Chapter 46: Western gadgets, your favorite

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Qiao Dadong and his party did not choose to show up directly when the woods were shaking. Despite this, Wu Yanxi still took a step forward to block Qiao Zhuo's face with a gloomy expression.

Qiao Zhuo stepped forward involuntarily when he heard the words "Qiao family", but was stopped more forcefully by Wu Yanxi.

"Where do you want to go, Master?" Wu Yanxi asked with a sharp eyebrow.

Qiao Zhuo tried to break free from Wu Yanxi's restraints with his hands, and said angrily: "You kidnapped me in front of everyone, and now you dare to ask me where I want to go? I deserve to go home!" The

gentleness that has been covered up in these few months His face was all torn off at this moment. Qiao Zhuo was not a person who would be content with the status quo and easily compromise, as Wu Yanxi knew from the beginning.

But maybe he was too fascinated by the gentle Qiao Zhuo recently, so Wu Yanxi's heart ached extremely at this moment. The cruel truth hidden under the mask was brought to the table bloodyly. It turned out that to Qiao Zhuo, he was just the person who kidnapped him and had no other identity.

Wu Yanxi lowered her eyelashes and said: "The mansion is not the master's home. In a few days, the master will follow us and leave, and everything will settle down..."

Qiao Zhuo interrupted him angrily. The man's beautiful features were almost scalding at this moment. He just heard He snorted coldly and asked: "The dust has settled? Where and how did it fall? Aren't you crazy enough to overthrow the whole house with your wolfish ambition!"

Wu Yanxi no longer tried to argue with Qiao Zhuo, and only saw him using one hand He tightly restrained Qiao Zhuo's shoulders and held him close to him, not letting go even if Qiao Zhuo cursed or cursed him.

Wu Duo looked back at the two of them and pursed his lips nervously.

Following the shouts of the Qiao family, all the strong men stationed in the camp ran out with weapons in hand and stood guard around the tent.

Wu Duo tried his best to calm down his emotions and shouted: "Sneaking around is not a man's style, come out quickly and let us meet for a while!"

This shout resounded through the mountains and forests, but there was still no movement in the position where he had shaken before. , not to mention the Qiao family.

Wu Yanxi put his arm around Qiao Zhuo and asked in a deep voice: "Are you sure that what you saw just now is a servant of the Qiao family?"

Wu Duo turned sideways and responded: "Of course, the leader has a hooked nose and a face full of wrinkles. When he went to pick up his eldest brother, I met him once on the eaves."

Aquiline nose...

Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes, it turned out to be Qiao Dadong!

Wu Yanxi had obviously come to his senses, but there was only the sound of wind around him, and the swaying woods not long ago seemed to be just an illusion.

"The plan has changed." Wu Duo looked at Wu Yanxi with questioning eyes, waiting for his instructions.

Suddenly the system voice sounded: "Host, the male protagonist Wu Yanxi's career growth value is still short of the last five points."

Qiao Zhuo hissed with some hesitation.

The system asked: "What's wrong, host?" In the past, weren't you always very happy when you wanted to leave the small world?

Qiao Zhuo frowned and asked, "The male protagonist's virginity..." Is it really impossible to break it?

System: "."

The system seemed to hear the second half of Qiao Zhuo's unfinished sentence, and advised earnestly: "No, host! Please correct your thoughts and stop tempting the male protagonist!"

Qiao Zhuo said innocently : "What temptation? You are slandering me."

System: "...Gan."

After a long stalemate, there was still no one in the woods. Wu Yanxi coldly asked his servants to escort Qiao Zhuo to the tent to sleep. Next, I was chatting with the Wu family until late at night, discussing how to face a group of vicious and fanatical villagers.

Once these two parties confront each other with force, the outcome will be difficult to determine.

Although the Wu family is fully prepared and the assistants are all young and middle-aged, this cannot stop the fact that the villagers of the Qiao family are a bunch of lunatics. They can't hold anything else in their minds except those stubborn feudal thoughts. I don't doubt how far they can go for the sake of the mountain god. Faced with such a desperate person, the Wu family also has to think carefully.

