Chater 24: Thin waist

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Author: [ Collect this chapter ] [Complain]Noble Omega Villain 8
  Chapter 8

  Early the next morning, Chu Xiu's lieutenant led a group of people to wait at the entrance of the college.

  The Duke's ostentation was frightening. Two rows of Duke's palace guards in neat armor appeared at the intersection. The familiar gold and silver carriage was surrounded in the middle. In order to increase his career growth points, Qiao Zhuo chose to drag this carriage out again.

  The coachman Alpha took the rope and pulled the horse's head, shouted: "Hu-" and stopped the car steadily at the door.

  The two waiters on the side quickly lifted the red carpet and pushed it on the ground. The soft edge of the red carpet slowly rolled forward, and it rolled for dozens of meters before it stopped. The extravagant move made everyone gasp.

  The brown-gray trouser legs fell straight down, and the polished leather boots revealed a slender ankle sticking out of the carriage.

  Qiao Zhuo stepped on the pedals, and the complicated aristocratic attire fully appeared in everyone's sight. His charming eyes were extremely cold at the moment, and he asked condescendingly: "Where is Chu Xiu?"

  The deputy general stepped forward: "The marshal is here. Come..." Before he finished speaking, the crowd of people watching suddenly dispersed. Amidst the noise of the crowd, the Imperial Marshal was wearing a black gold noble dress, and a dark gold embroidered cloak with an eagle engraved on his left shoulder, majestically. come over.

  This handsome appearance makes him even more unattainable under the aura of the three S-class alpha.

  Chu Xiu stared at Qiao Zhuo, his eyes were sharp and aggressive, and they hit Qiao Zhuo so hard that he even wanted to retreat.

  "Your Majesty the Duke." Chu Xiu greeted.

  Qiao Zhuo wanted to avoid Chu Xiu's eyes, but on the outside he still looked at people with his nostrils, and went straight to the subject with great impatience: "Where is your machine?"

  The beautiful Omega Duke who opened the pearl curtain and walked down still did not wear a neck restraint. Huan, the fragrance of rose seemed to be absent, but it was completely captured by Chu Xiu.

  I don't know whether Chu Xiu wanted to be sarcastic or deliberately tease Qiao Zhuo. He didn't answer his question and just said: "Thank you Duke for your support of the New Deal."

  When Qiao Zhuo heard this provocation, his eyes became more angry, thinking that his information was about to be extracted. Su, said without mercy: "I am really impressed by the Marshal. The research institute was damaged and it could be repaired so quickly. What an amazing skill."

  It seems that the group of alphas last night were not able to enter the research center at all. Chu Xiu The trap was laid from the beginning!

  Chu Xiu, who was ridiculed, did not change his expression when he heard this. Instead, he stepped forward and approached Qiao Zhuo. His powerful figure was more than a head taller than Qiao Zhuo. Although the pheromones on his body were suppressed by the golden suppression collar around his neck, the remaining Part of it still frightens Qiao Zhuo.

  Chu Xiu said solemnly, "I hope you will forgive me, Your Majesty the Duke."

  "Forgive me?" Qiao Zhuo sneered, grabbed the chain around Chu Xiu's neck and pulled it down. The people around him were too frightened to look up when they saw this.

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