Chapter 34: There are too many people coveting the master

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Qiao Zhuo didn't know what function the system used. Anyway, the time passed around him accelerated, and in a blink of an eye he appeared outside the school where boys and girls were concentrating.

Qiao Zhuo asked the system happily: "It's amazing, then I don't need to drink porridge anymore?"

The system said ruthlessly: "I still have to drink it."

Qiao Zhuo: ":)"

The school is spacious and bright, and the teacher is wearing a green shirt Standing in front of the blackboard, wearing thin-rimmed glasses, he has an elegant and bookish air.

After seeing Qiao Zhuo, he immediately put down the writing on the blackboard, walked quickly, bent down and said with a smile, "Liu Yun says hello, sir."

Qiao Zhuo noticed Liu Yun's handsome appearance and asked the system, "Is this an important role in the small world?"

The system Monitoring and answering: "Host, Liu Yun is knowledgeable and proficient in medical skills. He has secretly started to oppose the bad habit of using boys and girls to worship mountain gods. Later, he will become one of the hero's think tanks."

Qiao Zhuo thought to himself, another one who did this My fate.

"Sir, there is no need to be polite." Qiao Zhuo gently supported Liu Yun's arm.

When Liu Yun stood up, he noticed that the man's long hair fell on his sleeves, and fell down again in an instant, and he felt a vague regret in his heart.

Qiao Zhuo was frail and wore a long black gown all year round, which made his appearance even more outstanding. With his long hair swept across his front, anyone who saw him would exclaim that he was like a god.

The little kids in the school couldn't help but looked back a few times. Yan Xi noticed that Qiao Zhuo always held fox fur in his hand, and wondered, would some people be so afraid of the cold in the summer?

"How are they studying? Are there any talented ones?" Qiao Zhuo asked, walking to the chair by the window of the school and sitting down. Baozhu and Baozhen who were following him immediately shook off the thin blanket in their hands and covered Qiao Zhuo's knees. There were a lot of things going on here, and the housekeeper Qiao Dadong was illiterate and overbearing. Qiao Zhuo thought that it would be good to train a right-hand man from these babies to serve as their support for a while.

Liu Yun picked up the book again, rolled it into a cylinder, and clicked on a few children, including Qiao Shanshan and Qiao Xiuwen, and said, "These kids are easy to understand and learn quickly."

Qiao Zhuo discovered that the children Liu Yun clicked There was no Yan Xi in the room. When he was frowning slightly, he saw Liu Yun specially walked to the desk next to Yan Xi and said with a smile: "I heard that Yan Xi's name was given by the master. It's a good name."

Qiao Zhuo said lightly, " How are you studying?"

Qiao Zhuo thought that the male protagonist must strive for success. How can he conquer the world if he doesn't study well?

System: "."

It turns out that the male protagonist is indeed a male protagonist. Liu Yun was very surprised and said to Qiao Zhuo as if he was selling: "I found that Yan Xi has been literate for a long time, and he knows almost as many words as me. He is really formidable. Ah, Master."

Qiao Zhuo felt relieved and raised his hand, "You teach me, I'll watch." Liu Yun bent down and

agreed. Yan Xi took a pen and glanced at the man sitting by the window quietly, and drew a lot of things on the paper. The ghost-drawing talisman was the so-called 'rules' he had written down in his own way. There was weirdness everywhere in this mansion, and even the whole village was weird.

But Yanxi was alone and weak, so he could only suppress his thoughts and lurk for the time being. He knocked his head and couldn't remember anything. He ran out and didn't know where he could go.

Liu Yun's class was very interesting, but even more interesting things could not hide the fact that he was teaching knowledge about the literacy stage of primary school. Qiao Zhuo became more and more sleepy as he listened, and finally fell asleep leaning on his chair, not even waking up when the system beep sounded.

The system said: "Please pay attention to the host, we are going to speed up and skip the repeated plot... Fast forward to the important points of the plot..."

When Qiao Zhuo woke up, he was still sitting in the school. The sun was still hanging high outside the window. Baozhu leaned close and whispered: " Master, lunch is ready."

