Chapter 53: What is gay?

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Shilan Yazhu is a famous river view villa area in City A. The environment is pleasant and the price is not sky-high, so it has attracted many petty bourgeoisie and white-collar workers to compete for it, so most people who can live here are It can be called elite.

However, live entertainment has been booming recently, and a large number of Internet celebrities have moved in. Groups of handsome men and beauties can be seen everywhere in the green park.

Su Qianfan stood waiting at the gate, and soon saw a silver Porsche driving over.

The car stopped in front of him. Yu Xuan, who was in the driver's seat, lowered the window and asked, "Where is he?"

Su Qianfan pointed to a row of buildings not far away and said, "Unit 2, west door on the 16th floor." He As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Qiao Zhuo sitting in the passenger seat through the half-covered window.

Qiao Zhuo was wearing a simple shirt at the moment, with a circle of Sanskrit characters still around his neck. The mysterious black circle made his skin look even paler, and the Sanskrit characters seemed to be tightly clinging to his slender neck, adding a little extra weight to the man. Color separation gas.

Su Qianfan blinked, his ears turned red suddenly, and he stuttered when he spoke, "You, you are here too?"

Qiao Zhuo nodded, his voice was cold, "Well, I remember your name is Su Qianfan."

Su Qianfan was stunned, and then He said happily: "Do you know my name? That's right, both master and senior brother called me that day."

Suqian Fan wore gold-rimmed glasses, but he still couldn't hide the stupidity all over his body at this moment. He raised his hand and scratched his hair and suggested He said: "There is some danger inside, why don't you wait at the door."

As soon as Suqian Fan finished speaking, he looked at Qiao Zhuo and suddenly realized what nonsense he had said! The man in front of him is a fierce ghost Rakshasa from thousands of years ago. If we really talk about seniority, the people in the room might even kneel down and kowtow to Qiao Zhuo and call their ancestors.

Qiao Zhuo stared at him with smiling eyes, "Thank you for your concern, but I don't think it's necessary."

Su Qianfan stuttered and smiled awkwardly: "Yes, yes."

Yu Xuanqing narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people who were chatting happily. , before Su Qianfan could continue, he raised the car window directly.

Seeing this, Su Qianfan hurriedly shouted: "Hey, Senior Brother, why did you close the window and not let me get in the car?"

Unlike Su Qianfan who was anxious outside the car, the atmosphere inside the car was gloomy.

Yu Xuan turned his head coldly and heard Qiao Zhuo chuckle and ask: "Is it possible that the little Taoist priest is the reincarnation of a jealous spirit? Where did he get such a jealous smell?"

Yu Xuan held the steering wheel and denied: "I'm not jealous."

Outside the window Su Qianfan was still calling him Senior Brother. In this situation, Yu Xuan's defense was really unconvincing.

Suddenly, Yu Ying, who was wearing a black mask in the back seat, came forward and pretended to be pitiful, "Qiao Zhuo, you had a great time chatting with that man just now."

Yep, he was jealous again.

Qiao Zhuo glanced at Yu Xuan beside him, then at Yu Ying who was stretching half of his body behind him, and found that the emotions of the two people were similar and synchronized, but Yu Ying was more exaggerated, while Yu Xuan was Always hidden behind a cold and handsome face.

Qiao Zhuo asked deliberately: "Are you jealous?"

Yu Ying's evil eyes were very gloomy at the moment, "Yes, Qiao Zhuo, I'm extremely jealous. If you say another word to that man, I'll want to pick him off." Get off his head."

When Yu Xuan heard this, his arms suddenly swelled, and he saw the man's right hand clenching the steering wheel, but his ears quietly stood up.

In the quiet car for a long time, only Qiao Zhuo said with a smile: "Now is a society governed by law. If you pick his head off, big trouble will happen."

Seeing that Yu Ying was still in a low mood, Qiao Zhuo could only reach out and rub his head. , the man's black hair is neither long nor short, very strong, and not soft to the touch. Yu Xuan's cold voice sounded next to him: "Sit forward, it's not safe in the middle of the road."