Dozens of people gathered around the long table in the spacious tent. Wu Duo showed his sharp blade and said: "Sooner or later we will be killed, why not earlier, brother."

Wu Yanxi lowered his eyes under the gaze of everyone, a man with a strong aura. Hesitating for the first time, Qiao Zhuo was very resistant to leaving Qiaojiacun, but now that he has come to this point, Wu Yanxi has to go on even if the road ahead is extremely difficult and dangerous, because this is the path he has chosen.

"Brother!" Seeing that Wu Yanxi was silent, Wu Duo reminded him again: "Burn that ruined temple as soon as possible, and we can take Qiao Zhuo out of this ghost place as soon as possible."

Wu Duo only knew Qiao Zhuo as a person . A beautiful man, he didn't understand that Qiao Zhuo was one of those fanatics, and was even the concrete belief of the villagers.

Wu Duo, who spoke lightly, had no idea that taking Qiao Zhuo away would not only completely anger the Qiao villagers, but also make Qiao Zhuo go crazy.

Wu Yanxi frowned, with complicated emotions in his sharp eyes. Finally, after much hesitation, he set a date, "The sixth day of June."

Everyone whispered in a low voice.

Liu Yun sat aside and stayed away from the conversation. Now he couldn't help but look up at Wu Yanxi after hearing this.

Wu Yanxi closed his eyes tightly and opened them again. When he spoke again, he spoke more fluently and said: "On the sixth day of June, we will climb the mountain and burn the temple."

Wu Duo, who had been impatient for a long time, flicked the sharp knife in his hand and said with a happy smile: "Finally we can Get out of this hellish place!"


Qiao Zhuo sat writing under the candlelight. Fei Ge tied his handwriting to his leg and walked away from the account. The curtain behind him was suddenly opened.

Qiao Zhuo was startled and quickly confirmed with the system: "Did Wu Yanxi find out that I sent a message to Qiao Dadong?"

The carrier pigeon released by Qiao Zhuo just now is the last benefit that the small world brings to the villain, and it is also a prop provided by the system. , a carrier pigeon that allows Qiao Zhuo to contact the Qiao villagers hiding in the mountains.

The system replied: "The male protagonist cannot find it. He is bound by the will of the small world, and the flying pigeon is an object outside the world."

Qiao Zhuo felt relieved after hearing this, and continued to pretend to be indifferent, turned around, sat down at the table and picked up the brush.

Wu Yanxi came closer, carrying the refreshing smell of the cool spring night breeze on his body. The man asked, "Master, are you writing again?"

Qiao Zhuo didn't even look at him, just lowered his head and looked at the writing under his eyes.

Wu Yanxi was not annoyed at being treated like this by Qiao Zhuo, but when he sat across from Qiao Zhuo, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the glass kaleidoscope placed on the table.

These Western gadgets again! Does Qiao Zhuo like what Wu Duo sent so much? !

Qiao Zhuo was only thinking about snubbing Wu Yanxi, but he never thought that the face of the man opposite him had become as dark as water and his tone was cold, "It seems that the master really likes these things."

After hearing this, he refused to confront Wu Yanxi. Qiao Zhuo, who was staring at him, finally raised his eyes, saw the glass kaleidoscope in Wu Yanxi's hand and said lightly: "I like it very much."

Wu Yanxi: "..."

The man's mouth seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were tight while stroking the kaleidoscope with his fingers. Staring at Qiao Zhuo in front of him, he looked confused and thought that the person he was rubbing in his hand was Qiao Zhuo himself.

Qiao Zhuo felt a chill on the back of his neck, and heard Wu Yanxi say with a smile: "Is the master angry with me because I don't let you meet the Qiao family?"

Qiao Zhuo glared at him and said arrogantly: "You know what you are asking."

Wu Yanxi seemed to realize that there was no future between himself and Qiao Zhuo, so he simply spoke out.

