Chapter 36: Hold tight and smell

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Baozhu and Baozhen stood aside and had long been used to Qiao Zhuo's unpredictable temper, and they didn't even blink when they heard this.

Yanxi got up and left the study, and met Qiao Dadong when he walked to the backyard.

Qiao Dadong saw Yan Xi coming out of the master's wing in the middle of the night. He couldn't help but be surprised and asked: "What's going on?"

Yan Xi knelt down calmly on the bluestone in the backyard, exposing his naked upper body, "Take the master's orders and bear the board."

Qiao Dadong: "..."

Qiao Dadong didn't know why the famous man in front of the master got the job because he was displeased with it. But what was shocking was that for a month after that, Yan Xi would come to the backyard and kneel every night. Hit the board.

Because of this, the scars on Yanxi's entire back were not healed for more than half a month.

The servants in the mansion were well-informed about each other, and within half a day the rumor that Yanxi had made the master very angry spread to everyone's ears. However, because of this, Yan Xi became the person who had the closest contact with Qiao Zhuo in the entire mansion, and his status gradually improved.

After class, Qiao Xiuwen once again skillfully applied medicine to Yan Xi. When he saw Yan Xi getting up and getting dressed, he sighed and said, "Master didn't force you to practice calligraphy every night, so why do you have to endure these hardships? "

Yan Xi's expression remained unchanged. His strong body had grown much taller these days, and he stood out among the group of people.

His eyes were blazing, and he didn't answer Qiao Xiuwen's words. He just said one sentence and walked away before opening the door and leaving.

Yan Xi walked to the study and met Qiao Zhuo who was going out. He saw that the man had changed from his usual black gown and put on a loose blue robe.

Her dark hair was tied behind her back with a red rope. The way it was tied was not as loose and casual as usual, but it was tied tightly at the bottom so that it would not fall apart no matter how much it shook.

The temperament is like smoke, more like a bottle of blue and white porcelain.

"Good morning, sir." Yan Xi bowed and said hello, and Qiao Zhuo frowned and said, "I forgot about you."

Yan Xi seems to be the only one who insists on the habit of practicing calligraphy every night, and Qiao Zhuo's forgetful look is inexplicable. Yan Xi felt anxious in his heart.

"That's all, grab some clothes for me." Qiao Zhuo looked sideways at him and said, "Follow me."

Upon hearing this, Yan Xi immediately followed Qiao Zhuo step by step. He was more than half a head taller, and he was almost half a head taller when viewed from behind. Qiao Zhuo's entire body was shrouded in his own shadow.

Qiao Zhuo complained to the system: "Is this what you said about me being taller than the male lead? It's only been less than a year."

The system didn't dare to speak.

On a cool summer night, Qiao Zhuo walked through the winding pavilions and finally reached the Temple of Heaven.

Yan Xi had never been to this place before and found it very strange.

Qiao Zhuo turned around and took off the white cloak he was wearing and threw it to Yan Xi and asked, "Mr. Liu taught you how to perform the dance to worship the mountain gods, right?"

Yan Xi held the white cloak in his arms, and Qiao Zhuo came towards her. The scent of medicine lingered on his body. After being stunned for a while, he said: "I taught you."

Qiao Zhuo asked again: "Skip?"

Yan Xi shook his head honestly, "No, sir said we can't jump."

"Liu Yun That's interesting." After Qiao Zhuo said this, he suddenly stretched out his arms and danced a dance to worship the mountain god in the blue sunset.

The sacrificial dance is not like other soft dances. Instead, it has a unique chilling and mysterious atmosphere. Qiao Zhuo's robes are breathtakingly beautiful while flying.

The cyan sleeves rolled up in the wind, revealing Qiao Zhuo's fair and slender arms. His dark hair was flying with long red tassels. Looking at Qiao Zhuo's peach blossom eyes, it simply burned people's hearts.

That night, Yan Xi was in a daze and didn't know how he got back to the room. He woke up in the middle of the night and found that his bed was wet, and his face was extremely embarrassed.

After practicing calligraphy every night for the past few months, Yan Xi's coat has long been soaked with the light medicinal fragrance, which reminds people of that man and those burning peach blossom eyes in an instant.