Seeing Qiao Zhuo about to stop, Yu Ying grabbed the slender wrist dissatisfied, frowned and said, "Knead it again."

Yu Ying said Xuan frowned, and two identical faces with the same expression rarely appeared in front of him. Qiao Zhuo could only stretch out his hand and snore quickly on Yu Ying's head a few more times, then turned around and said, "Okay."

Yu Ying After getting what he wanted, he chuckled, with a haughty look on his face, and opened his mouth to tease: "Some people have a gentleman's attitude, but their inner thoughts are not much better than mine, and they are just pretending."

Yu Xuan lowered his expression and ignored him, Only unlock the car.

Su Qianfan immediately sat in in a hurry and met Yu Ying in the back seat. He was so frightened that he shrank under the window and asked in surprise: "Why is there someone here?"

The man in the back seat was tall, There was a hint of evil in his handsome eyebrows, but most of his face was covered by a black mask. Su Qianfan could not recognize the man's entire face, but he still felt familiar.

Su Qianfan patted Yu Xuan's shoulder nervously and asked, "Elder brother, who is this? Let me introduce you."

Yu Xuan stepped on the accelerator and said nothing, Qiao Zhuo glanced at him with a smile.

In the end, it was Yu Ying himself who said: "My name is Yu Ying, and I am Qiao Zhuo's good friend." He liked this suffix very much and said it like a show off.

Su Qianfan realized that since he was a Rakshasa friend, the identity of the man in front of him should not be underestimated!

Su Qianfan greeted him respectfully, but when he came downstairs, he fled the car as fast as an arrow.

Yu Xuan's expression darkened as soon as he got out of the car. The building in front of him was completely swallowed up by the yin energy. He was not entangled by the children, but he was clearly deliberately provoking the Gumantong whom he invited on his own initiative.

Qiao Zhuo followed Yu Xuan, glanced around with his eyes closed, and said with a half-smile, "It seems you can't help with this order this time."

Yu Ying got behind Qiao Zhuo, "Such a powerful brat?"

Yu Xuan turned around. He turned his head and tugged at the demon-binding red thread quietly with his fingers, "That's not necessarily the case."

Qiao Zhuo felt a tug on his wrist, and he walked towards Yu Xuan uncontrollably.

Yu Ying froze on the spot in surprise, "Qiao Zhuo?"

Qiao Zhuo didn't stop until he was close to Yu Xuan in front of him. The man's full body fragrance hit Yu Xuan's nose.

Qiao Zhuo: "Little Taoist priest, this is not a gentleman's behavior. When did you learn this?"

Yu Xuan held the Bagua tray and showed no panic on his handsome face, pretending not to know what Qiao Zhuo was talking about.

Qiao Zhuo asked the system with a smile: "Why has the male protagonist's disgust level been silent recently?"

The system was autistic and didn't want to speak, and after hearing this, it just sent a period in a lonely voice.

Qiao Zhuo laughed out loud, but the next second the system said: "Host, the male protagonist's career growth value is increasing very slowly, please continue to work hard."

Qiao Zhuo put away his smile and responded, "I will give you one tonight. Big one."

As soon as Qiao Zhuo and the others got off the elevator, they saw a long-haired woman standing at the end of the corridor. There was no ghost about her.

As footsteps sounded, the voice-activated lights at the top of the corridor lit up one after another. The person was not a female ghost, but the client of this order, Yu Tongtong, a big internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans.

Yu Tongtong has long curly chestnut hair. She is wearing a thin pink dress that goes above the knee. Her face is exquisitely made up, and her nails with pink diamonds are frighteningly long. When she saw Su Qianfan, she shouted: "Why have you been there for so long? No Do you know how scared I am alone?!"

Su Qianfan heard her yell and said, "I've only been away for five minutes."