"Master, I will take you away. Don't you like this kind of gadgets? There are so many of them out there. I throw them to you every day to play with. Qiaojia Village... will be just a memory from now on."

Qiao Zhuo shook his hands and looked pale . Bai asked: "What exactly do you want?"

Wu Yanxi threw away the glass kaleidoscope in his hand, "What I want, the master knows best. I want the ancient sacrificial rituals in Qiaojia Village to cease to exist, and I want you to leave with me willingly."

Wu Yanxi had just finished speaking. , Qiao Zhuo categorically refused: "But I don't want to!"

A wry smile appeared on Wu Yanxi's handsome face, "I know you don't want to."

Wu Yanxi turned around and walked out of the tent, Qiao Zhuo holding the brush He loosened his hand and asked the system: "He left like this? He is about to leave the small world, and I still want to have a shot."

System: "...Host, you have become a ruthless person that I don't recognize~"

Qiao Zhuo: "Hee hee."

But before Qiao Zhuo was really disappointed, Wu Yanxi, who had left, returned, holding a tray covered with red cloth in his hand.

Qiao Zhuo frowned in confusion. Before he could ask, Wu Yanxi smiled and said, "Don't you like Western things? I just happened to find some small toys made of glass."

Qiao Zhuo: "..."

Qiao Zhuo asked: "Is it the kind of little toy I was thinking of?"

System: "Sorry host, I can't understand what you are talking about."

Qiao Zhuo sighed deliberately, "You still have a lot to learn."

System: "?"

Wu Yanxi's strength was as strong as ever. He hugged Qiao Zhuo's waist and walked towards the bed holding the tray with the other hand.

Qiao Zhuo still held the brush in his hand, and in his nervousness, the ink stained Wu Yanxi's entire clothes.

"Wantless, what are you going to do?" Qiao Zhuo asked with a trembling voice, his gorgeous peach blossom eyes turning red from fear.

Wu Yanxi pulled open the red cloth, revealing the glazed product.

Qiao Zhuo: "!!" The male protagonist is actually having such a good time. Do you know the system?

The system was quickly blocked as soon as Wu Yanxi lifted up the red cloth. No picture could be seen, and he could not respond to Qiao Zhuo's questions.

Wu Yanxi in front of him was extremely depressed and rebounded. Now he did not let go of Qiao Zhuo's wrist for a moment, and forced him to touch the cold glass.

"Do you like it, Master? Don't you like this kind of Western gadgets the most? You must also like this one."

Qiao Zhuo closed his eyes and cursed angrily: "Shameless!"

Wu Yanxi took the brush in Qiao Zhuo's hand and took it away. His eyes were extremely dark and his voice was hoarse: "Let's try the youngest one first."

Seeing that Wu Yanxi really wanted to take action, Qiao Zhuo hurriedly asked the system: "Does this count as a virgin?"

The system explained: "It doesn't count, unless Yeah."

Qiao Zhuo: ":) fine."

At the beginning of the night, Qiao Zhuo pretended to be reluctant, but actually enjoyed it, until Wu Yanxi gradually went crazy. From the first to the seventh trial, Qiao Zhuo cried until his throat was broken. Being mute didn't help. Wu Yanxi became more energetic the more she cried with red eyes.

Qiao Zhuoruan was so happy that she couldn't be more happy in bed. The slightest regret that she was about to leave the day before was all gone at this moment.

Early the next morning, the system, which had been blocked all night, asked: "Are you full of energy?"

Qiao Zhuo smacked his fingers and said, "The last brush was something I didn't expect."

The system said speechlessly: "Host, you seem to have such a shameless face. It's getting thicker and thicker."

Qiao Zhuo blinked and said, "Really? Hee hee."

But no matter how cheerful he was, he couldn't stop Qiao Zhuo from looking forward to leaving. He confirmed, "Has Qiao Dadong received the carrier pigeon?"

The system : "Ang."

Qiao Dadong, who was far away in the mansion at the moment, held the carrier pigeon and quickly opened the note on its leg.

I saw seven big characters written on it, [On the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, wolves destroyed the temple. 】

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