It was pitch dark in the middle of the night, and Du Duyanxi's breath was filled with fire. His face was gloomy, and he remained in a stalemate for a long time. Finally, his shoulders, which were as tight as strings, suddenly relaxed. He pulled the piece of clothing and held it against the tip of his nose. A sharp sniff.


"Yan Xi."

"Yan Xi!"

Qiao Shanshan shook the bun in front of Yan Xi twice, her big eyes full of doubts, "Why are you acting weird today? What happened?"

Qiao Xiuwen was beaten by Qiao Shanshan Pushing with his elbow, he began to carefully examine Yan Xi in front of him. His face was still as ice-like, and his expressionless expression was the same as before.

"It's not strange." Qiao Xiuwen concluded.

Qiao Shanshan snorted angrily and complained: "Xiuwen, you have really bad eyesight."

Yan Xi picked up the wild rice and put it into the bowl. He couldn't hear the fight between the two in front of him. He only lowered his eyes and tried to separate himself from the conflict. Teared out from the extremely complicated emotions, how could he... and how could he be right to the master...

Men or women are no longer within the scope of Yan Xi's entanglement, just because that is Qiao Zhuo! He's a demon in human skin! He was lucky to be sober a few days ago, but now, in just a blink of an eye, he has become a person like Hu Rui.

He was selected to sacrifice to the mountain god. Now eight years have passed. He may be thrown into the mountains by Qiao Zhuo's order at some point, leaving no trace of his body. The top priority is to find an opportunity to escape quickly, rather than being beguiled by beauty and thinking about such irrelevant things. .

Yan Xi tried his best to convince himself that last night was just an accident and it was all caused by the excessive anger in the summer. There was no way he would have even the slightest thought about the master! no way!

"Can we go out to play during the Lantern Festival in the evening? I haven't seen grandma for a long time." Qiao Shanshan's expectant voice suddenly sounded, pulling back Yan Xi's increasingly wandering thoughts.

Lantern Festival? Yanxi heard Hu Rui mention it that day.

Thinking of Hu Rui, Yan Xi's face darkened again. That smooth-tongued foreigner might have been entangled for a while after meeting the master, but the master didn't scold him much and always gave the man named Hu some face...

It would be better if he told him to just drive this person out and never see him again.

Qiao Xiuwen responded: "Master will also go out to pray for blessings during the Lantern Festival. If the housekeeper allows it, we can go out too."

Qiao Shanshan couldn't hide her surprise when she heard this, "Really? Then I really want to have a good time!"

was selected The boys and girls who worship the mountain god have been strictly restricted in their entry and exit since they moved into the mansion. Among them, only Yan Xi, who checks the account book for shopkeeper Zhang, often goes out, which is enviable.

Yan Xi pursed her thin lips, endured it again and again, and finally asked: "During the Lantern you want me to perform a dance to worship the mountain gods to pray for blessings?"

Qiao Shanshan and Qiao Xiuwen were stunned, and then they remembered that Yan Xi was a foreigner and had not yet Experienced the unique sacrificial festival of Qiaojia Village.

Qiao Xiuwen nodded and explained: "Only the clan leader can dance the dance to worship the mountain god. The Lantern Festival does not happen every year. It requires divination by the stars. The last time was when I was six years old." "

The dance to worship the mountain god?" Qiao Shanshan said excitedly : "I can't remember. When I was the patriarch of the clan, I laughed out loud and was scolded by my mother-in-law."

Yan Xi frowned and said in confusion: "Why are you laughing?" Qiao Shanshan muttered a word of "disrespect"

in a low voice. Then he said: "Because it looks like a heavy bear." As soon as

he said this, Qiao Xiuwen hit Qiao Shanshan's head hard with a hiss, frowned and said, "Is it allowed to say this? Be careful to get hit." Qiao

Shanshan Covering her head and wanting to cry without tears, it was also because she had been with Yan Xi for a long time, and she subconsciously understood that the theory of ghosts and gods was not as important as she had thought when she was a child. Of course, one should enjoy life in time.


Qiao Zhuo was sitting in front of the mirror and suddenly heard the system prompt sound: "The career growth value of the male protagonist Yan Xi is +5."

Qiao Zhuo heard the career value for a long time, and almost cried with excitement, and said to the system: "After all the hard work, the small system comes."