Liu Yun's teaching voice sounded loudly. Qiao Zhuo couldn't get up even when he heard the word "eat". The white porridge really made him lose all interest in food.

Suddenly, Qiao Zhuo raised his eyes and was shocked to see where were the little beans sitting at the table in the school? Where have they all gone? What is the situation with these nearly adult men and women?

The system sighed, feeling helpless, and said: "Host, the time in the small world has been adjusted to an important node eight years later."

Qiao Zhuo couldn't hold back his surprise that the flow of time turned out to be such a way, but in an instant he became excited again, finally able to No more porridge!

"Let's have lunch first." Qiao Zhuo's voice was not loud, but it was enough to make the school instantly quiet.

Liu Yun, who had a pretty and bookish expression just now, now has a more steady look in his eyes. The wrinkles at the end of his eyes are obvious, and you can immediately tell that he is much older.

Qiao Zhuo looked at the students sitting behind the desks without changing his expression as he stood up. The most eye-catching one was Yan Xi.

I saw Yan Xi grow from a twelve-year-old boy to a twenty-year-old adult man, with broad shoulders and a thin waist. The cyan school uniform on his body stretched the shoulder lines extremely smoothly, and he had a handsome appearance and a pair of starry eyes that shone when he looked over. Hui.

Qiao Zhuo couldn't help but said in amazement: "The male protagonist is only twenty years old, why does he feel that he is already so deep in the city?"

The system said: "The male protagonist has been dormant in the mansion for eight years. Although from the perspective of you, the host, it is just a blink of an eye. But he has spent it in real life, and the young man's character has long been changed by experience."

As soon as Qiao Zhuo stood up, everyone in the school also stood up and said hello: "Master, walk slowly."

The man's black hair was like a waterfall, and he had not changed at all in eight years. When passing by Yan Xi, there was a refreshing fragrance of herbs, which disappeared in an instant.

Only when Qiao Zhuo's figure disappeared deep into the corner of the corridor did Yan Xi loosen his tightly clenched fists.

Qiao Shanshan had long grown into a graceful and beautiful girl. When she saw Qiao Zhuo leaving, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Although the master only comes to the school once a month, I am still very afraid of him."

Qiao Xiuwen said in a gentle tone: " The master has never scolded you."

Qiao Shanshan's cheeks bulged in anger, "Humph, Xiuwen, you always say that, but the master's temper is unstable, and only Yan Xi among us dares to say a few words to him. " Yes."

"Really? Yan Xi." Qiao Shanshan wanted to pat Yan Xi on the shoulder, but he sidestepped her.

Yan Xi's handsome face was expressionless and he said, "I'm going to help shopkeeper Zhang check the accounts, so I won't have dinner." After saying that, he immediately turned around and left without stopping for half a second.

Seeing that Qiao Shanshan's expression was not good, Qiao Xiuwen comforted him: "Yan Xi is cold-tempered. The bank is busy at the end of the month, so he has been approved to help the shopkeeper reconcile the accounts."

Yan Xi is smart and respected by the master. Over the years, he has gradually mastered the skills in the house. He has gained quite a bit of say.

Qiao Shanshan glared at Qiao Xiuwen helplessly, "Xiuwen, do you think I am an unreasonable woman? I just feel that we have lived together in the mansion for so many years, but Yanxi is still alone."

Qiao Xiuwen said: " Maybe some people don't like liveliness by temperament, don't you think the same is true for me?"

Qingshan sat quietly in the distance in the sky, everything in the old house was as usual after eight years.

Qiao Zhuo walked into the dining hall. He originally thought he would see a sumptuous lunch this time, but he didn't expect that there was just another bowl of white porridge!

Qiao Zhuo: "I'm really angry."

System: "Host, don't be angry. You are in poor health and can't eat heavy oil, spicy food, and meat."

Qiao Zhuo: "Oh, you are targeting me on purpose."

The system is about to cry . Without tears, "No."

Baozhu had just tied up Qiao Zhuo's black hair with a red rope when footsteps came from outside the dining hall.

Before anyone arrived, Baozhu said, "Maybe Young Master Yanxi is here."

