up too fast, especially his powerful figure and handsome appearance, which make him have an unapproachable temperament. It is rare for Qiao Zhuo to feel constrained.

  The atmosphere was stagnant, and Qiao Zhuo really wanted the system to play an inappropriate song for him to relieve it.

  "System, play Baby Bus." Qiao Zhuo said.

  The system was silent and said: "This function does not exist, thank you."

  Qiao Zhuo: "Okay."

  System: "You dislike me, right?"

  Qiao Zhuo: "I can't help it if you think so, hehe."

  System He was so angry that he said no more.

  Lin Song opened the cabinet under the desk and took out a dark blue velvet box. Without opening it directly, he looked up at Qiao Zhuo who was standing not far away and said in a deep voice: "Come here."

  Qiao Zhuo thought to himself, why are you calling? I just walked over and walked over.

  Qiao Zhuo stopped next to Lin Song and listened to Lin Song ask again: "Are any conditions acceptable?"

  Lin Song saw a hesitant look on Qiao Zhuo's face, and then said: "Except for letting me harm myself, I will accept it. It's acceptable."

  Lin Song knitted his handsome eyebrows and said in a slightly angry tone: "What are you thinking." How could he let Qiao Zhuo do such a thing.

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