Yu Tongtong said angrily, "Five minutes?" The unclean things came out and caused me some trouble, can you afford to pay for it?"

When Qiao Zhuo and others saw this, they immediately realized that the woman in front of them was an extremely difficult client.

The Taoist Association has strict regulations. Taoist priests cannot use spells to harm ordinary people. Su Qianfan could not really get angry with her, so he could only wink at Yu Xuan.

As soon as Yu Tongtong finished shouting, his eyes fell on Qiao Zhuo and the others behind Su Qianfan.

I saw three handsome men in the corridor. Even though she had been working in the entertainment industry for only half a year, Yu Tongtong was used to seeing handsome men and beautiful women, and she couldn't help but look at them in amazement.

In particular, the tattoos on Qiao Zhuo's neck and wrists were very eye-catching. What was even more attractive was the inexplicable and confusing aura lingering around the man, which made Yu Tongtong look at him again and again.

She pushed Su Qianfan away and came to Qiao Zhuo with a smile: "What's your name, little brother? Have you signed a company? Do you have a girlfriend?"

Yu Ying glanced at Yu Tongtong in disgust and came up before Qiao Zhuo could speak. He hugged the man's slender waist in front of him, and his behavior of declaring status made Yu Xuan frown indifferently.

The two behaved so intimately that outsiders could see their relationship at a glance. Yu Tongtong smiled with interest: "So you two are a couple. It's okay to be gay. There are many people in the circle, so they can still be popular. Maybe you The live broadcast between the two will become even more popular!"

Seeing Yu Tongtong talking, Qiao Zhuo bent his eyes and chuckled, "Let's take a look at the things in your home first."

Qiao Zhuo's voice seemed to have magic power, and Yu Tongtong was stunned. His eyes were dull for a moment, and he immediately nodded and said, "Okay."

Yu Tongtong, who had just been talking nonsense with Suqian Fan for a long time, quickly took out the key and unlocked the door, and stepped aside to make way for the empty space, "Please come in. "

Yu Xuan's eyes fell on Yu Ying's arm hugging Qiao Zhuo. The aura around the man was oppressive. His hand gently pulled the red thread, and Qiao Zhuo immediately walked over to him.

There was no one in Yu Ying's arms, and her face instantly turned gloomy, "Yu Xuan."

Yu Xuan ignored him, grabbed Qiao Zhuo's wrist and walked into the room.

Yu Tongtong, who was left last, gradually woke up and took in the scene that he had just missed. He could not help but whisper in surprise: "Oh, it's quite fancy."

Su Qianfan went straight to the TV cabinet in the living room and opened the wooden cabinet door. , turned to Yu Xuan and said: "This is it."

As soon as the cabinet door opened, the ghostly aura rose into the sky. Yu Tongtong turned pale with fright, grabbed her face with both hands, and turned around to hide in Yu Ying who was closest to her. He was trembling behind him and shouting: "Don't let it see me!"

Inside the cabinet door was the enshrined Gumantong, with a twisted figure.

Yu Xuan twisted the sword in his hand, lowered his eyes and recited a spell. Most of the ghost energy in the room instantly dissipated. Then he saw the man pull out the talisman and put it on Gu Mantong's forehead. The green and white talisman array slowly rose up, covering it. , the shrill scream of a baby suddenly sounded, shocking the whole building.

Yu Tongtong was so frightened that she tightly grasped the hem of Yu Ying's clothes, but she never thought that the man would step aside and avoid him.

Just as Yu Tongtong was about to say dirty words, she was frightened by Yu Ying's stern gaze.

Yu Ying: "Stay away from me."

When Yu Tongtong saw that Yu Xuan was the only one casting spells, he thought that the rest were just idiots like Su Qianfan, and cursed casually: "You're gay."

Yu Tongtong's eyes were confused for a long time, He turned around and asked seriously: "Qiao Zhuo, what is gay?"

Qiao Zhuo, who was watching the fun with his arms crossed: "..."

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