Qiao Zhuo held the small silver bowl, huh?

Sure enough, a young man in bright azure clothes walked in, with thick eyebrows and starry eyes, and his stride was like a ball of flame.

"Good morning, sir." Yan Xi knelt down and kowtowed very skillfully.

After Qiao Zhuo received eight years of plots from the system, he learned that Yan Xi was highly regarded by him because of his literacy and good math skills. He was vaguely said to be the next big housekeeper among his servants. He would come over every month at the end of the month so that Qiao Zhuo could check the account books.

Qiao Zhuo almost couldn't wait to throw down his spoon. He didn't want to eat white porridge at all.

"Bring it here." Qiao Zhuo narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand from the red fox fur, and grasped the side of the ledger with one hand with sharp bones.

Yan Xi only stared for a moment and never looked up again.

The sound of turning pages sounded above his head, Qiao Zhuo didn't let him get up, so Yan Xi could only keep kneeling.

"Okay." Qiao Zhuo nodded and threw the account book on the table coldly. He tapped his fingers lightly on the table, turned his eyes, and said with a smile: "I didn't eat this bowl of porridge, so I'll reward you."

System: " ..."

In the past, Qiao Zhuo never said a word during reconciliations. Yan Xi came and walked with his head lowered. Others also speculated that he and the master talked more, but in fact they didn't talk much more than the others. But today this is the sun. Come out to the west.

Yan Xi had no choice but to stand up, and Qiao Zhuo personally handed the bowl of porridge to Yan Xi's hand. The man's peach blossom eyes were smiling, like spring river water covered with a layer of mist.

Yan Xi took the bowl, with complicated thoughts in his heart. In the past eight years, he had gradually come into contact with the truth about the sacrifice. No one knew what happened to the group of men and women twelve years ago after they were sent there, but the only thing that could be found out was that no one had ever Came back alive.

Now being appreciated by Qiao Zhuo seems to Yan Xi to be nothing more than an illusion. When the day of sacrifice comes, he still cannot escape death.

The worship of mountain gods in Qiaojia Village can even be said to be crazy. The other people who were admitted together became more and more convinced that they were born to serve the mountain gods under the guidance of the school's rules. Their words gradually became garbled, and Yan Xi only felt that he was awake. Sooner or later people will go crazy here.

The Qiao Zhuo in front of him was both the master who adopted him and the devil who was about to push him into hell.

The naming and adoption back then were not gifts, but chains that trapped him.

[The male protagonist Yan Xi's disgust value is +20. ]

Qiao Zhuo lost the porridge and got an unexpected surprise, and almost laughed for a moment.

Just when Yan Xi was about to turn around and leave, Qiao Dadong walked into the dining hall hurriedly, bent down and said respectfully: "Sir, the shopkeeper Hu from the village is here again."

Hu Rui moved into Qiaojia Village at the beginning of the year and opened a gunpowder factory. There were so many merchants that Qiao Zhuo was a little afraid of him.

But it's only a few points.

Qiao Zhuo snorted coldly, "Just say I'm sick."

Yan Xi listened and couldn't move, so he could only stand in silence.

Qiao Dadong was unwilling to take this hot job, so he turned around and threw it to Yan Xi, saying, "Go out and tell shopkeeper Hu that the master is ill and won't see you."

Yan Xi picked up the account book and the silver bowl and was about to leave, but was stopped by Qiao Dadong again. "Hey, do you know Shopkeeper Hu? He's quite young and always wears a dress..."

Before Qiao Dadong could finish speaking, Yan Xi's eyes were calm and she said, "I know him. I met him at the bank."

Hu Rui was just a talker . No one in the village dared to speak about Qiao Zhuo, a businessman who smelled of copper. But in Yanxi's eyes, there were too many people who coveted this beautiful old man, so many that they couldn't even count the number of them. This group of evil ghosts It is really ridiculous and sad to worship the mountain god devoutly, but at the same time want to blaspheme the god.

Fortunately he never fell into this vortex.

The system prompts: "The male protagonist Yan Xi's career growth value is +2."

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