System: "It has been detected that the plot is progressing. Please keep up the good work."

Baozhu and Baozhen opened the door and walked in slowly. They held a grand sacrificial dress in their hands. On the folded dress was a picture of a ferocious evil ghost. The mask's slender horns were dyed dark red with chicken blood.

Baozhu and Baozhen knelt on the ground and raised the plate, "Sir."

Qiao Zhuo reached for the mask and placed it on his face in the mirror. His eyes were exposed from the holes in the mask, instantly showing the chilling and threatening look of a ferocious evil spirit.

"The Lantern Festival is about to begin, let's change clothes for the master."

Baozhu and Baozhen stood up neatly, Qiao Zhuo opened his arms and gently raised his chin, holding up the heavy and complicated sacrificial attire.

The sacrificial dress is red and black, with nine golden sails hanging around the waist. The sleeves are extremely wide and the hem is as long as the floor. After putting on the formal attire, Baozhu and Baozhen started busy putting on accessories for Qiao Zhuo.

There were three silver bracelets on the left and five on the right, and a necklace with slender tassels was put on her neck, which made a clanging sound throughout the room.

Qiao Zhuo felt like he was out of breath while holding on to his heavy clothes.

Qiao Zhuo asked the system: "Will there be many people during the dance? I don't want to make a fool of myself."

The system said calmly: "Don't worry, host, there are only a few thousand people in Qiaojia Village, not more."

Qiao Zhuo: "..." Thousands of people!

"Master, please extend your hand." Baozhu and Baozhen stood on the left and right of Qiao Zhuo and said this. Qiao Zhuo obediently extended his hand after hearing this.

He saw a basin of red liquid between the two maids. Qiao Zhuo almost wanted to withdraw his hand and hurriedly confirmed with the system, "Isn't this chicken blood?"

The system gloated and asked, "Host, are you afraid of blood? That's just paint. "

Qiao Zhuo snorted, "I just don't like that kind of nonsense."

The system said meaningfully: "As long as you are not afraid of ghosts."

Qiao Zhuo: "?"

Suddenly a cold touch surfaced from the back of his hand, Qiao Zhuo Zhuo found that the orb was actually holding his hand and began to apply red paint.

Three lines of red paint were drawn vertically on the back of the white hand. Baozhu said: "The evil ghosts have dispersed."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Baozhen repeated it. Three lines of red paint were drawn vertically on Qiao Zhuo's right hand. After finishing the work, he also said: "The evil ghost is gone."

Qiao Zhuo: "Is it too late for me to quit now?"

The system dinged and started to pretend to be dead.

As the afternoon approaches evening, the sky turns orange and red. As you look around, countless lanterns are lit up and twinkling in the green mountains. Groups of men and women are laughing on the street. Various stalls are placed on the roadside. The smell of human fireworks is blowing towards your face.

The Lantern Festival is a big festival in Qiaojia Village. Qiao Dadong led a group of people out of the mansion early in the morning. Dots of lanterns were floating in the long river flowing from the top of Tongtian Mountain. Someone shouted "Master!"

tens of thousands of people gathered beside the river and held their breath. treat.

Several people from Yanxi were also standing by the river along with the flow of people. Qiao Shanshan looked upstream and shouted excitedly: "It's the sacrificial boat! The boat is coming!"

I saw a two-story-high boat sailing very slowly in the dark blue river. The top of the giant ship was flattened, and a long-haired man wearing a devil mask stood on a high platform.

Yan Xi recognized Qiao Zhuo at a glance and clenched his hands unconsciously.

The system prompts: "Host, it has been detected that the male protagonist's mood swings are too high. I'm afraid he is reunited with his family members who came to see him."

Yanxi's family is a powerful family. After searching through layers of search, he will finally come to meet him on the Lantern Festival. He recognized each other.

Seeing a crowd of people in darkness in front of him, Qiao Zhuo was so frightened that his calves were shaking, but his expression remained dignified and solemn, and he cursed: "Shut up, his disgust value will be halved immediately. I have to finish this dance first."

[ The male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value is -20. ]

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

System: "I know this question, is it called Crow's Mouth, right?"

Qiao Zhuo: ": ( "

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